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22 Cards in this Set

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Who are poor people more likely to vote for?

Who are rich or upper-middle class people more likely to vote for?

Lower class = Democrat
Upper class = Republican

What was the Motor Vehicle Act of 1993?

Enabled people to vote at motor vehicle departments.

What is political socialization?

The process by which a person develops their political beliefs

What are public opinion polls?

Public opinion polls are a primary barometer of how and why the voter behaves. They are conducted to gauge the feelings and attitudes of the electorate.

What was the Welfare Reform Act of 1996?

Denied welfare benefits to legal immigrants.

What was the Simpson-Marzzoli Act?

reform of immigration laws that required companies not to knowingly hire illegal immigrants, and that all illegals immigrants from before 1982 could apply for citizenship.

What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

increased the opportunity for minorities to register and allowed the attorney general to prevent state interference in the voting process.

What party and issues do people with landline phones tend to support?

Republican parties and issues.

What part of the US constitution gives states the freedom to determine voting procedures?

The Reserve Powers clause of the Tenth Ammendment

What amendment gave freed slaves the right to vote?

The 15th amendment

What was the 15th amendment?

It gave freed slaves the right to vote

What was the 17th amendment?

Changed the meaning of Article 1 Section 2 to allow eligible voters to select senators directly.

What amendment gave women the right to vote?

The nineteenth amendment

What amendment outlawed the poll tax?

The 24th amendment

What was the 24th amendment?

Outlawed the poll tax

What was the 26th amendment?

prohibited the federal and states gov from denying voting rights to 18 years olds

What amendment changed the voting age to 18?

The 26th amendment.

What court case established the one man, one vote principle?

Baker vs. Carr

What was established in Baker vs. Carr?

the one man, one vote principal.

Where were the immigrant from before the Civil War from?

England, Ireland, and Germany

Where were the immigrants from after the Civil War?

Italians, Jews, Asians, Poles, and Russians

Where was the center of immigration in the early 1900s?

Ellis Island