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69 Cards in this Set

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* Person who studies money, trade, resources, supply and demand
* Scarcity = not having enough resources

River Valleys

* First places for civilization
* Tigris & Euphrates → Sumeria (Mesopotamia)
* Nile → Egypt
* Huang He (Yellow) → China
* Indus → Harappa (India)

Neolithic Revolution

* Invention of agriculture (farming)
* Surplus (extra) food
* Settling down and building towns

Bantu Migration

* Migration of people from West Africa to other parts of Africa
* Spread Bantu language, agriculture and iron
* Cultural diffusion

Law Codes

* Hammurabi’s Code (eye for an eye)
* Justinian’s Code
* Napoleonic Code
* Twelve Tables (Rome)


* Cultural diffusion
* India → China, Korea, Japan
* Karma & Reincarnation
* 4 Noble Truths: Suffering is caused by desire
* 8-Fold Path

Gupta Empire

* Golden Age of ancient India
* Concept of zero
* Math, science, art


* Arabia → Middle East, Africa
* Holy text = Koran (Quran)
* Prophet Mohamed
* Five Pillars = rules for behavior
* Hajj = pilgrimage (journey) to Mecca

Golden Age of Islam

* Algebra, Medicine, Science, Poetry
* Mosques and architecture

Ghana, Mali, Songhai

* West African kingdoms
* Based on gold — salt trade
* Mansa Musa = king of Mali, went on famous Hajj to Mecca
* Spread of Islam


* European Middle Ages
* Lords, nobles, knights, serfs
* Social hierarchy (pyramid with levels)
* Land is the most valuable resource

Commercial Revolution

* Beginning of capitalism
* Growth of banks
* Banks provide capital ($) for new investments


* Economic theory in Europe:
* Use colonies as sources of cheap resources
* Force your colonies to buy your manufactured goods


* 1492: Christopher Columbus
* First time Europeans meet Native Americans

Columbian Exchange

* 1492: Christopher Columbus
* Exchange of plant and animal species
* Good for Europe / Asia (new foods)
* Bad for Native Americans (smallpox)

Magna Carta

* British document
* Limit power of monarch (king)
* Step toward democracy


* Become “modern” like the west (Europe and the U.S.)
* Peter the Great (Russia)
* Catherine the Great (Russia)
* Ataturk (Turkey)
* Meiji Restoration (Japan)


* His book was The Prince
* Better to be feared than loved
* “Ends justify the means”
* All about getting and keeping power


* Europe
* Question absolutism
* Locke, Rousseau — consent of the governed (power comes from the people)
* Voltaire — Freedom of speech

John Locke

* Enlightenment
* Natural Rights: Life, Liberty, Property
* The government’s power comes from the people (consent of the governed)


* India
* Nationalist leader
* Won independence from Britain
* Civil disobedience
* Boycott (refuse to buy) British goods
* Salt March

Nelson Mandela

* 1st black president of South Africa
* Fought to end apartheid
* apartheid = whites had all the power and resources even though blacks were the majority

Cold War

* U.S. vs. Soviet Union (Russia)
* Capitalism vs. Communism
* NATO vs. Warsaw Pact


* Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
* Created to control the price of oil


* North American Free Trade Agreement
* Remove barriers to trade
* Encourage trade and economic growth

Traditional Economy

* Barter = trade stuff for other stuff
* Before money existed

Ottoman Empire

* Turkey
* Muslim
* Suleiman the Magnificent
* Between Black Sea & Mediterranean Sea → Trade $$
* Conquered Constantinople

Social Hierarchy

* Unequal social classes
* Think of the pyramid with levels
* Example: Caste system, Feudalism


* Belief system of China
* Five Relationships (father → son, husband → wife, etc.) respect for superiors
* Filial piety — respect for parents and elders
* Civil service exam


* Most popular religion in India
* Holy text = Vedas
* Karma & Reincarnation
* Caste system
* Human rights violations of Untouchables

Primary Source

* Text written a long time ago
* Examples — diary, journal, contract, letter

Zheng He

* Chinese explorer
* Ming Dynasty
* Looking for new trade relationships

Black Death

* Also known as Bubonic Plague
* Disease that killed ⅓ Medieval Europe
* Caused by trade
* Effect → shortage of labor


* Wars between Muslims and Christians for the Holy Land
* Muslims won
* Europeans wanted to trade luxury goods with Muslims → Cultural diffusion


* Idea from the Renaissance
* Emphasize individual achievements — people can be educated to unlock their potential
* Interested in classical Greece and Rome

