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12 Cards in this Set

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Scientific Revolution
Beginning in the mid-1500s, scholars replaced old assumptions with new theories. Was a new way of thinking about the natural world.
Geocentric and Heliocentric Theory
Copernicus's heliocentric theory (stated that everything revovled around the sun)rejected the geocentric theory(stated that everything revolved around Earth).
Scientifc Method
A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo helped begin a new approach to science. It confirms or disproves the idea.
Causes Enlightenment
1) Thinkers began to question the role of government, particularly absolutism.
2) The questioning spirit of the Scientific Revolution, spread to other areas of life.
3) Philosophers looked to recreate the government that was used in England a Constitutional Monarch.
Constitutional Monarch
When King or Queen's power are limited by the constitution
Nicolaus Copernicus
Early 1500s,A Polish cleric and astronomer who was interested in the Greek idea that the sun stood at the center of the universe (heliocentric theory).
Galileo Galilei
1581,17 yr old Italian student of Aristotle. He found that Aristotle's idea of the pendulums's swing was wrong. Discovered law of pendulum. Built his own telescope. Frieghtened church, was summoned and lived under house arrest where he died.
Sir Issac Newton
An English scientist who came up with the theory of motion. Discovered that the same force ruled the motions of planets, pendulum, and all matter on earth and in space. Believed God was creator of Universe.
Absolute Monarchs
Kings or Queens who believed that all power within their state's boundaries rested in their hands.
Absolute monarchs goal was to control every aspect of society. Believed in divine right(the idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God's representatives on earth.
Thomas Hobbes
Believed that an absolute monarch was neccessary to keep order in a nation because people would harm each other without strong laws and harsh punishments. Lived druing the English Civil War and saw brutality when weak leader was in power. Wrote Leviathan
Thoman Hobbes famous quote
"No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nas brutish, and short."