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52 Cards in this Set

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Normative Questions
a speculative quetsion-asks what might be-no correct answer
ex. Will China become Democratic?
Empirical Questions
Quantitative question-has specific scientific based data
ex. How much has China's GDP grown in the past 20 years
Insitutions, people, a group that has power to offect chage, an organization within a monopoly in decision-making in an area
A group of people bound together by race, religion, or backgroud, psycological
state, government, regime, and people who live within a particular political system. hardware
the fundamental rules and norms of politics indicates long term goals. software. Authoritarian, democratic
a particular group of people and their culture, interactions with eachother and political institutions
The people/elite who are in charge of running the state- we run over our gov. regularly. operators not irreplaceble
groups that exercise policy-making authority. Organizations that are self-perpetuation have intrensive value governmetn functions. legislative, judicial, exectutive
Political Culture
History, culture, values, beliefts and traditions that influence our beliefs about politics. ex. gay rights and bible
Who gets what, when and how struggle for decision-making authority within a group. ex. allocation or rewards
acceptance of the governemnts right to rule. ex 2000 election (no one proposed Bush's inauguration even though he lost pop vote. US has high degree
Traditional Legitimacy
rooted in tradion, myth and legend. Based on the way it's always been. ex. Great Britain, monarchies
Charismatic LEgitimacy
based on the power of ideas and the ability to sell these ideas ex. Reagan, Jesus, hitler, Mohammed
Rational-Legal Legitimacy
based on the rule of law. ex. Hitler US Presidents, PMs
ability to carry out actions independent of internal/external actors. Most nation states ahve high levels. ex. US-high low-Iraq
when a political regime is overthrown, sweeping social changes
apparent connection
change in one variable causing a change in another
Politiacl Cleavatge
factions that switch out groups. ex. ethnicity, race, religion, gender, class
Crosscutting Cleavage
divisions taht cut across differences. ex. political parties
coinciding (cumulative) cleavages
divisions that strengthen feelings of difference and discrepancy
Liberal Democracy
democracy with strong protection of civil rights and liberties. high access to information, high level of political competition, economic freeedom. ex. Canada, Western Europe
Illiberal Democracy
Not strong protection of civil rights and liberties, no political competition, limited economic freedom and access to information. ex. Russia, and Iran
Social Democracy
emphasize economic equality, high taxes, throrough and generous welfare benefits and programs. ex. sweden frace germany
political economic system baded on public ownership of the means of production, dictatoriship, authroitarism...
gov't based on cohesion. ex sadam hussein, n korea, china
Type of authoritarian government in which groups are gi en a monopoly in repretestienting an interest. Creates limitedpublic influence. ex. mexico until 1996
type of cohersion. governments attempt to co-op competition, give someone a benefit
form of gov've where religion and gov't are intertwined
political ideology
a set of political values about what the goals of govt should be
liberalism (as a plitical ideology)
someone who favors a limited state role in society and the economy, high value of individual freedom
political attitude taht questions the need for change and supports the current order
little or no intereference in the economy and person freedoms. would favor legalization of drugs, laissez faire economy
Political Attitude
a way to descirbe what a person feels about the pace and method of change of the gov't
liberalism (as an attitude)
favors evolutionary change within a society
someone who wants to restore or imagine an real social and political order
dramatic and revolutionary change
pride in one's people and belief that they have a unique political destiny
political ideology based on the idea there are groups superior to others characterized by low levels of personal and eocnomic freedom to maximize state power
proporational Representatiion
electoral system in which political parties compete in multimember districts. You vote for a party not people. Seats awarded by percent of the popular vote. ex. germany
first past the post/single member districts
canidate who wins the vote gets the seat. ex. US
political econmoy
study of interaection between markets and the state
Developed Countries
high standard of living, high tech economy, 1st world contries. US, Great Britain, Germany, Austrailia
Developing Countries "nic" third world
Newly industrialized contry, rapid economic growth, low/average incomes, underdeveloped infrastructures. ex. Mexico india east asian countries
Under-developed countries
poorest of the poor
Neoliberal Economic Reformas
Economic reforms taht introduce market concpets to a mixed or comand economy. Few restrictions on economic or property rights. ex Mexico Nigeria China
GDP Gross Domestic Product
value of all goods and services produced in a country in 1 year. rough estimate of overall economic wealth
Purchasing Power Party (PPP)
Estimate of buying power using the US as a benchmark
Human Development Index (HDI)
Estimate of overall health wealth and education of a country's people
Gini Index
Formula that meausres level of inequality in a country
0= perfect equality
100= perfect inequality
Process of expanding and intensifying likages among states, societies and economies