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51 Cards in this Set

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Symptomology of myeloid leukemia
Fatigue, high WBC count, splenomegaly, no blast increase, Philadelphia chromosome
Highly selective inhibitor of BCR-abl tyrosine kinase. Used as treatment for myeloid leukemia
Bond strength in drug-receptor interactions, in decreasing order of strength
Van der Waals
The compatibility of a drug for its binding site on the receptor
What is the pharmacological value of hydrophobicity?
Since water is everywhere, it can "scare" hydrophobic drugs into hydrophobic protein pockets, enhancing interactions there.
Are covalent drug-receptor bindings common?
No. It is mostly irreversible and the body then has to synthesize new receptors
Suicide substrate
Another word for covalently bound drug molecules (the receptors that bind them only bind them once)
Important attributes of a drug molecule that contribute to its binding strength
Hydrophobicity, pKa, conformation, STEREOCHEMISTRY (remember that enantiomers can often have drastically different effects)
Stereochemical effects on drug-receptor binding, using warfarin as an example
warfarin is 50-50 racemic mixture of enantiomers, and the S is four times more potent than R. It would be too powerful on it's own, so the mix is necessary.
Two arrangements of a drug molecule that can have drastically different effects). Sometimes they are synergistic, sometimes oppositional...as in one enantiomer can be toxic.
Factors that determine drug-receptor specificity
Structure (drug and receptor), chemical forces, solubility of the drug in water and membrance, function of receptor
Rational drug design
Using known receptor structure to manufacture a drug that interacts with it.
Two mechanisms for drug selectivity
1. Cell-type specificity of receptor subtypes
2. Cell-type specificty of receptor-effector binding
Relationship of selectivity to therapeutic value?
The more selective a drug, the more directed the therapy, and the less likely it is to have adverse, toxic, or unpredictable effects.
Dogma of selectivity?
The more restricted the cell-type distribution of a drug, the more selective the drug will be.
While many cell may express a receptor for a given drug, why are the effects not the same for every cell?
The function of the receptor may differ by cell type. Example, every cardiac muscle cell expresses calcium channels, but only pacemaker cells are really affected by CCBs because they are responsible for signal propogation.
Second dogma of selectivity
The more different the receptor-effect functions in cell types, the more selective the drug will be.
Six major groups of drug-receptor interactions
1. Transmembrane ion channels
2. Transmembrane G proteins
3. Transmembrane, cytosolic enzymatic domains
4. Intracellular receptors
5. Extracellular enzymes
6. Cell surface adhesion receptors
3 main categories of transmembrane ion channels
1. Ligand-gated (open/close on binding
2. Voltage-gated (open/close on change in membrane potential
3. Second messenger (think G proteins, open/close on second messenger interaction and concentration)
Refractory or Inactivated ion channel state
A period of time (milliseconds) in which a channel cannot be reopened no matter what the stimulus)
State-dependent binding
Drugs that bind with different affinities to different states (open/close/refractory) of the same ion channel. Consider arrythmia drugs
Two drug classes that alter ion channel conductance
1. Local anaesthetics - block Na through voltage gated channels
2. Benzodiazepines - increase ability of GABA to conduct Cl, thus "relaxing" the neuron, making it harder to activate.
Characteristics of the G-protein coupled receptor
7 transmembrane regions, all alpha helices, Upon binding of ligand, cytosolic domain binds GTP and alpha-subunit dissociates, effecting something else. The signal stops when GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP.
Most common second messenger activated by G proteins?
cAMP, and cGMP. The rest of the cascade is reviewed on page 10.
Action of Gs protein
Activate Ca channels, activate cAMP
Action of Gi protein
Activate K channels, inhibit cAMP
Action of Go protein
Inhibit Ca channels
Action of Gq protein
Activate phospholipase C
Example of G protein coupled receptors
The Beta=adrenergic family, whose endogenous activators are norepi and epi.
Locations and actions of beta-1-receptors
SA node = Inc. heart rate
Cardiac muscle = Inc. contractility
Adipose tissue = Inc. lipolysis
Locations and actions of beta-2-receptors
Bronchial smooth muscle = dilation
GI smooth muscle = close sphincter, relax gut
Uterus = relax uterine wall
Bladder = relax bladder
Liver = stim. metabolism
Pancreas = Inc. insulin release
Location and action of beta-3-receptors
Adip. tissue = inc. lipolysis
Major structure and function of transmembrane receptors with cytosolic enzymatic activity
Single-span proteins and mainly, phosphorylation. Example, receptor tyrosine kinases, ex., insulin receptor
"Gain of function" mutation
Typically, when a phosphorylating receptor gains activity even when not bound to a ligand. Commonly cancerous. The BCR-abl kinase encoded by the Philadelphia chromosome is a good example.
Effect of Imanitib on BCR-abl kinase?
Prevents the kinase from phosphorylating, like other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, very effective against myeloid cancer.
Major classes of transmembrane receptors with cytosolic enzymatic activity
1. Tyrosine kinase
2. Tyrosine phosphorylase
3. Non-receptor tyrosine kinases
4. Serine/threonine kinases
5. Guanylyl cyclases
Family of serine/threonine kinases
TGF-Beta superfamily, responsible for growth. Often gain function in cancer.
Used for decompensated heart failure, activates Guanylyl cyclase receptor.
Target of Warfarin
Vitamin K epoxide reductase, thus preventing clotting.
Common target of intracellular drugs
Transcription factors which then dimerize to affect DNA.
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)
Converts the relatively weak angiotensin I to the ridiculously strong angiotensin II.
ACE inhibitors
Prevent the formation of angiotensin II from I, thus promoting vasodilation and a lowering of systemic blood pressure.
Cell adhesion inhibitors
For example, preventing the adhesion of integrins to other extracellular macromolecules
The diminished effect of a drug on the body over time. Also called desensitization
Homologous versus heterologous desensitization
Homologous: Only one type of receptor shows diminished activity
Heterologous: Two or more receptors show coordinate loss of function
An extreme form of desensitization where the receptor function is completely blocked or stopped by molecular mechanisms
A receptor characteristic, example in neurons, that causes a lack of function for a period of time, usually due to voltage dependence.
After prolonged stimulation, the cell will endocytose the receptor until the stimulus stops, and only then will it return the receptor to the surface
Which is on a longer time scale, phosphorylation or down-regulation?
Down-regulation. Often takes hours to reverse, while a phosphorylating stimulus will only take a few milliseconds to occur.
Diuretic family of drugs
Change fluid balance in the body by affecting the water/ion absorption in the kidneys. Most are ion channel effectors, but some affect osmolarity directly, like mannitol (sugar).
Two examples of drugs that do not fit the drug-receptor model
Some diuretics and some antacids. The diuretic mannitol is an osmolarity effector, while antacids directly neutralize pH in the stomach solution.