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237 Cards in this Set

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Bartholin gland's infection most commonly caused by
N. gonorrhea
Gram - diplococci that causes granuloma inguinale
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
Yeasts and psuedohyphae part of normal vaginal flora
Candida Albicans
Second most common cause of vaginitis in US
Candida Albicans
Risk factors for Candida Albicans
DM, Antibiotics, OCP, and pregnancy
Puritic vaginitis with white discharge and fiery red mucosa
Candida Albicans
Tx for Candida Albicans
Sterile pyuria, epididmytitis, proctatitis
C. trahomatis
Cervicitis, PID, periheptitis
Conjuctivitis in newborn
Tx for C.trachomatis
Azithromycin 1g single dose; or doxcycline
Gram - rod that causes vaginitis
Gardenella vaginalis
Most common cause of vaginitis
Gardenella vaginalis
Clue cells in vaginal smear
Gardenella vaginalis; cells cling to to squamous cells of vagina
Tx for Gardenella vaginalis; during pregnancy
Metronidazole; same
Gram - rod that causes chancroid, STD
Haemophilus ducreyi
Male dominant disease 10:1 high incidence of HIV
Haemophilus ducreyi
Signs of Haemophilus ducreyi infection
painful genital and perianal ulcers with suppurative inguinal lymph nodes
School of fish appearance on Gram stain
Haemophilus ducreyi
Tx for Haemophilus ducreyi
Ceftriaxone or azithromycin 1 g
HSV-2 infection is best seen on
Tzanck preparation
What does HSV-2 look like on Tzanck preparation?
Multinucleated squamous cells with eonsinophilic intranuclear inclusions
Tx for HSV-2
Assoc with condylommata venerum
Which types of HPV are low risk
6 and 11
Most common overall STD;
HPV; 80% of women will have aquired it by age 50
Which types of HPV are cancerous?
16 and 18
What does HPV look like under the microscope?
Koilocytic change in squamous epi:
Nuclear enlargement (two to three times normal size)
Irregularity in the nuclear contour (occasionally)
Hyperchromasia (occasionally)
Perinuclear clearing
These cells have wrinkled pyknotic nuclei surrounded by clear halo
Tx for HPV
topical= podophyllin
STD gram - diplococci infects glandular tissue
Tx for N.gonorrhea
Complications of N. gonorrhea
Ectopic pregnancy, male sterility, Dissemianted gonococcemia C6-C9 deficiency, septic arthritis,
Main cause of FHC syndrome, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome,
The second main cause of FHC syndrome
What is FHC syndrome, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis
Scar tissue between the peritoneum and surface of the liver from PUS
STD: Gram- spirochete that causes syphilis
Treponema pallidum
Solitary painless indurated chancre on penis, labia and mouth
Primary syphilis
Maculopapular rash on trunk. palms, soles, generalized lymphadenopathy; condylomata lata
Secondary syphilis
Condylomata lata
Secondary syphilils
Screening Test for Syphilis
Confirmatory Test
Screen:RPR or VDRL
Confirm: FTA-ABS
Jarish Herxheimer rxn:
Syphillis; occurs after Tx b/c of proteins released form dead organisms
Tx of Syphillis
STD: flagellated protozoan with jerk like motility
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Produces vaginitis, cervicitis, and urethritis; strawberry colored cervix; greenish frothy discharge
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Tx. Trich. Vaginalis
Metronidazole both partners
Most common cancer of vagina
Squamous cell carcinoma
VIN; Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia risk factors
Strong HPV 16 assoc
Immunodeficiency ie AIDS
Red, crusted vulvar lesion, PAS positive cells
Extramammary Paget's disease
What is the difference between malignant melanoma and Extramammary Paget's disease
Melonoma cells are PAS + whereas Paget's cells are PAS+
Absence of upper vagina and uterus
RKH syndrome; Rokitanksy-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
Cause of Clear Cell adenocarcinoma
DES, diehtylstilbestrol
DES inhibits the formation of these structures in newborns
Mullerian structures: uterus, cervix, upper 1/3 of vagina
Vaginal Adenosis
Term used specifically with DES, vagina is red, superficial ulcerations
Other DES abnormalities
Incompetent cervix, abnormal uterine shape
Cervix; name the site where squamous dysplasia and cancer develop
Transformation zone:
The exocervix begins at the
cerivcal OS
Exocervix is lined by
Squamous Epithelium
Endocervix is lined by
mucus secreting columnar glands
Nabothian cyst are found
A normal finding in adult women
Presents a cyst on the lateral wall of the vagina; remnant of wolffian duct
Gartner's duct cyst
Benign tumor of skeletal muscle in vagina
Necrotic grape-like mass protrudes from the vagina; in girls younger than 5
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
The transformation zone is site where
squamous cell dysplasia and cancer develop
Reticulate bodies of cervix are caused by
What do reticulate bodies look like?
Cells with vacoules and red inclusions
What are Elementary bodies?
Produced by reticulate bodies. Elementary bodies are the infective agent
What is the most common cause of acute cervicitis?
C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhea occur together 50% of the time
What is chief complaint of acute cervicitits?
Vaginal discharge
How do you know if proper sampling of transformation was done?
Presence of metaplastic squamous cells or mucus-secreting columnar cells
The pap smear not screens for cervical dysplasia but also
hormonal status
Interpretation of Pap Smear: Superficial squamous cells
indicate adequate estrogen
Interpretation of Pap Smear:Intermediate squamous cells
adequate progesterone
Interpretation of Pap Smear:Parabasal cells indicate
lack of estrogen and progesterone
Normal nonpregnant adult women Pap:
70% superficial squamous
30% intermediate squamous
Pregnant women Pap
100% intermediate squamous from progesterone
Elderly women Pap
Atrophic smear with parabasal and inflammation
Are cervical polyps cancerous?
No not precancerous
CIN, Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia, are assoc with
Low risk HPV
types 6,11
The pap smear not screens for cervical dysplasia but also
hormonal status
Interpretation of Pap Smear: Superficial squamous cells
indicate adequate estrogen
Interpretation of Pap Smear:Intermediate squamous cells
adequate progesterone
Interpretation of Pap Smear:Parabasal cells indicate
lack of estrogen and progesterone
Normal nonpregnant adult women Pap:
70% superficial squamous
30% intermediate squamous
Pregnant women Pap
100% intermediate squamous from progesterone
Elderly women Pap
Atrophic smear with parabasal and inflammation
Are cervical polyps cancerous?
No not precancerous
CIN, Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia, are assoc with
Low risk HPV
types 6,11
High risk HPV
types 16,18
HPV produces these type of cell
Koilocytosis; clear halo containing a wrinkled, pyknotic nucleus
What are the risk factors of CIN?
1. Ealry age of sexual activity
2. Multiple partners
3. High-risk biopsy types 16,18
4. Smoking, OCP, immuno
What are the classifications of CIN?
CIN1: Mild dysplasia lower 1/3 of epithelium

