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31 Cards in this Set

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The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854:
established the principal of popular sovereignty whereby the status of slavery would be determined.
In the mid-1850s the Republican Party sought:
to prevent the spread of slavery.
When California became a state in 1850:
it entered the Union as a free state.
Which of the following was not a conviction embraced by the newly formed Republican party of the mid-1850s?
A system of slavery was tolerable, so long as it remained confined to the South and West.
According to the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act:
the question of whether slavery would be allowed in these territories would be decided by local (white) settlers.
Which was not part of the Irish experience on their arrival in the United States in the late 1840s and 1850s?
Soon after their arrival most Irish became strong proponents of the Republican Party.
The population rush into California in 1848 was a result of:
the discovery of gold.
Which of the following was not a significant feature of Gold Rush California?
In the absence of a stable legal system, local settlers frequently took the law into their own hands.
In the term “popular sovereignty,” define “sovereignty”:
power in decision-making
The Free Soil Party’s platform called for:
the government to bar slavery from the western territories and provide land free in the territories to people who wanted to homestead there.
From 1840 to 1860, immigration:
resulted in four million new arrivals into the United States.
Which was not true of the Alamo?
The Alamo was a U.S. fortress (or mission compound) on U.S. soil.
Define “secede”:
to withdraw formally from membership in
Which was not part of Lincoln’s appeal to northern voters in the 1860 election?
as an earlier candidate of the Know-Nothing Party he appealed to immigrant voters
In the Dred Scott decision of 1857, the word “Dred” was used because:
it was the plaintiffs’ first name.
When Texas declared itself independent of Mexico, its new constitution:
protected slavery even though Mexico had earlier abolished slavery.
In the 1844 presidential election:
James K. Polk, a slaveholder, was the Democratic Party’s nominee.
Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?
outbreak of Mexican War; Compromise of 1850; “Bleeding Kansas”
Which of the following was not a significant theme of public protest against America’s war on Mexico?
The Mexican military was likely to overpower American forces; it was foolhardy to challenge Mexico.
In the 1850s, two great areas of industrial production had arisen in consequence of the market revolution. These were:
the Atlantic Coast from Baltimore to Boston, and the cities around the Great Lakes.
In the presidential election of 1848:
Martin Van Buren ran for president as candidate of the Free Soil Party.
Henry Clay lost the 1844 election because:
James G. Birney, running on the Liberty Party ticket, received 16,000 votes in New York.
In the Compromise of 1850:
the slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia.
Which of the following was not a feature of the rise of southern nationalism during the late 1850s?
a high-level conspiracy to take over the federal government through a military coup
The Republican Party, founded in 1854:
was a coalition of antislavery Democrats, northern Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Free Soilers.
One of the leading figures of the Democratic party in the 1850s was:
Stephen Douglas.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in February 1848:
ended the Mexican War.
The expansionist spirit of the early nineteenth century that God intended the American nation to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean was called:
manifest destiny.
“David Wilmot proposed a resolution in Congress prohibiting slavery in all territory acquired from Mexico.” Define “prohibiting”:
Which of the following territories did not come to the United States as a result of its victory in the Mexican War?
present-day Arizona
Which of the following pieces of the statue atop the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C. was part of a controversy concerning slavery?
her cap