Martin Luther

* 95 Theses — reforms for Catholic Church
* Against indulgences (buying forgiveness)
* Protestant Reformation

Absolute Monarchs

* Kings with total power
* Centralize power, take power away from nobles
* Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman)
* Akbar the Great (India)
* Peter the Great (Russia)
* Louis XIV (France)
* Elizabeth I (England)

French Revolution

* Third estate (commoners) overthrew the 1st and 2nd estate (priests and nobles)
* Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette
* Reign of Terror

Inca Empire

* Native Americans in Peru
* Before Columbus
* Andes Mountains
* Terrace farming, built roads & bridges

Encomienda System

* Latin America
* Spanish used the Native Americans like slaves
* Imperialism, Colonialism


* Powerful country controls and uses a weaker country (colony)
* “Spheres of Influence” in China
* Spain → Mexico, Peru, DR, etc.
* Britain → North America, India, etc.

Berlin Conference

* Meeting where European nations “carved up” Africa into colonies
* Imperialism

Haitian Revolution

* Overthrew French slave masters
* Toussaint L’Ouverture = leader
* Inspired by Enlightenment ideas

Simon Bolivar

* South America
* Nationalist revolutionary leader
* Revolution against Spanish empire
* Colonies became independent nations

Scientific Revolution

* Galileo, Newton, Descartes
* Scientific Method
* Experiments and observation

Industrial Revolution

* Started in England (Britain) because of geography (coal and iron and irregular coastline)
* Factories
* Effect → urbanization (cities), growth of a middle class

Laissez Faire

* Adam Smith
* Government should stay out of the economy
* Free markets
* Capitalism

Karl Marx

* Communist Manifesto
* Workers (proletariat) should overthrow factory owners (bourgeoisie)

Russian Revolution

* Also known as Bolshevik Revolution
* Vladimir Lenin
* Wanted “Peace, land and bread”
* Communism
* Russia becomes Soviet Union


* Soviet Union (Russia)
* Communist dictator
* Government in command of the economy
* Five Year Plan: Increase industry, Farm collectives

Mao Zedong

* Chinese communist dictator
* “Great Leap Forward” → farm collectivesfamine (starvation)

*Long March
* Cultural Revolution
* Similar to Stalin


* famine = mass-starvation
* Ukraine 1930s (because of Stalin’s farm collectives)
* Ireland 1800s (because of epic potato fail) → migration to America

Japanese Imperialism

* Japan wanted resources for its factories
* Japan attacked China, Russia, other Asian countries to get resources
* Started WW2 in the Pacific


* Murder of a whole race / ethnicity
* Ottomans → Armenians (WW1)
* Nazis → Jews & "undesirables" (WW2)
* Pol Pot → everyone (Cambodia)
* Hutus → Tutsis (Rwanda)

Atomic Bomb

* U.S. used on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan during WW2
* Cause of Cold War
* Arms race — U.S. v. Soviet Union
* Proliferation = spread of nuclear technology to Soviet Union, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, etc.

Geography of Russia

* It’s cold! And big!
* Hitler and Napoleon both invaded Russia in winter — big mistake!


* Pride in your nationality
* Can unify a nation (Italy, Germany)...
* Or can liberate a nation (India, Vietnam)...
* Or turn very ugly (Nazis, fascism)

Ho Chi Minh

* Led Vietnam to independence from France and then the United States

* Communist


* Person who studies artifacts to learn about the past
* Artifacts = old stuff and skeletons buried in the ground

League of Nations

* Created after WW1 to try to prevent another world war
* Too weak
* Failed because WW2 happened anyway

United Nations

* United Nations (UN)
* Created after WW2 to try to prevent another world war
* Goal was to prevent another genocide (NOT successful)

Geography of Korea

* "Land bridge" between China and Japan
* Cultural Diffusion: Ex. spread of Buddhism

Cultural Diffusion

* Spread of culture from one place to another

Marshall Plan

* Cold War policy
* US gave $ to Europe to rebuild after WW2
* Protect Europe from Soviet (Communist) influence


* Expansion of deserts
* Caused by overgrazing (animals eating all the grass)
* Also caused by climate change/global warming


* Businesses have factories and stores all over the world
* Not always good for workers (they have to compete with workers in other countries who get paid less)


* North Atlantic Treaty Organization
* Alliance during the Cold War (US, Britain, Canada, France, etc.)
* Protect against Communist (Soviet) aggression

Deng Xiaoping

*Chinese leader who modernized China's economy (Capitalist reforms)

*Crushed Tiananmen Square protesters with tanks! (Human Rights Violation)

Nanjing & Mogadishu

*Cities that were important centers of trade