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86 Cards in this Set

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1. What are the attachments of the sacrotuberous ligament?
b. Sacrum, coccyx
c. Ischial tuberosity
2. What are the attachments of the sacrospinous ligament?
a. Sacrum, coccyx
b. Ischial spine
a. What are the borders of the greater sciatic foramen?
i. Greater sciatic notch
ii. Sacrotuberous ligament
iii. Sacrospinous ligament
b. What structures pass superior to the piriformis in the greater sciatic foramen?
i. Superior gluteal vessels and nerve
c. What structures pass inferior to the piriformis in the greater sciatic foramen?
i. Inferior gluteal vessels and nerves
ii. Pudendal nerve
iii. Sciatic nerve
iv. Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
a. What are the boundaries of the lesser sciatic foramen?
i. Sacrospinous ligament
ii. Sacrotuberous ligament
iii. Lesser sciatic notch
b. What structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
i. Tendon of obturator internus
ii. Pudendal nerve
a. What are the attachments of the gluteus maximus?
i. Origin→ Ilium posterior to posterior gluteal line
ii. Insertion→ IT tract to lateral condyle of tibia
b. What innervates the gluteus maximus?
i. Inferior gluteal nerve
c. What are the attachments of the gluteus medius?
i. Origin→ Between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
ii. Insertion→ Greater trochanter
d. What innervates the gluteus medius?
i. Superior gluteal nerve
e. What are the attachments of the gluteus minimus?
i. Origin→ Between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
ii. Insertion→ Greater trochanter
f. What innervates the gluteus minimus?
i. Superior gluteal nerve
g. What are the attachments of the tensor fascia lata?
i. Origin→ ASIS
ii. Insertion→ IT tract
h. What innervates the tensor fascia lata?
i. Superior gluteal nerve
i. What are the attachments of the piriformis?
i. Origin→ anterior surface of sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
ii. Insertion→ Greater trochanter
j. What innervates the piriformis?
i. Ventral rami of S1-S2
k. What are the attachments of the obturator internus?
i. Origin→ Obutrator membrane
ii. Insertion→ Trochanteric fossa
l. What innervates the obturator internus?
i. Nerve to obturator internus (L5-S1)
m. What are the attachments of the superior gemelus?
i. Origin→ Ischial spine
ii. Insertion→ Greater trochanter
n. What innervates the superior gemellus?
i. Nerve to obturator internus
o. What innervates the inferior gemellus?
i. Nerve to quadratus femoris
p. What are the attachments of the inferior gemellus?
i. Origin→ Ischial tuberosity
ii. Insertion→ Greater trochanter
a. What are the attachments of the quadratus femoris?
i. Origin→ Ischial tuberosity
ii. Insertion→ Intertrochanteric rest
r. What innervates the quadratus femoris?
i. Nerve to quadratus femoris (L5-S1)
a. Where is the trochanteric bursa located?
i. Between gluteus maximus and greater trochanter
b. What are the symptoms of friction bursitis?
i. Point tenderness over greater trochanter
ii. Radiates along IT tract to tibia
c. Where is the ischial bursa located?
i. Between gluteus maximus and ischial tuberosity
d. Where is the gluteofemoral bursa located?
i. Separates IT tract from superior part of proximal attachments of vastus lateralis on femur
e. How will a defect in the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus manifest?
i. Trendelenburg gait
a. What are the symptoms of piriformis syndrome?
i. Localized buttock pain
ii. Localized tenderness over greater sciatic notch
b. How do you dx piriformis syndrome?
i. Patient supine
ii. Examiner flexes hip and extends knee at right angle to reproduce pain
c. What causes piriformis syndrome?
i. Compression of sciatic nerve by piriformis, fibroustissue, or vascular anomalies
d. How do you tx piriformis syndrome?
i. PT
ii. OMM
iii. NSAIDs
a. What is the surgical treatment for piriformis syndrome?
i. Nerve decompression by releasing piriformis or other obstruction
a. What are the extensors of the thigh?
i. Semitendinosus
ii. Semimembranosus
iii. Long head of biceps femoris
b. What flexes the leg?
i. Short head of biceps femoris
c. What are the internal rotators of the flexed leg?
i. Semitendinosus
ii. Semimembranosus
d. What is the external rotator of the flexed leg?
i. Biceps femoris
e. What are the attachments of the semitendinosus?
i. Origin→ Ischial tuberosity
ii. Insertion→ superior tibia
f. What is the innervation of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus?
i. Tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)
g. What are the attachments of the semimembranosus?
i. Origin→ Ischial tuberosity
ii. Insertion→ Medial condyle of tibia
h. What are the attachments of the long head of biceps femoris?
i. Ischial tuberosity
ii. Lateral side of fibular head
i. What is the innervation of the long head of the biceps femoris?
i. Tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)
j. What are the attachments of the short head of biceps femoris?
i. Linea aspera and lateral supracondylar line of femur
ii. Lateral side of fibular head
k. What is the innervation of the short head of biceps femoris?
