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47 Cards in this Set

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a doctrine or practice that emphasizes vigorous action or force to obtain political goals
political theory holding all forms of gvt authority to be unnecessary and advocating society based on voluntary cooperation. End result - communism (ideal)
a state of lawlessness or poltical disorder caused by the absence of gvt authority
one who distrusts educated people and fears intellectuals may gain influence in the gvt
a system in which power is concentrated in a leader or group not constitutionally responsible to the people
aform of gvt where a single person holds unlimited power
"two houses" refers to the number of divisions within a stat'es legislative branch
a large, complex administrative structure that handles the everyday business of an organization
an economic system based onprovate property, individual's self-interest, and other market factors such as competition and supply and demand
center political
the vast majority of citizens. Individuals who favor gradual progress without drastic change in the existing system
individual who prefer a "hands off" approach to government. However, prefer increased involvement in moral regulation
command economy
a system where the government dictates what should be produced, how it is produced, and who produces it (factors of production)
a theory based on the ideas of Marx and Lenin that all goods should be owned in common and available to all as neded. However, this ultimately had to be achieved by a single-party totalitarian state operating a command economy. Revolutionary socialism.
basic principle that government and those who govern must obey the law; the rule of law (limited government)
a theory of government that holds the supreme power is vested in the people
divine right of kings
the belief that a king rules through the will of god
the belief in leadership or rule by the elite or upper classes
the social, economic, and political leaders of an established order of society
ethical/moral absolutism
the tendency to see problems involving ethics or morals in BLACK AND WHITE terms
one who takes an extreme position on political issues, either far to the right or far to the left of the political center
political system that exalts nation and race. they stand for a centralized autocratic gvt headed by a dictatorial leader
free market economy
an economy whose key economic questions (factors of production) are decided by market factors without interference from the gvt
free enterprise
an economy system characterzed by private or corporate ownership of capital goods. investments are determined by private decision rather than by state control and such decsion occurred in a free market
grass roots
a term referring to the local level of political opinion. a politician goes to the grass roots to out how the voters at home feel about issues
one who favors world government and the surrender of all national sovereignty in the interests of international cooperation
left wing
persons or ideas favoring chang in existing laws, generally strengthening the influence of government on society. liberal or radical section of political part.
one who prefers a more "hands on" approach to gvt. prefer increased incolvement in issue of health and wealth, but want gvt out of moral issues
a public declaration of intentions, motives, or views
market factors (Adam Smith's invinvible hand)
supply and demand, competition, and self-interest for example
persons or ideas favoring more mainstream approaches to gvt. generally not alligned with any party
centralized, hereditary gvt in which power is passed down from one generation to the next
where one company is the sole producer of a product. as the sole producer, the market factors of competition nd supply and demand are unable to control the price of the market
a sense of national consciousness exalting one's own nation above all others and believing that its interest should be promoted even at the expense of other nations
nonprofit organization
a business that operates without the goal of a profit. all money above costs goes directly back into the business
where a few share and distribute all authority. this group is usually self-appointed and quite often formed by a wealthy segment of society
a system of gvt in which the chief executive is picked directly from the legislature
partipatory democracy
individuals sharing in the decisions determing the quality and direction of national life
party line
the official principals and policies of a political party
originally a US political movement of the late 19th century representing the interests of faerms. currently it is associated with a fight for the "common man" against the "overwhelming" interest of big business
a systm of gvt in which the chief executibe is picked separatle from the legisilature and is therefore a separate but equal branch
one who favors extreme change in the existing poltical, economic, or social systems
one who stronyly disapproves of current policies and practices and favors a return to an earlier and simpler time
right wing
one who generally supports the traditional system and is slow to accept change--especially when that change involves more gvt involvement. includes the conservative and reactionary side of the political spectrum
republic (representative democracy)
a form of gvt where the sovereign power is held by the electorate, however that power is exercised by representatives chosen by and held responsible to the people
a theory that favors gvt ownership of all the major means of production, transportation, and communication. this type of economy's overriding principle is shared wealth
the major religion and gvt are one in the same. all government organizations are run as religious elements
a gvt controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition, often with force, and which controls many aspects of citizen's lives