CIN2: moderate dysplasia; lower 2/3

CIN3: Severe dysplasia full thickness
CIN1 to CIN3 takes how long?

CIN3 to cancer takes how long?
Both are require 10 years
What is the average age of cervical cancer?
The majority of cervical caners are
Squamous cell carcinoma ~75%
What are the clinical findings of Cervical cancer?
Malodorous discharge
Postcoital bleeding
What is the most common cause of death in cervical cancer?
Renal failure; post renal azotemia, b/c the cancer infiltrates the bladder wall and obstruct the ureters
What is the sequence to menarche?
Breast budding
Growth spurt
Pubic hair
Axillary hair
The most variable phase of the menstraul cycle
How does ovulation occur?
Estrogen surge causes LH and FSH release but affect is LH>FSH

LH surge intiates ovulation
Subnuclear vacuoles in endometrial cells indicates
Peritoneal irritation from blood from the ruptured follicle
What is the least variable phase of the cycle
Progesterone-mediated SECRETORY PHASE
Endometrial biopsies are commonly performed on day 21 in fertility clinics
to confirm ovulation; secretory endo confirms
An exaggerated secretory phase occurs in pregnancy called
Arias-Stella phenomenon
Why during menses is the blood fresh?
Plasmin prevents clotting
Excess clotting during menses is a sign of
Increases aromatase synthesis in the granulosa cells
Increases the synthesis of 17KS in the theca interna
LH-proliferative phase
Testosterone enters _____cells and is aromatized to _____ during the proliferative
Granulosa cell from the theca interna

Aromatized to estradiol
What changes in the theca interna during secretory phase?
Theca interna synthesizes 17-hydroxyprogesterone
During pregnancy, where is hCG made?
SYNCYTIOTROPHOBLAST lining the chorionic villi
After pregnancy occurs how long does the corpus leutum synthesize progesterone?
~8-10 weeks
What structure takes over the synthesis of progesterone after corpus luteum?
What is the goal of OCP?
Prevent surge of LH and ovulation
Primary estrogen in nonpregnant women
Weak estrogen produced during menopause
Primary estrogen of pregnancy
Estriol is derived from
fetal adrenals, placenta, and maternal liver
DHEAS is synthesized
almost entirely in Adrenal cortex
SHBG is synthesized, in both men and women in
the liver
_______ increases the synthesis of SHBG in the liver
What decrease SHBG synthesis?
SHBG has a greater affinity for
testosterone > estrogen
Increased SHBG will have what affect on testosterone?
Increased SHBG will Decrease free testosterone
Decreased SHBG is common cause of
Hirsutism in women
Testosterone synthesis occurs where in females
ovaries and small in adrenals
What happens to the plasma volume and RBC mass during pregnancy?
Both are increased; but PV> RBC mass leads to a drop in Hb, 1g/dL
What affect does pregnancy have on kidneys?
CCr is increased

