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40 Cards in this Set

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I am the one, or, I will Be (better than I AM)
Jewish substitution for YHWH, means “Master”
Greek translation of Adonai in the Septuagint
a relationship of love and obligation between parties. In the case of the Biblical Covenant, these parties are unequal.
God stands above and apart from creation
God is close to and involved with His creation
the study of Being. What is true.
the study of how we know what is true.
Frame’s statement of Biblical Transcendence
God is distinct from creation as its Lord
Frame’s statement of Biblical Immanence
God is involved with creation as its Lord
Frame’s statement of unbiblical Transcendence
God is infinately removed from the world (radical empiricism)
Frame’s statement of unbiblical Immanence
God is identical to the world (pantheism or Process theology)
Marcus Aurelius
Roman emperor from 161-180. Stoic rationalist who was opposed to Christianity because of what he saw as its irrationality.
Christian theologians who began to defend the faith against the arguments of the Greek philosophers.
Natural Theology
says that God’s character and essence can be understood by human rational means.
Classical Theism
the product of the syncretism of Greek thought and Biblical Christianity.
the bringing together of two opposing methods or principles so that the product is neither one nor the other.
in Greek thinking, the idea that God can be known by reflecting on human beings and then extrapolating those ideas out into what would be appropriate for God's being.
(eminence) analogical expansion of “good” human characteristics to understand God.
The way of eminence
another term for Supererogation
via negativa
analogical understanding that God is in exact opposition to “bad” human characteristics.
“Analogy of Being”
Also called The Great Chain of Being. Part of classical theism/Thomism. Says that there is an epistemological correspondence between God and creation: God can be known through the analogy of creation.
The argument from Motion is a _______________ argument
The argument from Causation is a _______________ argument
The argument from Contingency is a _____________ argument
The argument from Morality is a _______________ argument
The argument from Design is a ______________ argument
Aquinas’ five ways included arguments from
motion, causation, contingency, morality, and design
The argument from motion says that God is
the Unmoved Mover
The argument from causation says that God is
the First Cause
The argument from contingency says that God is
a Necessary Being
The argument from morality says that God is
the Greatest Good
The argument from design says that God is
the Designer of the universe
Anselm’s ontological argument
God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived. That than which nothing greater can be conceived must exist both in reality and in thought since the reality of a thing is necessarily more perfect than the mere idea of it.
Thomas Aquinas lived
13th century
Thomas Aquinas’ five ways found in
Summa Theologica
Anselm of Canterbury lived
11th century
Anselm’s ontological argument found in
What are some critiques of Aquinas’ five ways?
1) each assumes that which it seeks to prove 2) they fail to show continuing existence 3) they don’t lead necessarily to the God of biblical revelation.
Aquinas defined faith as
intellectual assent to propositions