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58 Cards in this Set

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What is absolutism?
The system of government when absolute monarchs ruled their countries
What does Divine Right mean?
Their right to rule came absolutely from God
Who led Absolutism in Spain?
Philip II
Who led Absolutism in Russia?
Peter the Great
Who led Absolutism in France?
Louis IV
Who was The Sun King?
Louis IV.
What was the palace Louis IV built?
What did England develop into?
Limited Monarchy
The Magna Carta, Glorious Revolution and English Bill of Rights all
Limited the power of the English Monarchs
Who did the Monarchy have to share power with?
The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were known as
The Age of Reason
The Age of Reason means
New Ideas
Inventors in the Scientific Revoultion were
Copernicus, Galileo and Newton
What does the Age of Reason mean?
Reason was applied to thinking about politics, government and the laws of nature
Elightenment thinkers believed
All people had natural rights. They opposed divine right/absolute monarchs
New ideas lead to
Famous people of the Enlightenement
John Locke, Montesquieu and Voltaire
What did John Locke believe?
1.Thought people have natural rights
Life, liberty and property
2. Government should protect people's rights,
3. Government should be based on the consent of the people
4. When government does not protect people's rights, people can overthrow it
John Locke's ideas led to
The American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and the the French Revolution
What did Montesquieu believe in?
Believed in separation of powers: government should be shared among 3 branches
What did Voltaire believe in?
Believed in freedom of speech
What were the causes of the French Revolution?
1.Disastisfaction of the Third Estate - unfair social system and tax system
2. Absolute Monarchy
3. Enlightenment
The American Revolution showed people
Could change their government and make it better
When did the French Revolution start?
When the people stormed the Bastille (prison)
What was an event of the French Revolution?
1. The National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man
2. Robespierre led a Reign of Terror
What happened during the reign of terror?
People who were disloyal were executed, and lost their heads on the guillotine
Who was Napolean Bonaparte?
He was a great general. He conquered much of Europe. His invasion of Russia was a disaster
What was a result of the French Revolution?
The French Revolution and the American Revolution inspired other people who wanted Democracy and Independence
What is Nationalism?
Loyalty to a nation of people with a common culture and the desire of those people to rule themselves. Love thy country
Who were the Latin American nationalists
Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Tousaint L'Ouverture
Nationalism led to
The unification of Germany and Italy
Who were the Italian Nationalists?
Cavour, Mazzini, Garibaldi
Who was the leader of German unification?
Otto von Bismarck
What policy did Otto von Bismark rule by?
Blood and Iron - he used people and weapons to go to war and accomplish his goals.
What was the Industrial Revolution?
It marked a change in the way goods were produced, from homes to factories
Where did the industrial revolution begin?
It began in England
How did the Industrial Revolution change life?
It caused 1.Urbanization (crowded cities), pollution, 2. bad working conditions (child labor)
3. the growth of the middle class
Why did life become better after the Industrial Revolution?
Reforms (laws) were made
Who was the father of communism?
Karl Marx
What does class struggle mean according to Karl Marx?
The working class (proletariat - poor) would rise up
What is Imperialism?
Is when one country dominates another country politically, economically or culturally
The industrial revolution created a
New period of Imperialism
What did the industrial powers need?
1. Raw Materials/natural resources
2. markets - people to sell their goods to
How did imperialism occur in Africa?
The Berlin Conference - European nations divided Africa among themselves
How did imperialism occur in India?
Sepoy Rebellion - Indian nationalists rebellion by Sepoys. The sepoys were defeated
How did imperialism occur in China?
Opium War - Britain with its military technology defeated China. European countries divided China into Spheres of interest
What was the Boxer Rebellion?
Nationalist Chinese rebellion against the foreigners in China.
Who caused Japan not to be isolated anymore?
Matthew Perry
Who was Matthew Perry?
He was a US Navy General who opened 2 ports in Japan to foreign trade
What is the Meiji Restoration?
Meiji emperors made reforms that westernized, modernized and industrialized Japan
What were the causes of WWI
A- Assassination
Who were the Allies?
Britain, France, Russia
Who were the Central Powers?
German, Austria-Hungary, Italy
What was the Balkan region called?
Powder Keg of Europe - because of the mix of different nationalities each wanting self rule
What was the immediate cause of WWI?
The assassination of Austria-Hungary's Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What happened during WWI?
1. Stalemate
2. Deadly new weapons
3. German submarines were sinking US ships (US entered the war on the side of the Allies)
4. The US entry led to victory for the US, Britain and France
What were the results of WWI?
1. Germany was blamed for the war
2. Germany had to pay reparations (money damages) to the Allies
3. Germany lost land and its military force was reduced
4. The Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Hitler and to WWII
What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
It ended WWI