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184 Cards in this Set

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Geography of Greece

-peninsula found in the eastern part of the Mediterranean and in the smaller Aegean Sea

How did the geography affect Greece

-Land was poor for farming/ had to import from other places

-poor communication & isolation cuz mountains isolated the Greeks

-mountains sometimes protected ppl from bad weather & invasions

-sometimes Greeks left their land for better opportunities and started colonies in other places

How was the Greek city-state (polis) divided

1. Acropolis is a high & fortified place

2. Middle of the city has government buildings, market place, few houses

3. Surrounding countryside on the edge of the city

Describe the Acropolis

-had temples where ppl would worship gods & goddesses

-very famous temple on top of the Acropolis called the Parthenon

Describe the Parthenon

Temple of the goddess of wisdom, Athena

In Athens, ppl were interested in everything, which was called

Pluralistic society

How did Athens become famous

Bc of democracy

What does democracy mean

Rule of the people

Where is Athens located

On the Attica peninsula

How would the citizens in Athens participate

-adult male citizens allowed to vote directly in the assembly

- could serve in government for 1 year

-serve in jury, which were sometimes VERY big (this was done to avoid threats and bribery)

Who had no say in the Athenian government

Women, slaves, & foreigners

In Sparta, ppl wanted one way of life, and this was called

Monolithic society

What was monolithic society

-focus on the military way of life

-strong soldiers to prevent slaves or helots from revolting

Where was Sparta located

Peloponnesus peninsula

What did the Greeks have in common

-same language


-peace during Olympic Games

-were very patriotic & loved their city-state

- loved architecture

-common ancestor named Hellen

-loved epics like homer's Iliad and the Odyssey

-fortune tellers (oracles)

-see plays

On example of a Greek play

Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

Why did the Greeks and Persians go to war

-Greek colonies were revolting against Persians so Persians wanted revenge

Battle of marathon

-490 B.C

-King Darius of Persia invaded Greece

-Greek soldiers were led by famous general Miltiades

What did the Greeks and Persians use during the war at Marathon

Greeks- swords, spears, armor

Persians- bows and arrows

Who won the battle of Marathon

Persians GREATY outnumbered the Greeks but Greeks won bc they surrounded them & the Persians were crushed

Battle of Thermopylae

-480 B.C

-King Xerxes was the son of King Darius & he wanted revenge

-Spartans were helping the Athenians

How did the Persians gain the advantage at the battle of Thermopylae

The Greeks were guarding a shortcut thru the mountains when a Greek traitor showed the Persians a secret way through the mountains

How many Spartans were led in the battle of Thermopylae and by who

300 by their King Leonidas, and they were all killed

Who warned the Greeks to retreat and what happened

Themistocles and they needed to leave Athens retreat to their ships

Who burned Athens


When was the Battle at Salamis Bay

480 B.C

Warships used at salamis bay

-Greek warship called triremes bc they had 3 sets of oars & were deadly bc metal bartering ram

-triremes were smaller, faster, deadlier

-too many big Persian ships in the little bay

Battle of Plataea

-479 B.C

-Greeks destroyed all the remaining Persians

-lived in Athens

-nothing written, but student Plato wrote about him

-motto was "know thyself"

-found truth by asking questions

-government feared him cuz he caused the young ppl to ask too many questions

-put on trial (stop teaching, leave Athens, die from hemlock)

Athens after the Persian wars

-Athens was greatest ladder of the Greeks

-Greeks formed Delian league bc wanted protection from Persians

-Greeks were jealous of Athens bc it was too powerful & and they feared loosing their freedom


Peloponnesian Wars

-Greeks were constantly fighting in these series of wars

-Bc Greece was so divided, it was defeated by King Philip of Macedonia in 338 B.C

Alexander the Great of Macedonia

-was 20 when King

-proud/ ambitious, conquered all land from east- Indus River

-fav teacher was Aristotle, who taught him about brotherhood & biology

-encouraged his men to marry foreign girls & married a Persian princess

-treated everyone like brothers

-fought alongside his own men

-wanted everyone to join army

-died of fever at 33

-greedy generals broke up his empire, which was on 3 continents

What were Alexander's accomplishments

-United Greeks and Romans & Greeks and Persians

-started cities like Alexander in Egypt, and trade increased greatly

-had the largest empire in the ancient world

-cultural diffusion increased

-He increased education & learning


-lived in Athens

-nothing written, but student Plato wrote about him

-motto was "know thyself"

-found truth by asking questions

-government feared him cuz he caused the young ppl to ask too many questions

-put on trial (stop teaching, leave Athens, die from hemlock)


-Started an academy to teach ppl about philosophy

-felt women where equal to men

-ppl should do the job they are best qualified to do

-said to be anti-democratic (against the rule of the ppl) bc he felt only smart ppl should rule & most ppl were uneducated and could not be trusted to make good decisions


-from Macedonia

-believed in moderation & to follow the middle road

-motto was "learn by doing"

-teacher of Alexander: both believed in brotherhood and biology


-nicknamed the "father of history"

