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14 Cards in this Set

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materialist conception of history, internal contradictions lead to social revolution and a new and higher mode of production, classless society is the objective, desire for profit drives capitalism to tear down every barrier to intercourse and conquer the whole earth for its market
capitalism is a system of class oppression operating at a national and international level
Critical theory:
greater emphasis on the ideological and cultural dimension of oppression, capitalist class system is upheld not simply by unequal ecnomic and political power but by the hegemony of bourgeois ideas and theories
Social constructivism:
there is no objective social or political reality independent of our understanding of it, peoples beliefs and assumptions construct the world in which they act according to those constructions
all ideas are expressed in language which is enmeshed in complex relations of power
The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity –Shenker
Must take culture into consideration when discussing human rights, however culture is not unlimited
On the US Human Rights Record –Chomsky
US too powerful and not upholding ideals, not in a good economic state and expressing power and creating a larger gap between 3rd world countries and industrialized countries
The Coming Anarchy –RD Kaplan
Cold war was the closest the world will ever get to utopia
The New Rogue State Doctorine –Michael Klare
US is constantly thinking about a rogue state which will ultimately lead to a counterattack which will result in the need to demonstrate force → war
A Short History of Neo-liberalism –Susan George
Challenges the idea of neo-liberalism
The Clash of emotions –Moisi
Trapped in a culture of fear, hope and humiliation
The American Empire: the Burden –ignatieff
Successful empires understand their limits. September 11th forced America to re-evaluate
its role as an empire, allowing it both to assert its strength while also revealing its weaknesses. September 11th also began a long struggle in the Islamic world to determine how it will be ruled and by whom.
Biological Threat Assessment: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease –Tucker
science-based threat-assessment doesn’t strengthen US national security, but causes us two risks:
Developing these technologies could lead to a leakage of information to proliferators and terrorists
Continuation of classified R&D undermines the BWC and can provoke a biological arms race, even if countries are only operating on the assumption that other countries are just trying to protect themselves.
The Collapse of Globalism and the Rebirth of Nationalism – Saul
global economic forces, if left unfettered by willful man, would protect us against the errors of local self-pride, while allowing individual self-interest to lead each individual to a better life. Together, these forces and self-interests would produce prosperity and general happiness.