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52 Cards in this Set

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PPI- Omeprazole, esomeprazole
MOA: blocks end point of acid secretion, enteric coated to get thru stomach, released in basic SI and act on parietal stomach cells
ASE: HA and B12 def
associated w/ hip fractures hosp aquired pneumonin
changes ph may not kill some org.
Also blocks Ca absorption
admin: give 1 hr prior to food
omprezole drug interacitons:
inhib diazepam via cyp2c19
inhib clopidogrel via:
cyp2c19 or incre gastic ph, reduce absorpt
which ppi do you use if pt is a bleeding risk and is taking clopridogrel?

no risk?
esomeprazole or pantoprazole (not omeprazole)

if not risk, give H2 antagonist to avoid interaciton
H2 antagonist: cimetidine, RANITIDINE, famotidine

how are they excreted?
only blocks histamine stim of parietal cells. other pathways (gastrin and ACh)
can develop tolerance
renal excretion: dose based on creatinine
cimetidine drug interactions:
cyp450, incr warfain and amiodarone
which drug is the safest H2 inhib in terms of DI?
sodium bicar
may drastially affect acid base balance
risk for caridac and renal pts
co2 can cause bloat and flatulence
calcium car
may induce acid rebond
co2 bloat flatulence
magnesium/Al hydroxide
mg rapid, Al slow gives sustained neutralizing capacity, poorly absorberd, sustained effect
mg-diarrhea, al constipation
antacids drug interactions
dec absorption of weakly acidic drugs
avoid by taking 2 hrs before or after
MOA: prostaglandin analogue blocks acid secretion and help lay down bicarb layer
bind to rectpor on pairetal cells seimulate Gi, dec cAMP dec acid secretion
ASE: diarrhea and ab pain: not compliant
should you ever give misoprostol to preggers?
MOA: reacs with HCL to make paste substance varier that adheres to ulcers (active ulcer)
ASE: constipation aluminum absortpion
sulcrafate drug interactions:
aluminum can bind drugs and reduce bioavailability
MOA 1: cross gastric mucosas (not ionized) direct effect on cells
MOA 2: main way; cyclooxy inhib Cox1
what is the standard of care for h pylori and acid?
2 abx and ppi
tripple thearpy, more compliant than others
5 HT3 recpetor antagonists
ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron (-setron)
MOA: block 5HT3 recep found centrally in CTZ and vagal visceral afferents
for: chemo and post op naseua
ASE of 5HT3 block
H, malaise/fatigue, constipation
QT prolongation (higher doess)
drug Inter of 5ht3 blockers:
icreaese apomorphine (don't use)
dopamine recetor antagomists
metoclopramide, trimethobenzamamide
MOA: dop recp antag that alos blosck serotinin recp in CTZ
increase LES tone, aids gastric empty, accelerates transit through sb
For: gastric motility N/V (diabetics)
ASE of metoclopramide:
Cns effects that are dose related
chroinc use: EPs-->tardive dyskinesia (involuntary repetitive movemetns)
drug inter of metoclopramide:
incre levels of cyclosporine, sertaline venlafaxine
useful for simple n/v
sedation due to dopa blck
gangrene from IV
give deep IM, or find a big vein
cyclizine hydroxzine diphenhydramine
MOA: act on vestibular afferent w/in rainstem
For : H1 for motion sickness tleated to inner ear
ASE: cosntipation dry mouth drowsi urinary retein dry eyes
Meclizine does not cross BBB
MOA: bolck neural path from vesitbular nuclie in ear to bain and from teicular form to vom center
for : motin sick preven and tx and post op n/v
not demo
aprepitant (sub p recep antag)
MOA: antagonize NK1 recep for sub p- acute and delayed effect; good for chemo
combo w/5ht3 recp antag and corticosteroids
ASE: fatigu dizzi diarrhea
DI: cypsa4 may inhib chemo drugs
MOA: in hib IL1 and TNF alpha, scavneg free radicals inbi inflam path
formulated with azole link to prevent absortpitno unitl colon (may protect v cancer)
differ formuation to release in different parts of bowel
olsalazin: colon
ph tablet: ileum for CD
DI of 5ASA
anything that changes ph changes where absorbed
mainstay of therapy for IBD used in all pts
MOA: decre inflam by inhib cytokines and pmn migra
ASE: all, HPA suppr, infection, insomia htn
longer taper with IBD
IV steroids for acute flare
oral steriod; released in terminal ileum, less ASE a lot not absorbed
MOA: in hib DNA RNA and protin synthese supres t cells
monitor 6TG can cause bone marrow suppressinon
monitor TMPT activity
ASE: inc risk of infection, hepatotoxi, pancreatitis
di of thiopurines
allopurinaol inhibit XO: more bone marrow suppression
TNF alpha inhib
MOA: block Tnf alpha, proinflamcytokine block IL1 and 6
infliximab:most likely to have Ab formation
ASE: nause infusion sit rxn, flu like symp. Lympohona, TB reactive, Hep B
di for tnfa inhib
anakinra and abatacept fro RA or MS cum immuno suppres, live vacine

do chest xr before treat, monitor EF
humanized monoclonal ab
MOA: prevent ranmiario of leuko across endo blocks inflam process (a4 integrin recep antag)
ASE for natilizumab
nasuea infusion sit rxn PML (brain rot)
TOUCH program
primarily used for CD
MOA: blocks dihydrofolate reductase; interfesr with IL-1
ASE: ha vom htn hyperuicemia,leucopenia reanl failure liver fail
DI: anthing that interferes iwt folat emetabolism bactim
must give folate supplements
MOA: in hib lymphocyte acivatio an dingib prod of IL2
ASE: htn tremor nephrotox
DI:always have drug interaction
metronidazole= flagyl
used for moderate c diff
MOA: interacts w/ bac DNA, inhib prot synthises
ASE: metalic taste
DI: warfarin alcohol use
cheapre than oral vanco
oral vanco
used for severe C diff
MOA: inhib cell wall synthesi
DI: contra for corn allergy
consider: large molecul, little absorption
no ASE, cost is expensive
used for c diff refractory to oral vanco
MOA: inhib RNA synthesis selec for C idff anaerob g pos
anion binding resins colestipol cholestryamine
MOA bind toxin and other things including vanco
MOA: inhib peristalisis dec diarrhea
ASE: cosntip
cannot exceed cerain dose
diphenosylate/ atropine
moa in hib GI motility and proulsion
ASE: andti cholingergic SE, on purpose
aoili and pectin
binda toxin decres fluid
bismuth subsalicylate

what DI?
MOA: anti secretory, anti microbial; anti infalmamaroty (h pylori)
ASE: dark stoolds
DI: tetracyclines
contra w/flu chicken pox gi bleed
when do you want to avoid lomitl and paragoric?
if pt has dependence issues
osmotic laxitives
saline lax,
MOA: mg and sodium cause osmotically mediate water retneion sim peristlasis lactulose and sorbitol are hydrolyzed in colon and draw in water
can cause cramp dehydration
stool wetting lax
MOA: lower surface tension and allsow stool to mix with aueous and fatty subs softens sotll
mineral oil can impari asorptio of fat solubel vitamins
stim lax
MOA: direct effect on enterocytes and GI SM, forece peristalsi
fluid def electolyt issues ab crapm durg abuse
chloride channel activator lubiprostone
MOA: acitbates cl channesl bings water into stoll imporves consistnecy icrease fequency