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33 Cards in this Set

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The most common occuring cancer of the alimentary tract i the US is
the most common pathology for cancer of the stomach is
2/3rd of all pancreas cancers are located in the
which of the following cancers has a slight female predominance in occurnce
initial spread of stomach cancer is most commonly to the
what is the most common symptom of esophagus cancer
what is the earliest sign for cancer of the extrahepatic bile duct
obstructive jaundice
the cranial portion of the stomach is the
positive CEA levels may be associated with mets from cancer of the
the most common histology of cancer of the gallbladder is
Adenocarcinoma with infiltrative characteristics
the cervical esophagus extends from ___to ___
Cricopharyngeal muscle to T3
Left supraclavicular adenopathy is associated with _______ node
The primary treatment modality for cancer of the gallbladder is
the most common subtype of adenocarcinoma occuring in the stomach is
ulcerative carcinoma
the condition which can lead to the development of colon/rectum cancer before the age of 40 years; a hereditary disease with an autosomal dominant transmission pattern characterized by pancolonic adenomatous polyps is
familial adenomatous polyposis
wen treating colon field which of the following are used techniques to displace the small bowel out of the pelvis

A. lateral fields
B. Voided bladder
C. Prone position
D. bladder distention
all correct except voided bladder

the majority of the flooing cancers are adenocarinomas EXCEPT

A. small intestine
B liver
C.gall bladder
D. esophagus (upper 2/3)
Esophagus upper (2/3rds) is SQUAMOUS CELL
Which esophageal region has lyphatic extension to the celiac nodes

a. cervical esoph
b. upper 1/3 esoph
c. middle 1/3 esoph
d. lower 1/3 esoph
lower 1/3 esophagus
the type of growth pattern that is seldom cured and associated with linitis plastica of the stomach is
diffuse infiltrating or scirrhous
which of the following are common to colon, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, and extrahepatic bile ducts cancers?

a. sex predominance
b. incidence
c. histology
d. prognosis
histology is what they all have in common
the common field margin used when treating esophagus cancers are ___cm above and below the tumor
5-6cm above and below
which of the following cancers has declined in incidence in the US
tumors of teh middle esophagus tend to spread to the ___nodes
post. mediastinal nodes
the major factor restricting irradiation to palliative role is the in ability o the liver to tolerate a dose more than ____Gy in 3-4wks
Doses of ___Gy will reduce secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric asid when irradiating the stomach, once used to treat peptic ulcer disease
the anatomical location of teh pancreas refers to each of the following except

a. retroperitonal space of teh uppera abdomen
b. head is overlapped by the duodenum
c. located at the level of L3-L4
d. tail extends to the splenic hilum
all are correct except

located at the level of L3-L4
when treating _____, the fld borders are thelower border of the sacroiliac joints (sup), 3cm. distal to the primar tumore(inf), and inclusion of the inguinal nodes (lat)
ampulla or papilla of Vater is located in
common bile and pancreatic ducts at duodenal end of the drainage system
Wen treating upper abdominal cancers each of the following would be considered dose limiting strcutres except

a. spinal cord
b stomach
c pancreas
pancreas is not a dose limiting structure,
at least ____Gy is need for gross diseas in the esophagus
contact therapy would most commonly be used when treating ___cancer
the whipple procedure is commonly used for
DUKES staging has been used for ____cancer
large bowel