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68 Cards in this Set

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What lab finding do you need to fast for?
What lab findings do you NOT need to fast for?
HDL, LDL, Cholesterol(only 3% TG)
Pancreatic Lipase
breaksdown TG in small intestine
Lipoprotein Lipase
Breaks down TG in circulating chylomicrons and VLDL
Hepatic TG lipase
breaks down TG in IDL
Hormone sensitive lipase
breaks down TG in fatty tissue(adipocytes)
Describe function of each
A-I ---- Activates LCAT
B-100 --- Binds to LDL receptor and mediates VLDL secretion
C-II --- Cofactor for lipoprotein lipase
B-48 ---- mediates chylomicron secretion
E --- mediates Extra remnant uptage
What is HDL a repository for?
ApoE and ApoC
These are needed for what?
chylomicron and VLDL metabolism
Describe the Apolipoproteins in each thingymabob
VLDL, IDL and LDL has B-100
VLDL and IDL have E
Chylomicrons have A-IV, B-48, C-II, E
VLDLs have B-100, C-II, E
IDLs have B-100, C-II
LDLs have B-100
Deficiency in Type I Dyslipidemia
Hyperchylomicronemia due to deficiency of LPL and/or altered Apolipoprotein C-II
What is elevated in serum?
TG and cholesterol
Familial Hypercholesterolemia MOA
absent LDL receptors

increased circulating LDL and elevated blood levels of cholesterol

autosomal dominant -
shrunken cobblestone appearance of kidney
hyaline arteriolosclerosis of kidney related to HTN/Diabetes
Why are AAA common?
No vaso vasorum in Abominal Aorta
Hypotension, left flank pain, pulsatile mass on physical exam
ruptured AAA
What physical findings occur with thoracic aneurysm?
recurrent laryngeal nerve compression(hoarseness), bobbing of head due to aortic regurg,
most common complication is rupture
widening of the mediastinum
thoracic aneurysm
diminished pulse in the left compared to right
thoracic aneurysm
What syndromes are a/w thoracic aortic dissection
pregnancy, marfans
Retinal vein engorgement(blurry vision), headache, and congestion of head/neck region
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
a/w lung cancer as a PNS
Lung Cancer Complications
SPHERE of complications

Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Pancoast Tumor
Horner's Syndrome
Endocrine Tumors
Recurrent Laryngeal symptoms
Effusions(pleural AND pericardial)
Osler Weber Rendu
Hereditary Telangiectasia
Lots of GI bleeds and telangiectasias on face, skin whatnot
Lesion only seen in AID's patients that looks like Kaposi's sarcoma
Bacillary Angiomatosis
Caused by?
Bartonella Henselae
What stains Bartonella Henselae?
Silver Stain
PALPABLE purpura vs NOT palpable purpura?
PALPABLE is small vessel vasculitis

NOT PALPABLE is a platelet deficiency
Muscular Artery Vasculitis
Wegener's, Kawasaki, Polyarteritis Nodosa
Vasculitis that involves stroke or pulselessness and aortic arch syndrome
Takayasu, Giant Cell Temporal
Henoch Schonlein has what Ab? What organ abnormality?
RBC casts due to glomerulonephritis
What do you treat Wegener's with?
What reduces toxicities?
Saddle Nose
Congenital Syphilis but MORE COMMONLY due to Wegener's
What important associated with PAN?
Hepatitis B

Muscular artery -- infarcts
elastic arteries -- strokes, claudication
small arteries -- palpable purpura
just go over this
Mucor Mycosis is a/w?
Diabetic Ketoacedosis
go through kribiform plate to infect frontal lobes
Raynaud's due to?
IgM cold agglutinins, Cryoglobulinemia(Hep C), CREST Scleroderma
What syndrome is contraindicated for thiazides?
Charcot Boucard Aneurysms are...
aneurysms due to HTN that generally occur in the Leticular Nucleus
What murmur radiates to carotid?
Aortic Stenosis
What sound radiates to axilla?
mitral regurg
What murmur has a diamond shape configuration?
Aortic Stenosis
Opening snap with rumbling sound is what murmur?
Mitral Stenosis
What physiologic changes?
Atrial hypertrophy + dilation
Pulmonary Edema is ALWAYS
left heart failure
Nutmeg liver
right heart failure
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea
Left Heart failure
decreases preload AND afterload
ACE inhibitors and ARBs
What can you add to improve prognosis?
Thiamine deficiency MOA for high output failure of heart
ATP depletion --> Smooth muscle relaxation of arterioles -->
Hyperthyroid MOA for heart failure
increase synthesis of Beta receptor that causes increased contractility
fetal circulation
IVC blood goes through FO
SVC blood goes through PDA
Pink on top, blue on bottom
differential cyanosis a/w PDA
What determines degree of severity of Tetralogy of Falot?
Degree of pulmonic stenosis
Right to left shunts increases risk of?
polycythemia and infective endocarditis
What is a/w situs inversitus?
Kartagener Syndrome
HDL does what
sucks LDL out of cells
Why do women have CAD after men?
estrogen is cardioprotective
Sudden Cardiac Death? Great risk in?
due to Vfib

No emboli, no necrosis, just severe atherosclerosis
Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease
little infarcts(subendocardial) leads to muscle getting replaced by scar tissue, EF goes down and you die of heart failure
murmur of mitral regurg during acute MI?
RCA due to the fact that it supplies the posteromedial papillary muscle
An excess of what causes a redundant valve?
dermatan sulfate
click murmur?
mitral valve prolapse
click due to?
Closer to S2? Closer to S1?
sudden tension of chordae tendinae

Closer to S2 when increased preload
Closer to S1 when standing or anxious
Most common cause of mitral stenosis
Rheumatic Fever
Chronic vs acute rheumatic fever?
Chronic rheumatic fever is mitral stenosis
Acute rheumatic fever is mitral regurg
fish mouth appearance of valve
mitral valve stenosis
Mitral valve prolapse is a/w
What are they predisposed to?
Rupture of Chordae Tendinae
What do you not give to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
What's okay?
something that relaxes heart, Beta blockers, CCB's
cardiac Myxomas occur in
What occurs in kids? What is that a/w?
Tuberous Sclerosis
young woman unexplained pleuritis or pericarditis
Constrictive pericarditis most commonly due to?
Pericardial Knock?
Constrictive pericarditis
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Chest Pain
Prinzmetals Angina
Diagnostic drug?
what is your risk for atherosclerosis in hyperchylomicronemia
no increase. What clinical presentation?
eruptive and pruritic xanthomas
Abeta lipoproteinemia
deficiency of B-100 and B-48 leads to inability to synthesize Lipoproteins
What presents with ataxia and night blindness and an accumulation within enterocytes?
Abetalipoproteinemia - it is autosomal recessive

When do symptoms appear?
First few months of life
Acanthocytosis a/w abetalipoproteinemiia