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23 Cards in this Set

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A system of government in which people freely choose an election who will cover them; the principles and ideas of such a government, including free speech and the rule of law

Pressure Groups

Organized groups of individuals with common interests and concerns who attempt to pressure political decision makers; also known as interest groups

Example : NRA (National Rifle Association)

Lobbyists (and example)

A person hired to represent the interests of a pressure group by influencing policy decision makers in the group's favor

Example: NRA (National Rifle Association)


Political and social principles or beliefs

Representative Democracy

a system in which citizens elect a politician who then makes decisions for them

Direct Democracy

A system in which citizens vote directly on every issue


A political and economic system in which the means of production and distribution in a country are publicly owned and controlled for the benefit of all members of a society

they believe that the government should control important parts of the economy and major industries


a political philosophy supporting individual freedoms and governmental protection of civil liberties

It believes that the government should intervene to regulate the economy. On a social level, liberalism supports government intervention to maintain basic living standards for all people and to protect the rights of individuals


A political philosophy supporting Traditional Values and institution and opposing sudden change.

it is less of an ideology than is a stance taken against change, Innovation, and reform. it supports minimal government intervention in the economy


A social and economic ideology that believes property, production, and distribution of goods and services should be owned by the public, and that the labor force should be organized for the benefit of all members of society.

Most parties that develop from this ideology were one-party States, and maintain their power through propaganda, secret police, and government control of its citizens


An authoritarian system of government that exercises complete power, suppresses opposition, often through use of force, and encourages nationalism and racism

They believe that a country is an organic community community requiring strong leadership, a collective identity, and military strength. Emphasize nationalism and militarism


A form of government that uses intimidation, violence, and propaganda to rule all aspects of the social and political life of its citizens


A form of government in which one individual or small group holds all the powers and directs the lives of citizens

Political spectrum

A linear visual use to illustrate political ideologies from left to right

Party platform

A list of a list of priorities and a plan for governing published by a political party


A favor, often a government position, given in return for political support

Executive Branch

The executive branch implements the law

it is made out of the Prime Minister and cabinet


an order signed by the governor general (or the lieutenant governor in the province) on the advice of the Prime Minister (or Premier) and cabinet; allows laws and regulations to be passed without a parliamentary vote Used for Senate appointment, for necessary changes in law, and in the case of real or perceived emergencies

Senate stage

the bill is sent to the Senate where it follows the similar process. If it is a provincial bill this stage is skipped

Electroral district, riding, consitutuency

Graphical area of a given size or population used as a unit in elections

First past the post

An electrical system in which the candidate who has more votes than any other candidate wins

Legislative Branch

They make the laws

it is made out of the Senate and the House of Commons

Royal Assent

the Governor-General of Canada give their bill royal assent, meaning that it becomes law. If it is a provincial or territorial bill, the Lieutenant-governor of the province or territory grants royal ascent