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26 Cards in this Set

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What formula treats lung atrophy that causes loss of control of lower body, with cold, vertigo, and copious salvation?
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang

*lung atrophy due to deficiency cold
What formula treats inspiratory dyspnea with heat rising in throat?
Mai Men Dong Tang

*Deficiency heat lung atrophy (Fei Wei)
What formula treats pulmonary abscess with fullness in the chest, chills with cold, rapid pulse, dry throat and thirst, and foul thick sputum?
Jie Geng Tang

*Pulmonary abscess.
What formula treats cough, inspiratory dyspnea, that sounds like a frog in the throat?
She Gan Ma Huang Tang

Cold phlegm fluid invading the lung.
What is the definition of Ben Tun Syndrome?
Ben Tun Syndrome (Running Piglet!) originates in the abdomen and rushes upward to the throat. An attack of the syndrome causes a patient unbearable suffering, which gradually reduces and subsides. The cause of the disease is fright and terror.
*fright injures the HT
*terror injures the KI
*HT & KI yang deficiency causes cold to ascend through the Chong Mai; with spiritual distress LR vital energy may accumulate and ascend through the Chong
What formula treats a feeling a ascending gas rushing up thorax, abdominal pain, alternating fever and chills?
Ben Tun Tang

Running piglet Qi, due to liver qi stagantion.
What formula treats an impulsive feeling rising from abdomen to chest after perspiration has been induced?
*misuse warming needle with Ben Tun Syndrome
Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang.

*Yang deficiency with cold ascending.
What is xiong bi?
Chest Bi, and shortness of breath
What is xin tong?
Heart pain, this is more severe than chest bi.
What formula treats heart pain with dragging pain leading towards the back, severe chest pain with cold?
Wu Tou Chi Shi Zhi Wan

*not in regular formulas book! Golden Chamber formula
What formula treats panting, coughing, spitting, shortness of breath, and pain in the chest and back?
Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang

*phlegm accumulation obstructs qi flow in chest; clinical presentation is excess, underlying cause is deficiency
*"Bai Bai" original
*Heart yang deficiency with phlegm fluid
What formula treats acute pain in the chest and dragging pain in the back, so painful a person can't lie quietly?
Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang

*"Bai Bai" is original
*Ban Xia is for the pain in chest
What formula is good for abdominal distention with constipation?
Hou Po San Wu Tang

*Da Cheng Qi Tang variation
What formula is good for distention and pain in the epigastrium, due to excess with tidal fever?
Da Chai Hu Tang

*Shao Yang and Tai Yang
What is Tan-Yin fluid retention?
What is Xuan Yin fluid retention?
Costal regions
What is Yi Yin fluid retention?
What is Zhi Yin fluid retention?
Above the diaphragm
What formula is good for Xuan Yin fluids with pain in the chest and costal regions and a wiry pulse?
Shi Zao Tang

*Ten Jujube Decoction
*"tonify SP, when SP is enhanced, water is easier to control"
What formula is good for fullness in the chest and nausea due to cold-evil congealed in the chest and diaphragm?
Wu Zhu Yu Tang

*Cold from ST deficiency forcing ST Qi to rebel causing vomitting; nausea
*no heat signs present
What formula is good for nausea and vomiting caused by excessive Yin and Yang deficiency with a weak pulse, slight fever and coldness in the extremities?
Si Ni Tang
What formula is good for Shao Yang disorder with nausea and alternating fever and chills (bitter taste)?
Xiao Chai Hu Tang

*Minor Bupleurum Decoction
What formula is good for nausea and vomitting caused by disorders of the ST such as prolonged deficiency, indigestion and stagnation of Vital Energy, making patient vomit up what he has just eaten; also with constipation?
Da Ban Xia Tang

*not in regular formulas book!
What formula is good for acute appendicitis (Chan Yong) with scaly skin, strained abdomen, and a mass in the abdomen that is soft when pressed; no hard mass can be felt, there is no fever and the pulse is speedy; with carbuncles and pus in the intestines?
Yi Yi Fu Zi Bai Jiang San

*speedy (rapid) pulse indicates pus has formed
What formula is good for appendicitis (Chan Yong) with swelling mass in the abdomen as painful as gonorrhea when pressed; normal urination (which indicates NOT a urinary disorder) and sporadic fever with spontaneous perspiration and chills; with a pulse slow and tense indicating no pus has formed?
Da Huang Mu Dan Tang

*"Do not use purgatives with appendicitis WITH pus formed"
Si Ni San vs. Si Ni Tang
both for cold extremities (only similarity)
Si Ni San - True heat, false cold; LR Qi stagnation or LR Qi stagnation causing heat in the middle; so much constraint, causes cold extremities
Si Ni Tang - Contraindicated with True Heat, False Cold; Yang collapse (oily sweat): Fu Zi and Gan Jiang; bringing heat out to extremities and warming middle;