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250 Cards in this Set

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Study written records of the past
Study the earth and its features
Physical land features
Political Maps
Show countries and their borders
Physical Maps
show the topography of a place
Study how socities use their resources
Study human culture
Study the culture of past societies by analysis of physical remains
Primary Source
first hand account of a historical event
autobriographis, photos, letters, journals
Secondary Source
second hand account of a historical event
textbooks, newspapers encyclopedias
raise animals for food
people who wander from place to place
food surplus
having a steady supply of food
complex and highly organized society that includes government, social classes, job specialization, food surplus, writing and religion
Neolithic Revolution
the change from hunting and gathering to argiculture
River valley
low area of land next to rivers
method of watering crops
help creat fertle land
Country in North Africa, the Nile is the major river, developed hieroglyphics, pyramids and Pharaohs
Middel East; Tigris/Euphrates Rivers, Cuneiform, Code of Hammurabi
India, Indus, organized cities
Asia, Yellow and Yangtze River, natural boundries,
Peninsula; south east part of Europe, Athens, Sparta, citiy states
direct democracy
belief in many gods
Alexander the Great
Conquered Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India.
Hellenstic culture
Greek culture
Peninsuloa of Italy, central Europe
12 Tables
Writeen laws that stated the rules of behavior
Pax Romana
Roman Peace. 200 years of Rome
Guilded age
Maurya Dynasty
Known for his kind treatment of people; religious tolerance
Gupa Dynasty
India, Golden Age of India
Caste System
social hierarchy of India in which people were born into a social class.
merchants and artisans
lowest people in society
Qin Dynasty
China, 15 years
humans are evil and hards punishments are needed to keep order in society
Han Dynasty
China, 400 years
Civil Service
government positions were given only to skilled people who passed difficult exams.
Silk Road
4000 miles of trading route
Cultural Diffusion
Exchange of ideas, culture and goods
Ancient polytheistic religion in India that followed the caste system
Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, No god, goal was to achieve Nirvana
after humans die, their soul is reborn
good and bad deeds people perform in their lives
Four Nobel Truths
all life is suffering caused by our selfish desires
8 Fold Path
code of behavior followed by Buddhists
five reltionships are important to keep society in order
Filial Piety
honor and respect for elders and family
Byzantine Empire
Eastern portion of the Roman Empire
Capital city of the Byzantine Empire; good trade location
Eastern Orthodox Religion
Christianity that was practiced by the Byzantine Empire
Justinian Code
System of laws created by Emperior Justinian; adopted by many western nations
Code of Hammurabi
written legal code of Babylong
Monothestic religion; Muslims; founder Mohammad
Holy book of Islam
Five Pillars
Moral duties of Muslims
570-632AD; founder of Islam; prophet
political system of the Middle Ages in which kings throughout Europe gave land away to nobles in return for their loyalty and military service
Middle Ages; people lived on manors
peasants that could not leave the land and performed farm labor for the noble
Roman Catholic Church
Church led by the pope; Rome
Religious wars of the Middle Ages in which Christians From Europe fought to regain control of the Holy Land From Muslims
Tang Dynasty
China; accomplishments gunpowder, compass, block printing, porcelain
Song Dynasty
China; long distance trade on Silk Road; civil service exams
archipelago in Asia
Terrace Farming
carved flat areas into mountains in order to grow crops.
Japanese religion; all living things have a soul
Japanese military general
Wealthy nobles who were given land by the Emperor in return for loyalty
Japanese warriors
code of conduct followed by the Samurai
Largest continent; diverse geography
traditional religion; all things have a soul
Bantu Migrations
500 BC - 1500 AD largest movement of people in history, cultural diffusion, iron technology, agricultural techniques
West African Civilizations
Mali, Ghana, Sohnhai - located along the Trans Saharan trade routes, became weathy by the gold and salt trade
Mansa Musa
Ruler of Mali, pilgrimage to Mecca, turned Timbucktu into a center of Islamic Learning and trade
large grassy plain in Asia
people who lived on the steppes of Asia, nomadic, pastoralists,
Marco Polo
Italian trader who lived in China for 20 years and was an advisor Genghis Khan. wrote of his experiences
Genghis Khan
ruler of the Mongols who united clans to conquer China, Central Asia and Russia
Black Death
major desise - bubonic plague that killed 25 million people in the Middle Ages
Golden Age of Western Europe, Rebirth
focus on humans and life on earth instead of on God and Heaven
Niccol Machiavelli
Wrote a book called the Prince. Rulers must have absolute power and do whatever is necessary to say in power.
Protestant Reformation
religious revolution that challenged the Catholic Church and led to the division of Christianity
Martin Luther
German mon who created the 95 Thesis arguments against the sale of indulgences
Henry VII
King of England who separated from the Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce from his wife and the church would not allow it. Started the Church of England
John Calvin
Swiss church reformer who belived in predestination, which is the idea that God already knows who will be punished and who will be saved.
