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37 Cards in this Set

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What is most common GI complaint
-less than 3x per week

Various meanings to others?
Too hard
Too small
Too difficult
Too infrequent
In whom is Constipation (CTP) most commen
Over age 60
Little Dialy Excercise
Low Income
Poor Eduction
What are 2 categories of Obstruction of Outflow from colon in CTP
1. Obstructing Lesions causeing constipation are usually advanced and DISTALLY located:
proximal colonic malignancies generally DO NOT cause CTP, proximally still liquid.
2. Strictures: diverticulitis, ischemia, IBD
What can the following cause as a cause of CTP:
Foreing bodies
Anal Narrowing
What is most common endocrine cause of CTP
Dieabtetes--destroy nerves in colon
--other Metab/Endo Dzo that cause:
Hypothyroidism--(hypo = slower metabolism)
Which 2 Hyper/o___ can cause CTP

---affect smooth mm. contractility
No demonstrable Str of Fxn cause of CTP
-esp elederly?
Idiopathic Constipation
cuases of fecal impaction
Mental Confusion--dont know they need to go
-Immobility--just hold it
Idiopathic CTP in Children
--Painful bowel mvmt with resultant w/hold of feces by child to avoid unpleasant defecation .
-Rectosphincteric dyssynergia -- = Learned behaviour =Failure of puborectalis mm to relax = CTP
CTP in young to middle aged adults
Typically Women
Pscychosocial stress (IBS)
May have motility Dzo
Sustained contraction of an aganglionic segment?
Hirschsprung's Dz
-abs of Nn. in the Submucosal and Myenteric Plexi of the distal colon
-Proximal Bowel dilates
What is initial test to rule out Hirschsprungs?
Barium enema
--NOT useful after infancy
Hirschrprungs on Radiograph
Decreased or absent air in the distal colon with dilated loops of bowel proximall
What is gold standard for Hirschs diagnosis
Rectal biopsy
What is Anorectal manometry
inflation of balloon in the internal anal sphincter should cause a relaxation of the sphincter. Absent in Hischsprungs
What are other Neurological Cuases of CTP?
Parkinson's Dz
Multiple Sclerosis
Spinal Cord Lesions
Tx for CTP in Spinal Cord Lesions ABOVE the Conus Medullaris
L1-L2= Upper Motor Neuron: Institute a Bowel Regimen. Use Suppositories THEN Digital Stimulation

High Spinal Cord Lesion-digital stimulation can trigger defecation

What if It's Below?
Suppositories/Enamas and Digital Stimulation WILL NOT Work

--Must Disimpact with Finger
Deposition of dark pigmentation in the colonic mucosa after long standing use of Antraquinone containing laxatives
Melanosis Coli
-benign condition

Note, with Laxatives
Taking more Laxative exacerbates the CTP via Melanosis coli

-hypertrophy of mucosa = less water put in= hard stool & CTP
With Chronic Anthraquinone as the cause of Melanosis coli
What are it's 3 effects
Damage to the myenteric plexus in the colon whch dec. peristalsis.
Excessive loss of fluids and electros out of the lumen
Hypertrophy of the mucosa which causes dec secretion into the lumen
basically bad fluid absorption, bad peristalsis and bad fluid secretion
What to include in CTP workup
-Lenght of Problems
-Other Sx: bleeding, anemai
Endocrin: skin, hair, nail changes
What to look at in CTP Physical
Include Neurologic Eval
-Anorectal Exam: fissures, hemorrhoids, mass; tone of anal sphincter--ask PT to try to poop with finger in ass
-Guaiac Test --
-Pelvic Exam in Women

What is Guaiac Test?
=FOBT - fecal occult blood (test)
Tests to make sure there's no blood in the stool
--could indicated masses, fissures or hemorrhoids that were otherwise not seen
Why pelvic exam in women
--rectum protrudes into vagina
Labs/Tests for CTP
Fasting Blood GLc
-TSH (for hypothryoirdism)
-Imaging: occasionally needed-
For which Dzo is endoscopy needed
Endoscopy for Obstruction or Melanosis Coli
Tx for CTP if Hypothyroidism
Thyroid Replacement
Tx for DM
Secondary to Neuropathy
-Control Blood Sugars
Tx for Preggers
Hormones cause decreased transit time
-Plenty of fiber and water
If Pt complians of CTP and high cholesteroal, what do yo put them on
Soluble Fiber-
--Combines to fatty substances and promote their excretion
-regulate blood sugars and lowers cholesterol
Sources of Soluble Fiber
Oat bran, pectin, beans, nuts, seeds
What are some Insoluble Fiber sources?
What do they do for you
Insol: Cellulose, wheat bran, whole grains
-Don't Dissolve and attract and hold onto water
-move waste trhough the intestines
-ADD bulk to Stools
Amount of dietary fiber intake?

About Fiber:
Dietary fiber or sometimes roughage is the indigestible portion of plant foods having two main components:
1. Soluble: prebiotic/viscous that is readily fermented in the colon into gases and physiologically active byproducts, and

2. Insoluble fiber: metabolically inert, absorbing water as it moves through the digestive system, easing defecation
Tx for CTP for idiopathic causes
Increased water consumption
--eight glasses daily
Behavioral Approach for CTP
Daily Diary
Attempt defecation after a meal
Get in, Get out
Excercise (increases colonic activity)
4 Types of Pharms for CTP
Bulk-Forming Laxatives
Mineral Oil
Osmotic Laxatives: sorbitol, lactulose
Mg-Containing Laxatives (inc. water content intralumenally)

Two Types of Bulk-Forming Laxatives?
What are the Stimulant Laxatives?
Castor Oil, Antraquinones (senna, cascara )

-Watch use of these--esp in elderly
What are the ProKinetic Agents:

-Watch use in Elderly and others
When is Surgery Indicated?
Treatment of Choice for :
Hirschsprung's Dz