Urea and creatinine are clearance increase; so serum levels are lower
Why do pregnant women have respiratory alkalosis?
Estrogen and progesterone stimulate resp. center
Why do pregnant women have higher levels of cortisol and T4?
Estrogen increases synthesis of TBG, thyroid binding globulin, and transcortin

Free levels should be normal
Menopause is defined
as no menses for 1 yr after 40
What is the best marker for menapause?
Increase serum FSH
Excess hair in normal hair bearing areas in women is called
What is virilization?
Hirsutism + male secondary sex characteristics
What is the most important finding for virlization?
Enlarged clitoris
What is the cause of hirsutism or virlization?
Both are caused by excess androgens from ovaries or adrenals
The most common cause of hirsutism is
polycystic ovarian syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Disease affects on LH and FSH
Increases LH: ↑ Estrogen has + feedback on LH and - feedback on FSH

Decreases FSH

Ratio 2:1
The most common complain of POS is
What are the clinical findings for POS
Hirsutism, infertility, obesity
What are the Lab findings for POS
1. LH:FSH 2:1
2. Increased Testosterone and Androstenedione
3. Increased Estrogen
How does hypothyroidism cause hirsutism and virilization?
Decreased SBHG causes an increase in free testosterone
What is Menorrhagia?
Loss of blood greater than 80ml
What is dysmenorrhea?
Painful menses
Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by
Increase PGF2α; increases uterine contractions
Secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by
Endometriosis;most common
Most common type of DUB, dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Anovulatory DUB
Primary amenorrhea most cases are due to
Constitutional delay; family hx of delayed onset
Most common causes of Abnormal Bleeding in Prepubertal Ages
Vulvovaginitis; poor hygiene, infection, abuse, foreign bodies
Most common cause of Abnormal bleeding in Menarche to 20
1. Anovulatory DUB
2. Von Willebrand's disease
DUB by definition is
unrelated to anatomy but caused by hormone imbalance
Most common cause of Abnormal Bleeding 20 to 40
1 Pregnancy and complications
2. Ovulatory DUB
3. PID
4. Hypothyrodism
5. Submucosal Leiomyomas
6. Adenomyosis
7.Endometrial Polyp
8. Endometriosis
Causes of abnormal bleeding in 40 years and older
1. Anovulatory DUB
2. Endometrial hyperplasia/cancer; most common menopause
Seconday amenorrhea is defined as
Absences of menses for 3 months
Most common cause of secondary amenorrhea
What is the Ddx for amenorrhea?
Hypothalamus/Pituitary dys

Ovarian dis

End-organ defect

Constitutional Delay
Cause of Amenorrhea with :
LH ↓
Estrogen ↓
Think Hypothalamus/Pituitary b/c FSH/LH are decreased

Anorexia, Prolactinoma
Cause of Amenorrhea with:
LH ↑
Estrogen ↓
Ovarian disorder

Turner's Syndrome most likely
Primary Amenrrohea + poor female secondary sex characterisics
Most likely Tuners syndrome
Cause of Amenorrhea:

FSH Norm
LH Norm
Estrogne Normal
End-organ Defect

Imperforate hymen's
Asherman's syndrome
Cause of Amenorrhea with:
FSH/LH normal
Estrogen Normal
Constituitional Delay, if not end-organ,

Family hx of delayed onset
Most common cause of acute endometritis
Grp B streptococcus
Most common cause of Chronic Endometritis
1. Retained Placenta
2. Gonorrhea, or IUD
IUD cause of endometritis
Actinomyces israeli
What is adenomyosis
Invagination of stratum basalis into myometrium
Functioning glands and stroma are outside the uterus
The most common cause of endometriosis
Reverse menses thru fallopian tubes
Other causes of Endometriosis
Coelomic metaplasia, vascular or lymph spread
The most common sites for Endometriosis
1.Ovaries most common
2. Rectal Pouch
3. Fallopian tube
4. Intestine
What are the clinical findings for Endometriosis?
Painful stooling during menses; implants in rectal pouch
Cause of endometrial hyperplasia
Prolonged estrogen stimulation
Risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia
Early Menses and late Menses
POS, with out porgesterone
Classify endometrial hyperplasia:

