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59 Cards in this Set

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What does the 1st amendment protect?
freedom of speech, religion, assembly, to petition the government and press
What supreme court case determined the right to believe anything regarding religion, but not the right to commit illegal acts?
Reynolds vs. United states
What did the supreme court say about school-sponsored prayer?
Prayer is unconstitutional establishment of religion
What was the main reason the supreme court gave for the 2005 decision to uphold the ten commands display in Texas, but not in kentucky?
KY displays more religious
during the Nixon administration, what did the court say about newspapers publishing classified government documents?
newspapers has right to publish classified government documents
regarding free speech, what is sedition?
oral or written advocacy of rebellion
what form of speech is protected in the controversial free- speech issue of flag burning?
symbolic speech
what does the court say about the 2nd amendment right to bear arms?
Court found right to bear arms an individual right
what is libel?
What is slander?
congress has attempted to limit free speech on the internet for what kind of material?
porn of children
the 5th amendment protects against self-incrimination, know has this works regarding taking a stand in your own defense
innocent until proven guilty
what is double jeopardy?
cannot be tried twice
what supreme court case is the background for police officer warnings for arrested persons?
Miranda vs. Arizona
Which amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishments?
8th amendment
Civil rights
Rights of an individual not to be discriminated against race, sex or nationality
Which amendment attempted the give freed slaves full citizenship rights
14th and 15th
What is Frederick Douglas known for?
try to free slaves, abolitionist movement
Which supreme court case established the "separate but equal doctrine"?
Plessy vs. Ferguson
How has the NAACP created change in the cvili rights for minorities?
Court actions
What happened following the supreme court's Brown vs. Board of Education regarding implementation of desegregation?
nothing changed
What is de facto segregation
housing patterns that causes segregation
Which amendment granted women the right to vote?
19th amendment
What does the American with disabilities Act outlaw?
Employment discrimination against the disabled
What is the purpose of the equal employment opportunity commission?
IF you have a have problem in workplace, you have power to go to EEOC to solve it
What is the definition of disability under the supreme courts interpretation of the American Disabilities act?
Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major daily activities
What did the Dred Scott supreme court case rule regarding slaves?
slaves not citizens
In what case did the court rule that segregated educations facilities are inherently unequal?
Brown vs. board of education
Who benefitted the most from Title IX in regards to the 1964 civil rights act?
women athletes
Restrictions to the right to an abortion have changed as a result of what?
Still federally protected but many states have put restrictions on it
What is a group theory as a public theory?
holds public policy, is a product of competitions
What id the elite theory as a public policy theory?
Holds public policy theory
What did the nations annual budgets deficits do from 1993 to 1997?
What policies favor private, nongovernmental solutions to problems?
Conservative policies
Social security benefits fit under what type of policy?
distributive policy
Which institution implements monetary policy through managing he money supply?
federal reserve
Who is most closely associated with fiscal policy theories?
John Maynard keynes
What two broad sets of tools are used the managing the economy?
fiscal and monetary policy
What money policy operated mainly through raising and lowering tax rated and levels of public expenditure?
Fiscal policy
Keynesian economics say the government should do what during the bad times?
spend more money
What policy did Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush all support?
increasing free trade policies
what money policy stressed the importance of reducing inflation at all costs through control of the money supply?
monetary policy
What are the trends of welfare enrollment since the personal responsibility and work opportunity act f 1996?
number of people on welfare decreased, in 2007 it increased
adjusting economy in small amounts
what is the realism theory of international relations?
cooperation among nations is limited by competition
what is the liberalism theory of international relations?
Believes that capitalism and democracy working through international institutions can produce peaceful cooperation among nations.
What is balance of power in international relations
increased armament and create alliances
which policy is related to the US declaring domination in the Western Hemisphere
monroe doctrine
Wealth and power go together and pursue policies to increase wealth
What is isolationism in foreign policy?
holds nations interests are best served by having minimum involvement in world affairs
who can be considered the hegmon of Asia
What president tried the ideal liberalism policies and when did he do it
Woodrow wilson, After WW1
Regarding foreign affairs, what did George Washington warn the US people about when he left office?
support isolationism
When was the dentente policy used in US foreign policy?
1970's, used to normalize relations during cold war
Where has president obama focused most of the fighting of terrorism?
When did the military action start against Iraq?
After we did not find weapons against mass destruction
What does dualism refer to in regards to America's 2 basic objectives in foreign policy matters?
1. ensure security, 2. be model of democracy
What does preemption mean in foreign affairs in regards to President George W. Bush's foreign goals after September 11, 2001?
Use military force to prevent hostile acts, protections
What did our 1st president, Washington, warn against when he left office?
Dangers of getting involved in foreign affairs