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37 Cards in this Set

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What is a Budget?
A plan for raising and spending money. (created by president and congress)
What are Revenues?
Governments income
What are expenditures?
items that the government plans to spend money on and the amound expected.
What is a fiscal year?
From October 1 to September 30- (not a calendar year)
Explain how a budget begins?
Budget begins in the office of Management and Budget(OMB) President sends budget to congress for approval. Congress then passes a budget resolution. The budget resolution is divided into 2 spending types.
What are the two types of spending that takes place in government?
Mandatory Spending: does not need anual approval
Discretionary Spending: must be approved by congress each year.
What does congress split Discretionary Spending into?
13 Appropriations Bills
What is an Appropriations Bill?
a law that approves spending for a particular activity.
What is an Income Tax?
Tax on income (16th am.)- Personal and Corporate
What are the 4 guildlines to taxation created by Adam Smith?
1.Based on Person's ability to pay.
2.Clear and Straightforward
3. Collected in most convient way.
4. Collected Efficiantly
What is Progressive Tax?
Earn more, pay more
Proportional Tax?
same percentage of each person's income is taken.
Regressive Tax?
everyone pays the same amount.
What is the amound remaining after all taxables deductions to your income?
Taxable Income
What are some examples of Tax deductions?
marriage, children, Medical/Charitable expenses.
What do employers do to workers paycheck?
subtract a certain portion of paycheck. So taxpayers only owe a "small" amount at the end of the year.
Why are more Federal and State income taxes progressive?
Because lower income families spend a larger percentage of their earnings on necessities. The wealthier can share a larger share of the tax burgen.
What are property taxes based on? It is the largest source for what?
PT based on value of property. It is the largest source of revenues for local gov. and school districts.
What is an Assessor? How is Property Tax related to its worth?
examine propery and decide how much its worth. Property Tax is the percent of the assessed amount.
Sales Tax is a what type of tax?
What is an general sales tax?
collected on nearly everything
Excise Tax?
Collected on specific products.. cigarettes/alcohol
(sin tax)
In many states medical supplies and groceries are_________
not taxable b/c they are necessities
Estate/Inheiritance Tax?
taxes paid on inheirited property and money.
Payroll Tax?
collected by Fed. gov. from workes paycheck to pay for Social Security and Medicare.
import tax created to protect American industries.
sum of money give for a specific purpose(highways
Block Grant?
combination of specific grants-in-aid. Ex.- transporatation.
What are the largest expeditures of the Fed. Governement?
Social Security(21%)
National Defense(17.4%)
Why are Social Security expenses expected to grow?
the number of older people is growing.
What is the 2nd highest expiditure of State Government?
Education- higher education (colleges/universities)
What is the highest expiditure of local governments?
Elementary and Secondary education
When gov. spend more money than they bring in?
when gov. spends less than it collects.
National Debt?
total amount the governmet oWes on money it's borrowed.
How does the government try to cut the deficit?
by "balance the budget"- budget where expenditures do not exceed the Revenues
Most states require a what?
a balanced budget or they must cut services.