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73 Cards in this Set

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Why was the Roman Empire was divided?
Communication issues between the western and eastern section
What are three of Justinian's accomplishments?
1. He created a panel of experts to use Roman laws --> Justinian's Code
2. He rebuilt Constantinople, and built a 14 mile long wall around the coast of the city.
3. He constructed the Hagia Sophia
Who was Justinian's best general, and what did he do?
Belisarius; seized Rome from the Ostrogoths, stopped the Nika Rebellion
What language did Byzantine citizens speak?
What are the four works the Justinian Code consists of?
The Code: 5,000 useful Roman laws
The Digest: synopsis of opinions of Rome's best legal thinkers
The Institutes: a book for law students
The Novellae (New Laws): laws passed after 534
To Justinian, what were the greatest sign of connection between religion and state?
What does Hagia Sophia mean in Greek?
Holy Wisdom
What was the main street in Constantinople?
Mese, or "Middle Way"
What place hosted chariot races and performances, what does its name mean, and how many spectators did it hold?
Hippodrome; "horse" and "racecourse"; 60,000
What was the name of the riot in the Hippodrome?
Nika Rebellion
What hit Constantinople just before Justinian died?
the plague
What are 6 groups that invaded Byzantium?
Lombards, Avars, Slavs, Bulgars, Sassanids, and Russians
How did Byzantines fight off invaders? (4)
Bribes, diplomacy, political marriages, and military force
Who rearranged the Byzantine Empire based on the military?
Emperor Heraclius
What did Byzantine provinces become?
themes, or military districts
Who did Constantinople fall to?
In Outline.
Who wrote rules for how monks should live?
Saint Basil
Who became Patriarch of the East?
Saint John Chrysotom
Who prohibited the use of icons?
Emperor Leo III
Who reinstated icons?
Empress Theodora
What directly led to the schism of Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox?
The Pope and Patriarch excommunicating each other during a dispute
Who did the Greek orthodox missionaries convert?
the slavs
Who invented a Slavic alphabet so Slavs could read the Bible?
Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril
What is the Slavic language written in now?
Cyrillic alphabet
Where did Russia's first territory spring up?
west of the Ural mountains
What are three major Russian rivers?
Dnieper, Don, and Volga
What are two other names for Vikings, and where did they settle?
Varangians or Rus, and with the Slavs
What was a book of Russia's history written by monks?
The Primary Chronicle
Who founded the city of Novgorod?
Viking Chief Rurik
Who moved to Kiev first?
What did Kiev become?
a principality- a small state ruled by a prince
Who openly converted to Christianity?
What did Vladimir have his people convert to?
Greek Orthodox
[baptizing in river and observers to study religions]
Who was Vladimir's son, and what did he do?
Yaroslav the Wise;; married off his relatives to kings and princes of Western Europe, creating alliances; created a legal code based on Kiev's economy; built the first library in Kiev; and made Kiev home to about 400 churches by the 1100s
What was one of Yaroslav's vital errors?
splitting up his kingdom among his sons instead of passing it on the eldest son
Who was the first Mongol leader?
Genghis Khan
Under which leader did the Mongols destroy Kiev?
Batu Khan
What was the nickname of the Mongol Empire and why?
The Khanate of the Golden Horde; Khanate meaning Kingdom, Golden because gold was the Mongol color, and Horde meaning camp
What was a moderator between the Russians and Mongol leaders?
the Church
Who was the prince of Novgorod who recommended his fellow princes listen to the Mongols?
Alexander Nevsky
Who earned the approbation of the Mongols--whom appointed him tax collector-- by crushing a revolt?
Ivan I of Moscow
What was Ivan I's nickname?
Ivan Moneybags
What are two things Ivan I did?
1. He convinced the Patriarch of Kiev to move to Moscow, improving the city's stature.
2. He used the purchase of land, wars, deceit, and clever marriages to gain control of the states around Moscow.
Who took the name czar and what does it mean?
Ivan III; Caesar
Who intended to make russia the Third Rome?
Ivan III
Where did the Russian and Mongol armies face each other?
Ugra River
What do the Chinese call the Turks?
For what did the Muslims admire the Turks?
their military skills
What were Turkish military slaves called?
Who was the first group of Turks to convert to Islam and migrate to the Abbasid Empire?
Who captured Baghdad?
Who was the creator of the Seljuk dynasty, and what did he choose as his kingdom's capital?
Toghril Beg, and the Persian city of Isfahan
Who was a vizier for the most famous sultan, and who was the most famous sultan?
Nizam al-Mulk, Malik Shah
Who did the Seljuks look to for guidance?
What were Seljuk rulers called, the persian word for king?
Who is a famous Persian writer?
Jalaludin Rumi
How did Malik Shah beautify Isfahan?
building mosques
Who initiated the first Crusade?
Pope Urban II
Who destroyed Baghdad completely?
Hulagu, Genghis Khan's grandson?
What was Rome before it was Christian?
Who were the geniuses of Justinian?
Belisarius and Theodora
Who did Justinian build the Hagia Sophia for?
Who were the bishops of Greek Orthodox religion?
Who came from the northern, southern, and eastern parts of Russia?
Vikings, Slavs, Mongols
Who was the Mongol who became emperor of China?
Kublai Khan
What was the great city of Eastern Russia?
Muscovy (Moscow)
Who created the Romanov dynsaty?
Michael I
Who reintroduced serfdom?
Michael I
Who was the last Czar?
Nicholas II
Who was the new leader after Nicholas II?
What was the beginning of the Soviet Union called?
the Russian Revolution r Bolshevik
What two books did Karl Marx write?
Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital