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22 Cards in this Set

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Expensive tissue hypothesis

– the idea that largerbrain can only come at expense of smaller gut – have to increase diet quality

social brain hypothesis

the idea that one of themain benefits of greater intelligence is that it helps to be more successful ina social group.

earth oven

digging a hole and cooking food in it. the Illinois


Underground storage organ. starches,

Salivary Amylase

in your mouth that breaks down starches

Sexual division of labor

universal practice for some tasks to be doneonly by males or females.

males hunt females gather

pair bonding

husband protected wife's food, wife cooked for husband. long term relationship between males and females

Why starches important part of human diet?

-source glycemic carbs

-helps brain, kidneys, red blood cells, reproductive tissues

-endurance running (glucose)

-fetal quality

-higher quality, easier to digest

Why is intellect important in social setting?

-complex foraging behavior

-social interactions, alliances, large groups

-brain v brawn

Factors associated with larger brains in primate species

higher quality diet

-animal protein

-starchy plants USO


Times: brain expansion

2.5 mya - homo erectus

300-400 kya homo heidelbergensis

factors contributing to brain expansion

Wrangham and Aiello/Wheeler

2.5 (Wrangham-cooking) (Aiello/wheeler-meat)

300-400 (wrangham-efficent hunting/fat/cooking) (A/W-cooking)

Time: USO as important part of hominin diet

Under ground storage organ 1.8 mya development of homo erectus, rapid growth of brain size in the MiddlePleistocene would have required it.

examples of SDL specific groups

"desert people"

-males tool making, shelter builder

-females collecting grasses, grinding seed into flour, cooking, collecting fire wood


-females hunt


-females net/club hunt, small medium game

explanations for SDL others


–Desireto maximize fitness

–Constraintsof child care


– mate competition

–Presenceof male taboos/restrictions

–Womenexcluded by restrictions on technology

–Lackof cultural precedent to allow women to learn to hunt

conditions for female hunting

•Small/mediumgame are plentiful

•Huntingprovides greater payoff than gathering•Technologyis not gender restricted•Cooperativehunting is possible

•Sharedchild care is available

what prevents females from hunting

•Malecontrol ideologies and level of patriarchy •Culturehistory and precedents for female hunting

•Socialand natural environments

•Differentialmaleand female reproductive strategies

evidence that neanderthals did not have SDL

-little evidence for non large game hunting

-little evidence for subsistence activities, hide working

-high levels of injury male and female

-females hunting

Time: SDL

100 -43 kya

Factors for SDL appearance

provisioning households-cooperative

-pair bonding

-more efficient

higher quality offspring



evidence used to prove SDL

small game/plant abundance

clothing manufacture

wrangham explanation for SDL

Males protected female food, females cooked for males