Johannes Gutenbert
Invented the printing press
lived in the lowland region of Meso America (central Ameria)
Lived in meso america and built a large empire, developed a writing system and calendar
Lived in the Andes mountains of present day Peru
Machu Picchu
Famous ancient city of the Inca
Age of Exploration
Period of Europen exploration of the globe
idea that colonies existed for the perupose of the Mother Country
Triangular Trade
trade route taken by Euopeans in the Atlantic Ocean
Columbian Exchange
exchange of people, plants animals, ideas, and technology between the old world and the new world.
Commercial Revoltion
new forms of bsiness that were introduced durng the Age of exploration.
Joint Stock Companies
investors would combine monety to help pay for trading projects
Form of business in which profits from one project are reinvested in another to make more profits.
Ibn Battuta
Muslim who traved 75,000 miles and wrote about his travels to Africa, Asia and Europe
Zhen He
Chinese explorer of the Ming Dynasty
period of European History when nations were governed by absolute monarchs
Peter the Great
Russian czar who westernized his nation
Louis XIV
absolute monarch of France
Sueliman the Mangnificant
Monarch of the Ottoman Empire
Scientific Revolution
sudden and drastic change in how people viewed the world. science and reson used to explain how the world worked
Astronomer who developed the Heliocentric Theory
Heliocentric Theory
idea that the planet revolve around the sn
Astronomer who proved that Corpernicus was correct. Excommunicated by Catholic Church for his views.
Isaac Newton
Mathematician who developed calculus and theory of gravity
Johannes Kepler
Astronmer who discoved how planet move
Period in European History when reason was ued to understand and improve society. Age of Reason
John Locke
all people have natural rights; right to revolution is those rights are denied
Baron de Montesquieu
Three branches of government so no one became to powerful
everyone entitled to freedom
society should be governed by a social contract between government and people.
Glorious Revolution
People of England successfully limited the power of the monarch
Magna Carta
document that shared power with parliment and the king
English Bill of Rights
specific rights to people
Habeas Corpus
you must be charged with a crime order for the government to put you in prision
French Revolution
Revolution in France to give poltial power to people; inspired by the Enlightenment
Declaration of the Rights of Man
document written druing the French Revolution that gave equal rights to men of France
Reign of Terror
event where the leaders of the French Revolution executed people they believed were loyal to the King
radical group that led the Reign of Terror
Louis XVI
executed king of the French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte
ruler who came to power at the end fo the French Revolution; expanded French Territory
pride in one's nation; cultural identity
people born in Spain but lived in Latin America
Europeans born in Latin America
Mixed Europan and Native Americans
Mixed European and Black
Simon Bolivar
Venazualan general who started the Latin American Revolutioj
Jose De San Martin
teamed up with Bolivar to create a revolution
Miguel Hidalgo
Mexican Priest who started the Mexican Revolution to gain independance from Spain
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Hatian slave who own his freedom; started a Revolution in Haiti to win freedom fro slaves from France
Industrial Revolution
change from producing goods by hand to producing goods with machines in factories.
Growth of cities
Laissez Faire Capitalism
Market Economy. Goverment had no regulation of business
Karl Marx
German who wrote the Communist Manifesto about class struggles
wealthy upper class in European society
working class who wanted a new society where work and wealth was shared equally by everyone
love, loyalty and devotions to one's country
Unification of Itay
successful combining of Italy's city sates
Giuseppe Garibaldi
nationalist of Italy who helped unify the country
Giuseppe Mazzini
helped unify Italy
Camillo di Cavour
helped unity Italy
Potato Famine
1 million people in Ireland straved due to the faliure of the potato crop.
strong country conqueres a weaker country
Natural Resources
resources that are found in the earth like coal or iron
White Man's Burden
Racist peom that encouraged Europeans to civilize the people of developing nations.
Social Darwinism
it was natural for strong countries to take over weak ones
Scramble for Africa
90% of Africa taken over by European countries.
Opium Wars
England smuggling opium to China; Chian fights back and loses because of inferior military technology
Spehers of Influence
trade was controlled by different European nations
Sepoy Mutiny
Rebellion by Indian soliders to protest religious practices
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese tried to get rid of British influence in China
Commodore Matthew Perry
US diplomat who negociated a treaty with Japan
when a nation adopts the culture and practices of Western Euopean countries.
build up of armies and supplies
Countries of Europe alligned themselves with nations in order to prepare for war.
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that ended World War I
Russian Revolution
Russian people unhappy with their czar and government corruption
Czar Nicholas I
czar of Russia; abused his power and took away peoples' rights
Radical groups that led the Russian Revolution
Peace, Land and Bread
Slogan of the Russian Revolution
Kemel Ataturk
First president of Turkey; Nationalist who modernized and westernized Turkey
government with the imput of the people
advocated for the created of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
The Holy Land; imporant place for all religions
Mohandas Gandhi
Indian national who advocated for non violent resistance to British goverment
Salt March
Famous event where Gandhi protested British taxes on salt by leading a peaceful march to the sea to make his own salt
to stop buying or usuing British Goods
Totalitarian dictatorship
a dictator with total control of government and society
Joseph Stalin
Leader of the USSR during world war II
Government strictly controld the media of their nation
Messages used to influence the way people think and behave
Command Economy
economic system where the government owns business, makes decisions and sets prices.
Five Year Plan
Stalin's economic plan for the Soviet Union to set goals for the nation every five years.
Collective Farms
Farms that were owned by the government.
Rape of Nanking
Brutal event in which the Japanese raped andkilled Chinese civilians in the city of Nanking.
League of Nations
Interanational organization that was created after WWI to prevent wars.
Policy of giving agressive nations what they want to avoid war.
Munich Conference
Great Britain met with Hitler and appeased him by giving him Czechoslovakia.
Invasion of Poland
1939- Germany invades Poland. Britain and France come to Poland's aid and WWII Begins.
Pearl Harbor
1941 -Japan launched a suprise attack on US naval base in Hawaii
Battle of Stalingrad
Russian battle that showed Hitler that he would not be able to conquer the Soviet Union.
D Day Invasion
Beginning of the final Allied push against Germany.
Atomic Bomb
Developed during the Manhattan Project. Bombs droped on Hiroshimia and Nagaski. The final battle of World War II.
Nazis killed 12 million people in an attempt to creat the perfect race.
United Nations
Organization created in order to prevent future wars, combat disease and poverty.
Nurembuerg Trials
Court case where the surviving Nazis who helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust were put on trial.
Iron Curtain
Term used by Winston Churchill to describe the imaginary line dividing the democratic countryies of Western Europe and communist countries of Eastern Europe.
US policy of aiding countries that wanted to resist communism.
Truman Doctrine
Policy of containment where the US sent monety to Turkety and Greece to stop communism.
Marshall Plan
US Gave 13 billion dollars to countries of Western Eurpe to help them rebuild after WWII.
Berlin Wall
Concrete wall built by the communists around the city of West erlin to prevent people in East Germany going to the West.
Berlin Airlift
Event in which the US, Britain and France airlifted supplies and food to West Berlin after Stalin set a blockade.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Military alliance between US, Canada and Western Europe.
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance between Soviet Union and communist countries of Eastern Europe.
Hungarian Revolution
1956 - attempt to break away from the Soviet Union. They failied.
Arms Race
US and Soviet Union competed to build up the largest supply of nuclear weapons.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Began when the US discoverd that the Soviet Union was building missil bases in Cuba.
Eurpean Union
27 European countries that work toward increasing trade.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. created to determine the price and prodeuction of oil.
Mao Zedong
First communist leader of China who gained the support of the peasents.
Great Leap Forward
Mao's attempt to modernize China.
Cultural Revolution
Period in China where used violent young communist soldiers to eliminate all of the opposition.
Red Guard
Communist soldiers who terrorized China during the cultural revolution.
Deng Xioping
Ruler of China after Mao. Changed the economic system from a command economy to market economy with restrictions.
Market Economy
Economic system where free enterprise and captialism are the way to distribute goods and services.
Tiananmen Square
Series of peaceful protests in 1989 where Chinese students were arrested and killed by Chinese army.
Mohandas Gandhi
Indian national whose non violent protests helped India win its freedom from Britian.
Neutrality during the Cold War
the process by which former European colonies got their independance.
Jomo Kenyatta
Kenya national who helped get independance.
Kwame Nkrumah
Ghana national who helped gain independance.
System of racial segration in South Africa.
Nelson Mandela
South African national who was imprisioned for 27 years for protesting aparthied. Became the first black president of South Africa.
Ethnic conflice between Hutus and Tutsis tribes that led to genocide.
Ho Chi Minh
Nationalist leader who led a war gains France to gain independence for Vietnam.
Vietnam War
War with France then the US in order to contain communism. After the war Vietnam became a united communist country.
Pol Pot
Leader of the Khamer Rouge and ruller of Cambodia from 1976-1979. Brutal dictator who denied his people human rights and committed genocide.
Creation of Israel
Interantional community decided to create the nation of Israel for Jewish people after WW II.
Islamic Fundamentalism
The belief that governments should create societies that are based on the rules of Islaml.
Iranian Revolution
1979 - Overthrow of the dictator to form a theoracy in Iran.
Shah of Iran
Iranian leader who had the support of the US during the Iranian revolution.
Nation ruled by religious leaders and law.
Ayatollah Khomeini
Religious leader who came to power after the Shah was overthrown.
Islamic group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996-2001. Strict adhereence to Sharia Law (Islamic Law)
Mikhail Gorbachev
Leader of the Soviet Union who helped bring about the end of Communism.
Program that Gorbachev supported to change the economy of the Soviet Union.
Program in Soviet Union that allowed freedom of speech.
Boris Yeltsin
First democratically elected president in the history of Russia.
Destruction of the Berlin Wall
East German symbol of the cold war was torn down. Offical end of communismt.
Traditional Economy
Based on the barter system of trade and subsistance farming.
Ozone Layer
small layer of gases in the atmosphere that absorbs the sun's ultra violet rays and protects us.
Acid Rain
contains chemicals due to pollution
Elimination of rainforests in Brazil, Costa Rica and Congo
change from fertile land to desert.
Greenhouse Effect
trapping of war air in the atmosphere that leads to global warming.
Green Revolution
Use of technology to increase the food supply
Nuclear Proliferation
Spread of nuclear technology to countries that do have them.