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20 Cards in this Set

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The art of ancient grecce and rome, noted for its rationality, simplicity, balance, proportion, intellectuality, and controlled emotions.
Art of eastern empire after the fall of rome, noted for the formality and rich use of colors.
Art especially architechture of western europe from 1050 to 1200. buildings round arches and solid, heavy construction in imitation of roman styles.
Art of late medievil europe, the architechture features pointed arches and light, graceful construction; the painting strived for realism and detail.
cultural milleu of western europe from the 14th through 17th centuries artists pursued the late gothic interest in realism and mastered such problems as depth, perspective, and realistic lighting effects.
highly complex art of europe from about 1600 to 1750, noted for the intricacy and lushness of its creations. Rococo art carries the luxuriousness to an even greater degree.
Genre painting
depcting everyday scenes.
Neo Classical
concerened with formality in the imitation of the classical arts.
dedicated to depicting real emotions and character, favoring intuitional approaches over strict rationality.
late 19th century concerned with accurately representing the impression of light on subjects.
Post impressionism
Artists notably Cezanne who sought a return to the organization of pictorial from used decoration to unify to the design, and exagerated natural appearances for emotional effects.
concerned with transfering the artists emotions to the creation, often depicted by a distortion in form or color. The Fauves were french expressionists who used vivid colors and strived for a look of spontaneity.
style invented by Picaso and Braque which presents multiple viewpoints in a single design.
anti artistic movement which championed absurdity against conventions in all aspects of culture. It arose in protest to the madness of World War I
seeks to express the individual sub conscious mind in a way to reach the unconsciousness of the viewer.
Art Nouveau
emphasized organic forms, often to an erotic effect.
subject is no longer recognizable outside the design area.
Abstract Expressionism
paint is applied in an apparently random manner, to reveal the artists inner world.
Pop Art
Fine arts which depend upon comercial art and popular culture for inspiration.
Folk Art
created by untrazined artists, or in imitation of this maive style by trained artists.