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109 Cards in this Set

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Allows for finallist to compete, and a single winner will win

Run off election

What is the most popular voting system in europe

Proportional voting system

Attemps to ensure that the percentage of seats a party gets is roughly equal tobits percentage of popular votes

Proportional voting system

What is the worlds largets democracy


Guilty till proven innocent. Less jury.

Roman civil law

The court can check what the executive and legislative can do

Judicial review

Precedent/ judge made law with adversarial courts

Anglo-saxon common law

A decision reaches in a similar case by some previous judge


The organization that wants to destroy isreal for both religious and nationalist reason


An act of openly and deliberaty breaking a law and accepting the legal penalty in order to bring attention

Civil disobedience

The use of violence or the threat of violence, usually by non state actors, to achieve political objective through fear


The woman who attempted to kill mussolini

Violet Gibson

Largest nation without a country


How people decide who is going to run for each party


Court case when the supreme court decided that coorporations can give unlimited amount of money to a canidit because it was considered free speech

Citizens united

The event of multiple revolutions after people got sick of dictators. This ultimately caused the syrian civil war

Arab springs

Beliefs that structure ones view of the world


Marxist with an activist approach to revolution who hopes to achieve a communist society through armed revolt. (Industral nations)


Marxism that emulates the revolutionary tatics of Mao Zedong. Emphasizes a mobilization of rural peasantry against a capitalistic government


Believes everyone should play the capitalist game. Globalization

Neo libralism

Means struggle in islam. Some believe it is personal while others believe its a holy war


Name a problem with democracy

The majority oppresses the minority and we vote for people who tell us what we want to hear, not what we need to hear

People without their original homeland


Descendents of abraham and the ancient hewbrew people of the bible. Most are secular


Speakers of the arbic language


Believes that jews should have a nationstate in their ancient ancestrail homeland


Establisment in palestine (isreal) of a nation home for jews

Balford declaration

Why did the Oslo accord faild?

Palistines did not give enough and isreal kept taking land

The event that paliestines fought back


What muslims are palestinians mainly


Isreals right wing leader


Where are we most likly to see nuclear war

India and pakistan

A city in North Iteland that was catholic

Free Derry

What stopped terrorism in ireland?

It burned itself out. People voted for the creation of N. Ireland for autonomy (which has protesant majority)

If we can make good ties with ____ we can make ties with iran


What terrorist group does iran sponsor


Is divided by population and gives us the average of per capita


Means too many dollars for too few things. Makes it hard to compare one year to another


Factors inflation

Real GDP

Usually reflects collapse of confidence in financial system

Inflation and hyper inflation

What is US national debt

20 trillion

Government expenditurez in a given fiscal year are more than its revenue and borrowing is required to make up the difference

Budgetary defict

The sum total of money borroes by a government to cover past deficits

National debt

A known country with high inflation


Using up common resources in a short period of time, and we dont have those resources in the future

Tragedy of the commons

What happened to food security

It has decreased

Fish farming in a contained area


Meat use more water that producing plant based foods by

20 times

Where is the majority of fresh water (70%)

Glaciers and polar ice caps

Stated that the combustion of fossil fuels needs to be sharply reduced in the world to avoid catastrophic alterations in the weather pattern

UN intergovernmental panel on Climate Change's Climate Change 2001 Synthesis Report

Rich countries can pay poor countries to not cut down trees


The branch of political science in the structuring or ordering of the internal affairs of individual sovereign states

Comparativev politics

A document that most countries use to explain their internal functioning


Compised of a general govenment with regional governments in a single political system

Federal system

The central gov. Is ultimately supreme, and any administrative divions exercise only the powers that the central gov. Chooses

Unitary system

Does the us have unitary or federal?


