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47 Cards in this Set

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Boolean connector

A keyword such as AND, OR, XOR or NOT that is used to construct compound expressions.

Boolean expression

A combination of a field, a value and a logical operator, such as "class" = 2, from which an evaluation of true or false is derived.

Spatial analysis

The process of applying analytical techniques to geo-referenced data sets to extract or generate new geographical information.

Near tool

Calculates the distance from each feature in the input features to the nearest feature in the another layer, within the search radius.

Point distance tool

Determines the distances from input point features to all points in the near features within a specified search radius.


A GIS operation that creates a new layer by piecing together two or more layers.

Areal interpolation

A process of transferring known data from one set of polygons to another.


A GIS operation that creates zones consisting of areas within a specified distance of select features.


A GIS operation that creates a new layer including only those features of the input layer that fall within the area extent of the clip layer.

Cluster tolerance

A distance tolerance that forces points and lines to be snapped together if they fall within the specified distance.


A GIS operation that removes boundaries between polygons that have the same attribute values.


A GIS operation that creates a new layer by removing features that meet a user-defined logical expression from the input layer.


A GIS operation that removes from the input layer those features that fall within the area extent of the erase layer.

Error propagation

The generation of errors in the overlay output that are due to inaccuracies of the input layers.


A spatial statistic that measures the clustering of high and low values in a data set.


An overlay method that preserves only features that fall within the area extent defined by the identity layer.


An overlay method that preserves only those features falling within the area extent common to the input layers.

Line-in-polygon overlay

A GIS operation in which a line layer is dissected by the polygon boundaries on the overlay layer, and each line segment on the output combines attributes from the line layer and the polygon within which it falls.

Minimum mapping unit

The smallest area unit that is managed by a government agency or an organization.

Moran's I

A statistic that measures spatial autocorrelation in a data set.

Nearest neighbour analysis

A spatial statistic that determines if a point pattern is random, regular or clustered.


A GIS operation that combines the geometries and attributes of the input layers to create the output.

Point-in-polygon overlay

A GIS operation in which each point of a point layer is assigned the attribute data of the polygon within which it falls.

Polygon-on-polygon overlay

A GIS operation in which the output combines the polygon boundaries from the inputs to create a new set of polygons, each carrying attributes from the inputs.

Ripley's K-function

A spatial statistic that determines whether a point pattern is random, regular or clustered over a range of distances.


A GIS operation that uses a logical expression to select features from the input layer for the output layer.


Very small polygons found along the shared boundary of the two input layers in overlay.

Spatial autocorrelation

A spatial statistic that measures the relationship among values of a variable according to the spatial arrangement of the values. Also called spatial association or spatial dependence.


A GIS operation that divides the input layer into two or more layers.

Symmetrical Difference

An overlay method that preserves features falling within the area that is common to only one of the input layers.


A polygon-on-polygon overlay method that preserves all features from input layers.


A GIS operation that replaces the input layer with the update layer and its features.

Thickness (zonal functions)

Calculates the radius in cells of the largest circle that can be drawn within each zone.


A generalization operation that produces an output raster with a larger cell size (lower resolution) than the input raster.

Analysis mask

A mask that limits raster data analysis to cells that do not carry the cell value of no data.

Block operation

A neighbourhood operation that uses a rectangle (block) and assigns the calculated value to all block cells in the output raster.

Cost distance

Distance measured by the cost of moving between cells.

Local operation

A cell-by-cell raster data operation

Map algebra

A term referring to algebraic operations with raster layers.


A raster data operation that can piece together multiple rasters into a single raster.

Neighbourhood operation

A raster data operation that involves a focal cell and a set of its surrounding cells.

Physical distance

Straight-line distance between cells

Physical distance measure operation

A raster data that calculates straight-line distances away from the source cells.

Raster data extraction

An operation that uses a data set, a graphic object or a query expression to extract data from an existing raster.


A local operation that reclassifies cell values of an input raster to create a new raster.


A raster data operation that divides a continuous raster into equal-interval or equal-area classes.

Zonal operation

A raster data operation that involves groups of cells of same values or like features.