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46 Cards in this Set

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Most of marketing communication falls under the 4th "P" of the marketing mix:


Promotional activities fall into 4 categories:

Advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling

Examples of activities that are part of the promotional mix but are harder to categorize:

Sponsorships, product placement, direct marketing forms, etc.

Examples of one way and two way marketing communications:

One way:Radio, tv, blogs

Two way:Blogs, forums, websites, etc

4 challenges for global marketers:

1. Global promo campaigns must incorporate new electronic channels as well as traditional ones

2. Less distinction between global and local communications means greater chance for misinterpretation of messages

3. Consumers and companies can initiate brand communication, giving marketers less control over the message

4. Easier measurement through digital marketing means marketers are more accountable for ROI

Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy (IMC)

The whole impact approach to IMC management advocates for cross functional view of marketing communications, which is particularly relevant to a company's global promotional strategy

5 most important attributes of a global brand:

1. Consistent, easy to pronounce name in all markets

2. Evenly dispersed sales across the world without one dominant market

3. Preserving the true nature and positioning of the brand in all markets and cultures

4. Offering solutions to the same customer needs or serving the same target markets everywhere

5. Consistently presenting the brand

Research conducted by Research International Observer (RIO) suggests that it makes sense to globalize some brands and localize others, based on: (4)

1. Type of brand

2. Name of the category

3. Level of aspiration

4. Nature of the local culture

Prestige brand

A powerful appeal associated with country of origin, founders aura or brand emblem

Master brands

A powerful appeal that transcends national origins; associated with universal ideas

Super brands

Category specific and known for dependability and innovation

Global brands

Distributed worldwide but blend in with the local culture and market

The higher the display vale of a category, or the aspirational positioning of a brand within it, the ___________ likely it is for the brand to localize


A product may be in a high display vale category, such as vehicles, but position itself at the _____ end of a category. Alternately, low level aspiration categories still have their _________________


Premium brands

Cultures may exhibit unexpected brand preferences based on ___________

Local culture (Japan is a collectivist society but consumers are individualistic when it comes to brands)

Standardized advertising

Virtually nothing changes in an ad except the language. More loosely defined, an advertisement is considered standardized if it maintains the same theme across the world.

5 benefits of standardized advertising:

1. Savings

2. Consistency

3. Control

4. Strong brand recognition

5. Ability to leverage products across several markets

4 types of products suitable for standardized advertising:

Luxury, high tech, fashion, and automotive

What types of products are not suitable for standardized advertising?

Food and personal care products

2 challenges to successful standardized ad implementation:

1. Different cultural tastes for images and icons

2. The effectiveness of the message may be compromised (people worldwide may buy a standardized product, but for different reasons)

What do adapted or localized advertising communications reflect?

Each market's cultural and social conditions

What is the goal of adapted/localized advertising?

Increase the recognition and acceptance of the brand and product

What is the theory behind the adapted/localized advertising?

Presenting a brand in the context of local cultural values and tastes will allow more people to identify with the brand, creating higher affinity for the brand.....cont...

A product with more familiarity means it will be _______. One with less familiarity means it will be ____________.



5 factors that affect global vs local advertising:

1.Product type

2. Level of familiarity

3. Service vs product marketing

4. Gov't regulations

5. Cultural taboos and perceptions

The trade off in choosing a localization strategy in marketing communications is between what?

Higher efficiency of the campaigns vs increased costs and complexity.

Global advertising strategy

Marketers should base their decisions on local market conditions, but also consider how global competition, market learning ,and diffusion can influence response.

What does a global advertising strategy suggest about a staggered market entry?

Where more marketing dollars are spent in the countries encountered later in the campaign, improves marketing effectiveness.

3 ways to allocate funds in global campaigns media mix:

Blogs, podcasts, and online videos

Digital capabilities create:

Opportunities to create custom messages for precise targeting

What does customer initiation of product communications mean?

A brand can quickly be enhanced or damaged on a global scale

Qualities found to be liked around the world:

Entertaining, warmth, and relevant to me

Qualities that are distant to asians:

Soft sell, strong/distinctive/sexy, trendy/modernity/stylish, status appeal

China advertising styles:

Edu, quality, tradition, status, respect

France advertising styles:

Symbolism, sensuality, and humor

Germany advertising styles:

Logic, testimonials, tradition, value for money, authority

Italy advertising styles:

Emotional, lifestyle, celebrities, theatrical

Japan advertising styles:

Indirect appeals, soft sell, entertaining, mood, symbolism

Spain advertising styles:

Indirect appeals, idealistic, pleasant

The Netherlands advertising styles:

Entertaining, realistic, modesty

United Kingdom advertising styles:

Presentational, humor, subtle, testimonials, show class differences

United States advertising styles:

Lecture, direct appeals, hard sell, argumentative

When planning a global marketing strategy, marketers have to consider what?

Different standards, regulations and laws that govern the advertising industry in the different countries and regional jurisdictions

The landscape for advertising regulations is broken up not only by national and local authorities, but sometimes even by _____________________

Adverting medium

4 reasons to choose advertising agencies for global marketing needs:

1. Cost effectiveness

2. Market knowledge

3. Superior creative work

4. Specialized needs

When considering a global marketing strategy, what are 3 things that are important to consider?

1. Strategic Marketing alignment

2. Agency reputation and size

3. Industry specialization