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59 Cards in this Set

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Natural-born citizen

Citizen in a nation from birth, usually by being born there.

Speaker of the House

Constitutional and political leader of the House

President Pro Tempore

Constitutional leader of the Senate.

Cabinet secretaries

Heads of cabinet departments and chief advisers to the president on the issues under their jurisdiction.

Cabinet departments

Executive branch organizations responsible for carrying out federal policy in a speci c set of issue areas

Term limits

Limits on the number of elected terms an elected official may serve

Lame Duck

Term-limited official in his or her last term of office.

Cold War (1948-89)

Economic competition and political conflict between Communist and democratic nations

Imperial Presidency

Power of the president to speak for the nation on the world stage and to set the policy agenda at home


General power of president to grant mercy for a federal criminal offense


Full forgiveness for a crime


Decision to shorten a federal prison sentence.

Political appointees

Individuals appointed to federal jobs by the president with the explicit task of carrying out his political and partisan agenda.

Civil servants

Federal employees hired through a merit-based system to implement federal programs and who are expected to be neutral in their political a liation.


Authority of the president to block legislation passed by Congress.

Pocket veto

Automatic veto that occurs when Congress goes out of session within ten days of submitting a bill to the president and the president has not signed it.


Congress’ power to overturn a presidential veto with a two-thirds vote in each chamber.

Omnibus Bills

Lengthy pieces of legislation that include provisions a ecting a wide range of programs.

Divided government

Situation when one party controls the executive and the other party controls the legislature.

State of the Union address

Speech given by the president to Congress every January on the condition of the country.


Process whereby the House brings charges against the president (or other federal officials) that will, upon conviction by the Senate, remove him from office


Orders issued by a legal authority demanding that an individual appear to testify at, or turn over documents relevant to, a legal proceeding.

Watergate scandal

Scandal uncovered by Washington Post reporters that led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon

Executive privilege

President’s right to engage in confidential communications with his advisers.


lying under sworn oath

articles of impeachment

List of charges against the president in an impeachment proceeding.

abuse of power

Charge against office holders for taking advantage of the powers of their office for personal gain

presidential directive

Official instructions from the president regarding federal policy

executive order

Presidential directive that usually involves implementing a specific law.

Federal Register

Offi cial published record of all executive branch rules, regulations, and orders.


Presidential directive usually issued to declare a change in federal policy

Military orders

Presidential directive that gives instructions to a branch of the armed forces

presidential directive on national security

Presidential directive that deals with government action in the area of foreign policy and is not publicly released.

military tribunal

Specially created court that determines the innocence or guilt of enemy combatants

signing statements

Written remarks issued by the president when signing a bill into law that often re ect his interpretation of how the law should be implemented.

bully pulpit

Nickname for the power of the president to use the attention associated with the o ce to persuade the media, Congress, and the public to support his policy positions.

approval rating

Job performance evaluation for the president, Congress, or other public o cial or institution that is generated by public opinion polls and typically reported as a percentage.

head of state

Title given to the president as national leader.

federal budget

Budget of all federal programs, typically released by the president in early February.

War Powers Act (1973)

Provides that the president cannot send troops into military con ict for more than 90 days without seeking a formal declaration of war from Congress.

Geneva Conventions

Set of treaties that de ne lawful military combat and protect the rights of prisoners of war.

Executive Office of the President

Organization that houses all staff who work directly for the president.

White House Office

President’s personal staff organization.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

President’s budget office

National Security Council (NSC)

President’s personal set of advisers on international security

Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)

President’s personal set of advisers on the economy.

chief of staff

Person who coordinates and oversees interactions among the president, his personal sta , and his cabinet secretaries.

New Deal

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s program for ending the Great Depression through government intervention in the economy and a set of safety-net programs for workers.

fireside chat

Radio addresses by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that were the rst regular communications from the president to a large portion of the American public.

Court-packing plan

President Franklin Roosevelt’s proposal to add new justices to the Supreme Court so that the Court would uphold his policies

Great Society

Lyndon B. Johnson’s program for expanding the federal social welfare programs in health care, education, and housing, and ending poverty.

federal budget deficit

Di erence between the amount of money the federal government spends in outlays and the amount of money it receives from revenues.


Downturn in economic activity, with declines in employment levels, income, retail spending, and industrial production.

fiscal policy

Means of controlling the money supply through taxing and spending.


Condition in which money supply and higher wages leads to large increases in prices.

Internal Revenue Service

Executive branch agency that collects federal taxes.

national debt

Sum of loans and interest that the federal government has accrued over time to pay for the federal de cit.

monetary policy

Means of controlling the money supply through control of interest rates and availability of credit, managed by a central bank, the Federal Reserve.

Federal Reserve Board

Independent regulatory commission that affects the money supply by setting the reserve requirements of member banks, establishing a discount rate for loans to member banks, and buying or selling government securities.