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71 Cards in this Set

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requirements to be President

35 years old

Natural Born

be a resident for at least 14 years

Requirements for senator

30 years old

live in state representing

live in that state for 9 years

Requirements for Congressmen

25 years old

live in state representing

7 year resident of that state

Checks and balances

ensures no one branch gets too powerful

ensures no one branch gets too powerful

1st amendment

The right to







2nd amendment

The right to bear arms

3rd Amendment

No quartering solders

4th amendment

no unreasonable searches/seizures

(need a warrent)

5th amendment

The right to remain silent (no self incrimination)

No double jeopardy

Due process of law

6th - 12th amendments

6 - rights of accused (speedy, Public trial)

7 - Trial by jury

8 - no excessive bail / cruel unusual punishment

9 - other rights

10 - Powers reserved to the states

11 - limits on lawsuits against states

12 - procedure of electing president / vice P

13th Amendment

Made slavery illegal

14th amendment

Protects the rights of citizens, originally protecting the rights of freed slaves

15th amendment

guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race

16th amendment

gives congress power to levy (collect) income tax

17th amendment

provided for the direct election of senators


prohibited the sale, transport, and production of alcohol

(no alcohol allowed)


gave woman the right to vote


repealed the 18th amendment allowing alcohol


limited the president to 2 terms in office





20 - changes dates of Pres/cong terms

23 - gives DC the right to vote

24 - Abolishes poll taxes

27 - congress pay raise next term


provided the formal procedure for filling a vacancy in the oval office


moved the voting age to 18

Code of Hammurabi

The first written code of law

Justinian Code

The result of an emperor simplifying Roman law into an orderly body of rules

Napoleonic Code

Code of law shaped by the Justinian Code and was eventually brought into all lands he conquered

Common law

a system of law based on precedent and customs

Articles of the Constitution (part 1)

1 - Legislative branch

2 - Executive Branch

3 - Judicial Branch

Articles of the Constitution (part 2)

4 - relationships between states

5 - Amendment process

6 - Supremacy clause

7 - Ratification


Supreme Court Case (1)

Brown v. Bored of education (1954) - overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, which said blacks and whites can be separate but equal

Supreme Court Case (2)

Reed v. Reed - (1971) - ruled that state laws discriminating against woman was unconstitutional

Supreme Court Case (3)

Miranda v. Arizona (1966) - suspects can't be questioned until them are read they're rights

How a bill becomes a law*

Proposed house 2 committee

House 1 committee Floor debate

floor debate basic majority

basic majority vote president


President signs

president pocket vetos W/ congress out of session

How a bill doesn't become a law*

denied at:

committee 1

floor 1(not over 50% vote)

committee 2

Floor 2

president vetos

president pocket vetos W/ congress in session

Great Compromise

Agreement providing a dual system of congressional representation

(2 house congress - 1 based on equality - 1 based on population)

Three fifths compromise

agreement providing that enslaved persons would count as three-fifths of other persons in determining representation in Congress

Types of governemnt*

Representative Democracy Authoritarian

(Pick to rule for us) (total control)

Republic (USA) Absolute Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy Dictatorship

Totalitarian state

Miranda Warning

List of rights police must inform persons of before questioning, including the right against self incrimination and the right to council

Double Jepardy

putting someone on trial for a crime for which he or she was previously acquitted

Types of Civil Law

Contract law

property law

family law

personal injury law


Delinquent Offenders

a youth who has committed an offence that is punishing by criminal process

(illegal as an adult)

Status Offenders

a youth being charged with being beyond the control of his or her legal guardian

(only illegal as a child - running from home)

Special District

A unit of government that deals with a specific function, such as education, water supply, or transportation

(Bart or School district)

Metropolitan area

a large city and it's suburbs


type of crime more serious than a misdemeanor, punishable by over a year of jail time


the person in a civil case who claims to have been harmed (the prosecution)


the person in a civil case who is said to have caused harm

Line- Item Veto

vetoing a specific part of a bill

(only for the governor)

trial court

type of court in which a judge or jury listens to the evidence and reaches a verdict in favor of one party or another in the case


the least serious type of crime, punishable by less than a year of jail time

Reserved powers

powers that the constitution does not give to the national government, and that are kept by the states

Concurrent powers

powers shared by the state and federal governments

Enlightenment thinkers

Baron be Montesquieu - separation of powers and checks and balances

Enlightenment thinkers 2

John Locke - government by the consent of the people

Extending the right to vote

15th amendment - Colored people can vote

19th - woman can vote

23rd - DC can vote

26th - 18 and up can vote

Direct Primary

an election in which voters choose candidates to represent each political party in a general election. The party chooses their representative to run for president ( they win the primaries and go to the general election)

Closed Primary

An election in which only the declared members of a political party are allowed to vote for that party's nominees

Open Primary

an election in which voters need not declare their party preference


the most votes among all those running for a political office


a number that is more than 50% of the total


a procedure by which citizens can propose new laws or state constitutional amendments


a procedure by which citizens vote on state or local laws


a special election in which citizens can vote to remove a public official from office

Electoral College

a group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president

Popular vote

the votes cast by individual voters in a presidential election, as opposed to the electoral vote

(we vote for people to vote for us)

-purpose is to pick electors

representative democracy

a government in which citizens choose a smaller group to govern on their behalf

republic democracy

citizens have a role in choosing the person who will be head of state

constitutional monarchy

monarchy in which the power of the hereditary ruler is limited by the country's constitution and laws

authoritarian regime

a government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power

(power is held by a person or group not accountable to the people)


describes a system in which government control extends to almost all aspects of peoples lives

absolute monarchy

a type of governemnt with no limit to their power


government with total control - but position is taken by force (overthrow existing gov) - Hitler