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15 Cards in this Set

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Absolute Monarchy
system in which a ruler has compelte aurhority over the government without limits on his/her powers.
Political system in which the monarch has supreme power and control over the lives of the people in the country.
Acid rain
Toxic pollution that is produced by the burning of fossil fuel.
African National Congress (ANC)
a group formed in 1912 to work for blacks' rights in South Africa.
Age of Exploration
period from 1400 to 1600 during which European monarchs sent explorers to find new trade routes, resources, and land in Asia, Africa, and the Americans
Agrarian economy
economic system that centers on agriculture as the chief source of wealth
Agrarian Revolution
change in the farming method in England during the 1600
traditional African religion
left-wing majority group of the Russians SOcialist Democratic PArty under the Leadership of Nikolai Lenin
major religion of eastern and central Asia founded in 6th century BC and based on teachings of Siddhartha Gautama
Caste system
division of society into four major groups based on occupation or birth
belief system based on the teachings of Jesus Christ that began in the Middle East. came from Judaism
exended family unit or groups of families that have a common ancestor or family ties
Cold War
Period of tension and hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union
Commercial Revolution
changes in the economies of Europe in the Middle Ages