-wrote entertaining account of Persian wars


-was called scientific historian

-wrote accurate account of Peloponnesian War


Hipparchus- studied longitude, latitude, and trigonometry

Aristarchus- said that the sun was the center of the universe, and this was called Heliocentric theory


Hipparchus- nicknamed the father of medicine

Archimedes- lived in Syracuse on the island of Sicily

-discovered law of specific gravity (certain objects will displace certain amounts of water)

-law of flotation

-built war machines for King of Syracuse

-killed by attaching romans

Greek columns

•Doric style- simple (Parthenon has 46 Doric columns)

•Ionic style

•Corinthian style- fancy (Pantheon was a temple for all gods and goddesses and still stands intact)

Geography of Italy


-in the middle of Mediterranean Sea

-Tyrrhenian sea found in the west coast

-Adriatic sea found in the east coast

-Ionian sea found in the south

-Po river found in north (important for farming)

-Apennines run along the spine of Italy, more towards the east

-Alps in the north (sometimes protect ppl from invasion & bad weather

-harbors in west coast were better for trade

What was Rome like

-The first settlers came from the north, and they were called latins

-Latins were defeated by the Etruscans who came from the east from Asia Minor

-Rome was a republic where the citizens elected representatives (indirect democracy)

What was the Roman society like

-Patricians formed the upper class (rich landlords & land owners & came from noble families)

-plebeians formed the lower class (farmers, soldiers, merchants)

-merchants did importing and exporting

-skilled craftsmen (artisans)


What was the Roman society like

-Patricians formed the upper class (rich landlords & land owners & came from noble families)

-plebeians formed the lower class (farmers, soldiers, merchants)

-merchants did importing and exporting

-skilled craftsmen (artisans)


How did the plebeians gain power

-threatened not to farm/ serve as soldiers

-laws were written down for the first time called THE TWELVE TABLES

-plebeians were allowed to marry patricians

-formed their own assembly to make laws

-elected to vote in senate later on

-lower interest rates on loans so it was easier to pay back their debts

What was the Roman society like

-Patricians formed the upper class (rich landlords & land owners & came from noble families)

-plebeians formed the lower class (farmers, soldiers, merchants)

-merchants did importing and exporting

-skilled craftsmen (artisans)


How did the plebeians gain power

-threatened not to farm/ serve as soldiers

-laws were written down for the first time called THE TWELVE TABLES

-plebeians were allowed to marry patricians

-formed their own assembly to make laws

-elected to vote in senate later on

-lower interest rates on loans so it was easier to pay back their debts

The forum in Roman society

-Heart of the city

-could find marketplaces, government buildings, homes

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Hannibal during the second Punic war

-left Africa, went through the Spain, crossed the Pyrenees (Mts, between Spain & France)

Then crossed the alps in northern Italy to invade

-37 elephants

-45,000 soldiers

-8,000 chivalry

-nearly lost half during his trip

-stayed in Italy for nearly 15 years but couldn't defeat Rome bc he had no allies

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

During what war was Hannibal defeated

Battle at Zama 202 B.C

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Hannibal during the second Punic war

-left Africa, went through the Spain, crossed the Pyrenees (Mts, between Spain & France)

Then crossed the alps in northern Italy to invade

-37 elephants

-45,000 soldiers

-8,000 chivalry

-nearly lost half during his trip

-stayed in Italy for nearly 15 years but couldn't defeat Rome bc he had no allies

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

During what war was Hannibal defeated

Battle at Zama 202 B.C

Third Punic war

-Rome wanted to completely destroy Carthage:

-city burned

-ppl sold into slavery

-salt plowed into land

-Hannibal escaped to the east but the Romans captured him so he took his own life

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Hannibal during the second Punic war

-left Africa, went through the Spain, crossed the Pyrenees (Mts, between Spain & France)

Then crossed the alps in northern Italy to invade

-37 elephants

-45,000 soldiers

-8,000 chivalry

-nearly lost half during his trip

-stayed in Italy for nearly 15 years but couldn't defeat Rome bc he had no allies

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

During what war was Hannibal defeated

Battle at Zama 202 B.C

Third Punic war

-Rome wanted to completely destroy Carthage:

-city burned

-ppl sold into slavery

-salt plowed into land

-Hannibal escaped to the east but the Romans captured him so he took his own life

How did Julius Caesar come to power

-at first he shared his power his Pompey and Crassus

-was made governor of Gaul (France)

-invalided Britain twice, but could not conquer

-wrote a book about his career called The commentaries

-at the Rubicon river, he took his army and capture Rome

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Hannibal during the second Punic war

-left Africa, went through the Spain, crossed the Pyrenees (Mts, between Spain & France)

Then crossed the alps in northern Italy to invade

-37 elephants

-45,000 soldiers

-8,000 chivalry

-nearly lost half during his trip

-stayed in Italy for nearly 15 years but couldn't defeat Rome bc he had no allies

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

During what war was Hannibal defeated

Battle at Zama 202 B.C

Third Punic war

-Rome wanted to completely destroy Carthage:

-city burned

-ppl sold into slavery

-salt plowed into land

-Hannibal escaped to the east but the Romans captured him so he took his own life

How did Julius Caesar come to power

-at first he shared his power his Pompey and Crassus

-was made governor of Gaul (France)

-invalided Britain twice, but could not conquer

-wrote a book about his career called The commentaries

-at the Rubicon river, he took his army and capture Rome

How did Julius Caesar reform the government

-Let the provinces have more self-government

-let more people become citizens

-wanted honest governors who would not steal taxis

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Hannibal during the second Punic war

-left Africa, went through the Spain, crossed the Pyrenees (Mts, between Spain & France)

Then crossed the alps in northern Italy to invade

-37 elephants

-45,000 soldiers

-8,000 chivalry

-nearly lost half during his trip

-stayed in Italy for nearly 15 years but couldn't defeat Rome bc he had no allies

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

During what war was Hannibal defeated

Battle at Zama 202 B.C

Third Punic war

-Rome wanted to completely destroy Carthage:

-city burned

-ppl sold into slavery

-salt plowed into land

-Hannibal escaped to the east but the Romans captured him so he took his own life

How did Julius Caesar come to power

-at first he shared his power his Pompey and Crassus

-was made governor of Gaul (France)

-invalided Britain twice, but could not conquer

-wrote a book about his career called The commentaries

-at the Rubicon river, he took his army and capture Rome

How did Julius Caesar reform the government

-Let the provinces have more self-government

-let more people become citizens

-wanted honest governors who would not steal taxis

How did Julius Caesar reform the economy

-wanted lower taxis + interest rates

-made public jobs for unemployed

-started colonies to help unemployed

-gave away land & food to the poor

-wanted fewer slaves to work on farms so free ppl could have more jobs

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Hannibal during the second Punic war

-left Africa, went through the Spain, crossed the Pyrenees (Mts, between Spain & France)

Then crossed the alps in northern Italy to invade

-37 elephants

-45,000 soldiers

-8,000 chivalry

-nearly lost half during his trip

-stayed in Italy for nearly 15 years but couldn't defeat Rome bc he had no allies

Entertainment in Roman society

-gladiators fought in the colosseum

-held chariot races in the circus Maximus

-liked to watch plays

During what war was Hannibal defeated

Battle at Zama 202 B.C

Third Punic war

-Rome wanted to completely destroy Carthage:

-city burned

-ppl sold into slavery

-salt plowed into land

-Hannibal escaped to the east but the Romans captured him so he took his own life

How did Julius Caesar come to power

-at first he shared his power his Pompey and Crassus

-was made governor of Gaul (France)

-invalided Britain twice, but could not conquer

-wrote a book about his career called The commentaries

-at the Rubicon river, he took his army and capture Rome

How did Julius Caesar reform the government

-Let the provinces have more self-government

-let more people become citizens

-wanted honest governors who would not steal taxis

How did Julius Caesar reform the economy

-wanted lower taxis + interest rates

-made public jobs for unemployed

-started colonies to help unemployed

-gave away land & food to the poor

-wanted fewer slaves to work on farms so free ppl could have more jobs

How did Julius Caesar die

-Stabbed 2 dozen times in senate building March 15, 44 B.C

-murderer led by his best friend, Brutus

-killed him bc he was too ambitious and they felt he would hurt Rome

Roman architecture

-copied Greek style of columns

-used bricks, arches, and domes

-aqueducts were used to carry water from high to low spots

How did Rome expand

-at first they were helped by allies

- plan for success was "divide and conquer"

-soldiers were good at fighting at land & at sea

The Roman soldiers

-very patriotic

-wore helmet, armor, and carried shield

-had good weapons

-main weapon was short Spanish sword (cultural diffusion)

-spear had soft metal tip so couldn't be reused

-Roman ships had planks of bridges with hooks to connect to enemies ' ships

Some Romans went out looking for better land, and they settled in


How did the Romans treat their conquered people

-let them have more self-government

-let them keep their religions and traditions

-sometimes let them become citizens if they did something good

Land outside the Italian peninsula

-was organized into provinces

-governors was elected by the senate to rule the province

-sometimes governors were corrupt and dishonest bc they stole tax money

Why did Romans go to war against the Carthaginians?

-jealous of each other over trade

-both wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea

-Rome was afraid that Carthage would get control of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy

-Rome went to war with Carthage in the first Punic war and took control of Sicily & the straight of Messina

Second Punic war

-most famous

-hero from Carthage was Hannibal

-Hannibal won the biggest victory in the south at the battle of Cannae in 216 B.C

-Carthage was attacked by the Roman general, Scipio, which forced Hannibal to leave Carthage & return to Italy

Hannibal during the second Punic war

-left Africa, went through the Spain, crossed the Pyrenees (Mts, between Spain & France)

Then crossed the alps in northern Italy to invade

-37 elephants

-45,000 soldiers

-8,000 chivalry

-nearly lost half during his trip

-stayed in Italy for nearly 15 years but couldn't defeat Rome bc he had no allies