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17 Cards in this Set

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Extends protection of bill of rights against state and local laws
Establishment clause
Establishes that the first amendment will not respect any organization of religion
Seditious speech
Speech urging resistance to lawful authority
Parochial school
Religious school
Written note meant to damage a person's reputation
Prior restraint
Government censorship of information before it is aired
Gag order
Prevents the press from publishing classified information about a court case
To keep isolated
Shield laws
Laws protecting reporters from being forced to give information that is classified
Heckler’s veto
Society disallowing a disliked group from freely speaking by threatening violence
Legal process to allow citizenship
Exclusionary rule
Doesn't allow illegally obtained evidence to be used in court.
Affirmative action
System that gives jobs, government contracts, promotion, admission to schools, and other benefits to minorities
Adversary system
Has two attorneys bring their best case on both sides.
Hung jury
Jury that is unable to come to a conclusion
Rational basis test
Test used to make sure a state law is relevant to what the needs of the government are
Suspect classifications
Classification based on race