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50 Cards in this Set

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Which event represented the conflict between Christian Fundamentalism and modern science during the 1920s?

scopes trials

Which term referred to the shantytowns built by the homeless during the early stages of the Depression of the 1930s?


What was FDR's psychology on fight the depression?

Told Americans "All we have to fear is fear itself" and weekly fireside addresses

Which group became citizens with voting rights during the 1920s?

American Indians

Which president supported direct relief from government to address the problems of the economic crisis of the 1930s?

Franklin Roosevelt

What was the first "talking" movie?

The Jazz Singer

List an example that demonstrates how the New Deal resulted in more opportunities for women.

Frances Perkins-first female cabinet member in U.S. history

What did President Franklin Roosevelt use to deliver his "fireside chats" to the American people?


What is the long-term impact of the New Deal?

increased government involvement

What natural disaster caused the migration of people from the Plains west to Calif. and Oregon?

Dust Bowl

What was established under the Fair Labor Standards Act?

minimum wage and forty-hour work week

What social group did Aimee Semple McPherson and Billy Sunday represent during the 1920s?

Christian fundamentalists

How were 1930's gangsters different from 1920's gangsters?

robbing banks vs bootleggers

Which government agency was created under the New Deal to regulate trade in the stock market?

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

During the 1920s, who was associated with the fight to end segregation?

W.E.B. DuBois and NAACP

What were the causes of the Great Depression?

higher tariffs (Hawley-Smoot tariff), bank failures, overproduction, unequal distribution of income

Which president represented the end of the progressive era and a "Return to Normalcy" in the 1920s?

Warren G. Harding

Which approach did President Herbert Hoover prefer to deal with the economic crisis of the early 1930s?

rugged individualism and/or voluntary cooperation

Which African-American cultural movement is associated with Langston Hughes and jazz music?

The Harlem Renaissance

Which presidents supported the use of laissez faire economic policies during the 1920s?

Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover (all Republicans)

Which group represented social change for women during the 1920s?


Why did President Franklin Roosevelt propose legislation to "pack the court" by enlarging the number of justices on the Supreme Court?

to prevent the Court from striking down New Deal legislation (ex. NIRA & AAA)

What were the basic characteristics of the business cycle during the 1920s?

economic expansion, overproduction, and speculation

Which New Deal Program insured banking deposits to restore public confidence in the banks?

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Which part of the economy did not prosper during the 1920s?


Which period of Roosevelt's presidency involved a series of emergency measures and government programs to provide direct relief against the Great Depression?

the "First Hundred Days"the "First Hundred Days"

Which group benefited from the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)?

labor unions

Hoover's failure to effectively deal with the Depression was demonstrated by his use of troops against which group?

the Bonus Army

During the 1920s, which scandal involved the resignation and imprisonment of Warren G. Harding's Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall?

Teapot Dome

Which New Deal programs provided jobs to the unemployed?

Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway represented which group of writers from the 1920s?

The Lost Generation

Which New Deal program built dams for hydroelectric power?

Tennesse Valley Authority (TVA)

Which New Deal program regulated business?

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

What approach did President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal use to deal with the effects of the Great Depression?

direct government relief

Which financial practices encouraged more consumerism during the 1920s?

easy credit and the installment plan

During the Depression of the 1930s, what became common as hunger affected the unemployed?

Soup kitchens and Bread lines

Speakeasies and bootlegging were illegal activities that developed because of which policy during the 1920s?


Which group represented opposition to immigrants and African-Americans during the 1920s?

Ku Klux Klan

The "Back to Africa" movement and the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) are associated with which African-American leader?

Marcus Garvey

Which new technology was developed for entertainment and information during the 1920s?

radio and "talkies"

What was one of Franklin Roosevelt's first actions as president to prevent bank failures?

banking holiday and emergency relief

Which music was popularized during the 1920s by Louis Armstrong and other African-American entertainers?


What New Deal program provides direct benefits to the elderly, disabled, and unemployed?

Social Security

What was a result of speculation and "buying on margin" in the stock market during the 1920s?

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 or "Black Tuesday"

Which reform program did President Franklin Roosevelt propose to deal with the Great Depression?

New Deal

What was FDR's philosophy/ideology on how to solve the economic downturn?

bold experimentation with socialism

Which New Deal program increased farmers' incomes?

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Who represented the most radical political opposition to President Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin

Who represented social change by advocating birth control for women during the 1920s?

Margaret Sanger

Which event represented the opposition to immigrants during the 1920s?

the Sacco and Vanzetti trial