Increased # of cystically dilated glnas
NO glandular crowding
Simple hyperplasis
Classify endometrial hyperplasia:

Increased number of dilated glands with branching

Glandular crowding
Complex hyperplasia
Classify endometrial hyperplasia:

Glandular crowding and dysplastic epi
Increased risk for endometrial cancer
Atypical hyperplasia
Most common gyn onc cancer
Endometrial carcinoma
Most common risk factor for Endometrial Carcinoma
Prolonged Estrogen Stimulation
Most common type of endometrial cancer
Well-differentiatied adenocarcinoma
Highly aggressive endometrial cancer
Papillary adenocarcinoma
Most common metastasis for endometrial cancer
How does the endometrial cancer spread
Down into endocervix

Spreads out into uterine wall
Most common benign connective tissue tumor in women
Why are leiomyoma called fibroids?
B/c of hyalinization
What are the clinical signs of leiomyoma?

Obstructive Delivery
Most common sarcoma of the uterus
Multiple well-circumscribed. gray white nodules dispersed thru myometrium
Numerous atypical mitoses and foci of necrosis in uterus
Endometrial adenocarcinoma + malignant mesenchymal tumor
Carcinosarcomas occur in
postmenopausal women
This cervical tumor is associated with previous irradiation
Carcinosarcoma, ( Malignant Mixed mullerian tumors
OCP's decrease the risk for
Endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer
Most common group of ovarian tumors
Surface dervied tumors
Most common ovarian cancer; bilaterally with psommoma bodies
Serous cytsadenocarcinoma
Most common ovarian tumor that is bilateral
Ovarian tumor with signet ring cell from hematogenous sources
Krukenberg tumor
Most common ovarian tumor in girls less than 4
Yolk sac tumor
Contain SCHILLER-DUVAL bodies
Yolk sac tumor
What would you check for to confirm yolk sac tumor?
Alpha fetal protein
Ovarian malignant tumor assoc with endometrial cancer 15-30%
Endometroid ( surface tumor)
What are the germ cell tumos for ovarian
Cystic teratome
Yolk Sac Tumor
Most of these tumor are found in a nipple like structure in the cyst wal- Rokintansky tubercle
Cystic teratoma
Struma ovarii has thyroid tissue
Cystic teratoma
What are the surface derived tumors of ovary?
What are the sex-cord tumors of ovary
Granulosa-thecal cell tumor
Sertoli-leydig cell
Malignant ovarian tumor with mixture of germ cell tumor, dysgerminoma, and sex-cord tumor
Associated with abnormal sexual development in 80% of cases
Benign tumor assoc with Meig's syndrome; removal of tumor removes effussion
Meigs syndrome; ascites, right-sided Pleural effusion
Most common malignant germ cell tumor; increase in LDH
Same histology as testis sminoma
Assocaited with streak gonads of Turner's syndrome
Contain Walthard's rest, transitional like epithelium
Brenner tumor ( surface derived ovarian tumor)
Peutz-Jegher's is associated with this ovarian cancer
Sex cord tumor with annular tubules
Synthesis of hCG in pregnant mother
Cell that synthesis of human placental lactogen
This directly correlates with placental size and anti-insulin activity
Human placental lactogen
Endometrial hyperplasia is greatest risk for
endometrial cancer
OCPs decrease the risk of
Endometrial Ca
Most common gyne Cancer?
Endometrial; best prognosis
What causes endometrial hyperplasia?
Unopposed prolonged estrogen stimulation
Cervical motion, Adenexal and Uterine tendernerness is possibly
Rx for PID
Ceftriaxon ( N. gonnorrhea)

Doxycycline ( C. Trachomatis)
Vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, adnexal mass
Ectopic Pregnancy
Most common cause of hamtosalpinx
Ectopic Pregnancy
Knuckle-knuckle-dimble knuckle
Most common ovarian mass
Follicular cyst; non-neoplastic
Most common ovarian mass in a pregnant women
Corpus Letum Cyst
Mumps or PID
Hirsutism/Virilization, hypertension, insulin resistance
Stromal hyperthecosis
Most common ovarian cancer; occurs bilaterally
Serous Cystadenocarcinoma; psammoma bodies
Most common group of ovarian cancers
Serous-derived tumors
Hormone producing tumors
Sex cord tumors
Abdominal enlargement due to fluid is
Most likely Ovarian Cancer
Palpable ovaries in a post-menapausal women is
Cancer until proven otherwise
CA-125 is marker found increased in
Surface-derived tumors