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63 Cards in this Set

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Front (Term)

odd formula
= 2n+1
even + even
even + odd
odd + odd
even x even
even x odd
odd x odd
Irrational number
non-terminating or non - repeating ex. 3.14752….
Rational Number
Terminating fraction or repeating fraction ex. 2.15 , 2
Prime Number
Number with exactly two distinct natural number divisor : 1 and itself
Composite number
Number with more than 2 factors
First 26 Prime
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 83 89 97 101
All prime number end in 1,3,7,9

How to Verify Prime
Check N > divide N by all integer number smaller than Root N ex. root161 is little less than 13 so we divide 161 by 2-13 .. 161 is divisible by 7 so its not prime

proper divisor
positive divisor of n which is different from n

perfect number
when sum of proper divisor is equal to the number itself

Any positive divisor of n is a product of prime divisors of n raised to some power

If a is a factor of b, b is a factor of a.. what is the relationship
a=b or a=-b
If a is a factor of bc, gcd(a,b)=1,
then a is a factor of c เพราะแปลว่า a หาร b ไม่ลงตัว

If p is a prime number and P is a factor of ab

then P is a factor of a or P is a factor of b

Greatest Common Factor
GCD หารร่วมมาก แยกตัวประกอบแล้ววงตัวที่ซ้ำกันมาคูณกัน
Lowest Common Multiple
ดึงตัวประกอบร่วม คูณตัวที่เหลือ
a x b = GCD(a,b) x LCM(a,b)

perfect square
Integer written as the square of some other integer. 16=4^2
Divisible by 3
If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3
Divisible by 4
last two digit หารลงตัว
divisible by 6
3 กับ 2
divisible by 7
last digit x 2 - ตัวที่เหลือ หารลงตัว
divisible by 8
last 4 digit divisible
divisible by 9
same as 3
Trailing Zeros
125000 has 3 trailing zeros
sum of n consecutive integers equals
the mean multiplied by the number of the term

If n is even, sum of consecutive integer

is never divisible by n

If n is odd, sum of consecutive integer

If n is odd, sum of consecutive integer is always divisible by n

The product of n consecutive integers is ..

The product of n consecutive integers is always divisible by n!

Evenly spaced set
sequence that difference of any two successive member of the sequence is constant >> An= A1+d(n-1)
Mean&Median of evenly spaced set
Mean is equal to median = (A1+An)/2
Sum of evenly spaced set
mean x n
sum of n first positive integers
1+2+…+n = (1+n)/2 x n
sum of n first positive odd numbers:
a1+a2+…+aN = n^2
e.g. 1,3,5,..
sum of n first even numbers :
a1+a2+…+aN = n(n+1)
e.g.. 2,4,6,..
If the evenly spaced set contains odd number of elements, the mean is the middle term.
so the sum is middle term multiplied by number of terms.
proper fraction
improper fraction
can be written as mixed number
Mixed number
4 3/5 or 23/5
reciprocal of x
1/x or x^-1
If someone’s grade is in xth percentile of the n grades, this means that x% of ppl out of n has the grade less than this person

Front (Term)

Front (Term)

Front (Term)

Sum of squares of 1st n consecutive natural nos
n(n+1)(2n+1) / 6
Sum of cubes of the 1st n consecutive natural nos.
Sum of all consecutive integers:
N (N+1) / 2
N(N+1) ;n= จำนวนพจน์
N^2 ; n= จำนวนพจน์