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48 Cards in this Set

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Which language is most commonly associated with classical rome


The Roman Republic was not a true democracy it was ruled by

Several assemblies of wealthy male citizens

Which best describes the view of women in Rome

They were treated as children depending on male guardians throughout their life

Describe the early religion of Rome

They believed in many deities relating to the natural world and their lives

To protracted and bloody wars against the Carthagians were important because

Rome won control of the western Mediterranean

As the numbers of independent farmers declined in the later Republic Italian landowners increasingly turned to

Inexpensive slaves

The Emperor responsible for the reorganization of the Roman government after 31 BCE was


Roman architecture departed from the Greek style because of the

Roman invention of concrete

The most visible symptom of Rome's third-century crisis was

Frequent change of rulers in Rome

The conversion of this Roman Empire ushered in a time of tolerance acceptance and eventual dominance of Christianity


A result of the competition among states and the Warring States Period was

The creation of the first Empire under the Qin State

Because of confusion ethics Chinese values emphasized

Obedience and proper conduct

The Confucian view proper female behavior was exemplified by the

3 submissions

When the Qin government abolish primogeniture this meant that

The number of small landowners would increase

That really Han emperors reform the legalists system by

Incorporating Confucianism

The well-planned urban capital of the Han Dynasty was


The important horn innovations include the development of

The horse collar watermill and crossbow

Which of the following is not generally considered by scholars to be a factor helping to explain the fall of the Han Empire

The Subversion ideas of Buddhism

The most important African network of cultural exchange can be described as

Mainly internal folk migrations within sub-saharan Africa

Which of the following does not constitute a shared cultural heritage or great tradition

Political unity

Pan African cultural patterns may have been shaped by

Environmental changes that inspired southern migration

No sub Saharan languages come from one giant linguistic family called


From where did the Israelites in later the Muslims prohibition of pork eating probably derive


The head of the Ethiopian Christian Church is

the patriarch of Alexandria

Which of the following is not an example of a broad common element underlying African life and culture

A common language

The development of metallurgy in Africa included


The Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade foster the spread of which religion


Sub-saharan Africa is cultural unity emanated from

People from the southern part of the Sahara or the sahel

Northern India is bordered by the


The Vedic age was a new historical. In India marked by

The dominance of indo-europeans over India

Which of the following statements about women in the Vedic age can not be wearing from Vedic literature

They are depicted as slaves to men

The collection of Indian poetic him medicated to the various duties and describing sacred practices is

The Rig Veda

To be released in the cycle of reincarnation is a concept of


Buddhist to follow the original teachings of the Buddha are called

Practitioners of Theravada

The Mauryan Empire United match of India after

The death of Alexander the Great

The Gupta Empire collapsed in 550 ce

After invasions by the Huns of Central Asia

One of the most important contributions made by Gupta intellectuals

Concept of zero

Southeast Asia first rose to prominence because

It was an intermediary in regional trade

Which of the following statements about Muslim woman is not true

They often played a role in public life

Meccan leaders felt threatened by Muhammad's popularity and threatened his followers . This led to Muhammad fleeing Mecca . His flight was known as the


How does the Quran different from the Bible

It contains the unalterable Word of God

Which of the following areas was not brought under Muslim control under the leadership of the caliphs

Eastern Europe

Despite the fact that conversion to Islam Moor at their peak abbasid power declined because of

Empires becoming too big to rule effectively

After failing to reform the government and military the Abbasid Caliphate so under the influence of the

Buyid family of northern Iran

The foundations of Islamic civilizations in the Sharia or


What is the hadith

A collection of Muhammad's words and deeds

Conversion to Islam was primarily a result of

Gradually learning about Islam

Muslims who believes that the first three caliphs were properly selected are