The british voting district that elect a representaitve for the house of commons


An interdependence and mingling of the executive and legislative. [The legislature elect the executive]


A prime minister needs to denonstrate that his government comnands that majority by

1. Survive no-confidence resolution. 2. Secure confidence bills

Bills that are major comonents of the prime minister legislative program

Confidence bills

Political party alliance for combined action


In a parlimentry system, these elections are held when the gov. "Calls for them"

Anticipated elections

Few monarchs who exersize real power

Royal executive regimes

Monarchs who have lost their power but still have a ceremonial role

Constitutional monarchs

Having more votes than any other party, but not a majority


When no sinlge party wins the majority seat in legislature. If minority parties are unable to agree on a prime minister, the head of state will appoint a nonpartisab figure to surve until new elections

Hung parliament

Top two finalist face each other in a run off election so that the victor automatically has a majority


Two branches of gov. Effectivly blocking each other. Example, repulicans in the house of representatives and democrats in the senante


Legislative bodies with only one chamber

Unicameral legislature

Legislature divided into two chambers (most legislatures have this)

Bicameral legislature

The lower house in germany that deals with the broad range of national legislation


Used by the US and other formal british colonies, emphasises that the winner needs to only collect more votes than anyone else rather than an absolute majority

Single member constituency SMC

Voters are presented with a list of candidates, they choose their first or second choice. Winner must havr 50+ %

Sinlge transferable vote STV

What type of system does germany have

Mixed member proportional system

Voters elect both the legislative and executive

Presidential gov.

Has the authority to make laws for a political entity


1990s event of antagonism between russia and cheehens, or the russian presence in S. Ossetia

Balkan Peninsula

The 4 levels of conflict

1. Non violent. 2. Low intensity. 3. High intensity. 4. Societal mayham

Conventional warfare is a type of what violence

High intensity

Nuclear war and generalized multilateral mass violence is a type of what violence

Societal mayhem

Political groups demanding that civil law reflect religious law. Ex. Taliban

Religion as an ideaology

National or ethnic group self-defining in terms or religion. Ex. North Ireland

Relgion as nationalism

Group defined by religion demanding both national sovernty and change in public policy. Ex. Palestine Hamas

Combination groups

Waged for control of economic wealth in form of mineral resources, water supplies, or arable land

Resource war

Examples of resorce wars

Congo and sierra leone with diamonds. Burma. Myanmar. Colombia

Guide south Africa to democracy during apartitde

Desmond Tutu

A peace keeper who struggles to free tibetan people and proposed a democratic constitution for them

Dalai lama, tenzin Gyatso

Conflict situation where there are mo rules and little rationality


A form of conflict in which lightly armed insurgent groups use hit and run combat to challenge establish government

Guerrilla warfare

Two sidea to a violent conflictvuse highly contrasting tatics and weapontry

Asymmetris warfare

Riffles, tanks, and aircraft carries are what type of weapons

Conventional wepons

Nuclear, chemical and biological are

Weapons of mass distruction

Fought within the boundaries of a given sovereign state by residence of that state

Civil war

In iraq in the past, the ____ minority controls the country


The three ethnic groups in iraq

Sunni, shi'ites, and kurds

A sunni muslim who controlled iraq until US intervention

Saddam Hussein

War that drive Iraqi army out of kuwait

Desert storm

Possible motives for 2003 attack on iraq

Oil, american electorial politics, protection of isreal, anti islamis/arab, humanitarian missions, national security

Colombia wealthy land ownera knit paramilitary organization to fight guerrillas

AUC (autodefense united of colombia

Unoffical military force


Argentine physician who help Castro with power in Cuba, then used island as his base while he tried to export revolution to Africa and Latin America

Che Guevara

A member of a political party claiminf to represent the common people


Islamic law code


Rule by God... God's self appointed earthly representatives


The reasons why al-Qaeda hates the US

Political imperialism. Cultural imeperialism. Palestine, iraq

The islamic religion of Saudi Arabia


Allegiance to ones "core" nation


Post cold period, many latin american societies were

Right wing elite dictatorships

The characteristics of protest in latin america

Marxist gurrila