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33 Cards in this Set

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an institution that rules a nation-state
has the characteristics of territory, people, and government
condition where there is no government
state of nature
putting the common good above your own individual interests
civic virtue
English document initiating the concept of limited government
Magna Carta
proposed the concept that people had certain natural rights
John Locke
rule by the people
rule by a small group
advocated separation of powers within a government
one of the most important founders responsible for creating the U.S. Constitution adapting classical ideas into a representative Democracy
James Madison
rule by a single authority
life, liberty, and property
natural rights
In order for a government to be this the people have to give their consent to be ruled by it
an agreement to make a government and give it power to create and enforce laws in return for the security of government
social contract
establishing the contract of government or agreeing to one already established
explicit consent
A set of rules and laws, customs and traditions that set forth the basic way a government is organized and operated
The powers of the government are limited by a constitution
constitutional government
Concept of U.S. government that divides its power amongst three branches
Separation of Powers
Each branch of government has its own powers but can be limited by another branch
checks and balances
Document that confirmed that taxes could only be raised with the consent of Parliament and strenghtened the ideas that English subjects enjoyed certain fundamental rights
Petition of Right
English document the emerged from the Glorious Revoulution that placed dominant power of goverment with Parliament
English Bill of Rights
Legal document issued by the monarch to groups wishing to start a colony
Developed the first colonial law-making assembly that showed representative government beyond the British authority
Virginia colony
Established a tradition of self-government in New England, drawn up before landing in Plymouth
Mayflower Compact
First colonial constitution, incorporated basic concepts of representative democracy
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
War that changed British policy of salutary neglect and passed a series of Acts on the colonies
French and Indian
First experience of unity against British authority by the colonists in response to a tax on all printed material
Stamp Act Congress
Wrote a declaration of rights and grievances and heard opinions of independence from people like Patrick Henry
First Continental Congress
All colonies were represented by delegates and appointed a committee for drafting the Declaration of Independence and approves on July 4, 1776
Second Continental Congress
Explains the colonists efforts to achieve a peaceful settlement and their resolve to be free
Final part of the Declaration of Independence
maintain public order, provide for national defense, and public services
purpose of government
first U.S. constitution, did not provide the means for a strong central government
Articles of Confederation
a loose organization of states for a specific common goal(s)