i. Fibular division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)
l. What muscles insert on the pes anserinus?
i. Sartorius
ii. Gracilis
iii. Semitendinosus
m. What gives blood supply to the muscles of the posterior compartment?
i. Perforating branches of profunda femoris
a. What are the symptoms of a hamstring injury?
i. Contusion or tearing of muscle fibers
ii. Apparent hematoma
o. What can result from forced hip flexion with extended knee?
i. Avulsion fracture of ischial tuberosity
ii. Tears all hamstrings except short head of biceps femoris
a. What is the origin of the superior and middle clunial nerves?
i. Lateral cutaneous branches of posterior L1-L3
b. Where are the superior clunial nerves found?
i. Inferolaterally across iliac crest
c. What does the superior clunial nerve supply?
i. Skin of superior buttock to tubercle of iliac crest
d. Where is the middle clunial nerve found?
i. Exits through posterior sacral foramina
ii. Passes laterally to gluteal region
e. What does the middle clunial nerve supply?
i. Skin over sacrum
ii. Adjacent area of buttock
f. What is the origin of the inferior clunial nerve?
i. Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
ii. Anterior rami of S2-S3
g. What is the course of the inferior clunial nerve?
i. Emerges from inferior border of gluteus maximus
ii. Ascends superficial to it
h. What does the inferior clunial nerve innervate?
i. Skin of inferior half of buttock to greater trochanter
a. What contributes to the sacral plexus?
i. L4-S4
b. How will a superior gluteal nerve injury present?
i. Gait abnormalities
ii. + Tredelenburg gait
c. What makes up the nerve to piriformis?
i. S1-S2
i. What are the two divisions of the sciatic nerve?
1. Fibular
2. Tibial
ii. Where is it safe to give intragluteal IM injections?
1. Superolateral quadrant of region
2. Superior to a lien between PSIS and superior border of greater trochanter
iii. Where should an anesthetic block of the sciatic nerve be given?
1. A few cm inferior to line between PSIS and superior border of greater trochanter
e. What will a complete section injury to the sciatic nerve look like?
i. Loss of extension of hip and flexion of knee
f. How will an incomplete section injury to the sciatic nerve present?
i. Usually after a stab wound
ii. Slow to heal
g. What is Hilton’s law?
i. The nerves crossing a joint supply the muscles acting on it, the skin over the joint, and the joint itself
a. With what does the superior gluteal artery anastomose?
i. Inferior gluteal
ii. Medial circumflex femoral
b. What does the superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery supply?
i. Gluteus maximus
c. What does the deep branch of the superior gluteal artery supply?
i. Tensor fascia lata
ii. Gluteus medius
iii. Gluteus minimus
d. In what anastomosis does the inferior gluteal artery participate?
i. Cruciate
e. What does the inferior gluteal artery supply?
i. Gluteus maximus
ii. Obturator internus
iii. Quadratus femoris
iv. Superior hamstrings
f. What is the largest branch of the internal iliac artery?
i. Superior gluteal artery
g. What is the origin of the inferior gluteal artery?
i. One of two terminal division of internal iliac artery
a. What are the borders of the popliteal fossa?
i. Superolateral→ biceps femoris
ii. Superomedial→ semitendinosus and semimembranosus
iii. Inferior→ two heads of gastroc
iv. Roof→ Popliteal fascia and skin
v. Floor→ femur, knee joint capsule
b. What are the contents of the popliteal fossa?
i. Popliteal artery
ii. Popliteal vein
iii. Tibial nerve
iv. Common fibular nerve
v. Plantaris and popliteus muscles
vi. Popliteal lymph nodes
c. What is the popliteal artery? Where does it course?
i. Continuation of femoral artery
ii. Descends close to posterior aspect of femur
iii. Ends at lower border of popliteus→ A/P tibial arteries
d. What do the muscular branches of the popliteal artery supply?
i. Lower adductor magnus and hamstrings
ii. Proximal portions of gastroc, soleus, plantaris
e. What do the cutaneous branches of the popliteal artery supply?
i. Skin of posterior leg
f. What are the genicular branches of the popliteal artery?
i. Medial and lateral superior
ii. Middle
iii. Medial and lateral inferior
g. What does the popliteal vein receive in the popliteal fossa?
i. Saphenous vein
h. What are the symptoms of a popliteal aneurysm?
i. Aneurysm of popliteal artery→
ii. Venous thrombosis
iii. Peripheral edema
iv. Pressure on tibial nerve causing leg pain
i. What is a popliteal (Baker) cyst?
i. Synovial cyst
ii. Becomes infected, spreads inferiorly
i. What are the superior branches of the genicular anastomosis?
1. Descending branch of LCFA
2. Descending genicular artery
ii. What branches of the popliteal artery participate in the genicular anastomosis?
1. All of them
iii. What are the inferior branches of the genicular anastomosis?
1. Posterior tibial recurrent
2. Circumflex fibular
3. Anterior tibial recurrent