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14 Cards in this Set

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H2 blockers all end in? What does blocking histamine H2 receptors do?
"-dine" i.e. Cimetidine, Rantidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine.
Results in decreasing H+ secretion by parietal cells.
What toxicities are associated with Cimetidine?
1. P-450 Inhibitor
2. Antiandrogenic: prolactin released, gynecomastia, impotence, decreased male libido.
3. Cross BBB: confusion, dizziness, headaches; also crosses placenta
How do Omeprazole and Lansoprazole work?
Irreversible inhibition of the H+/K+-ATPase in parietal cells = proton pump inhibitors.
Peptic ulcer, gastritis, esophageal reflux, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma).
Misoprostol is a PG? analog. How does it work to prevent NSAID-induced peptic ulcers?
PGE1 analog that increases the production and secretion of gastric mucous barrier, and decreases acid production.
Note: also used for preventing PDA closure and use to induce labor (abortifacient).
Octreotide is an analog of what GI hormone? What is it's uses?
Somatostatin analog.
Clinical: acute variceal bleeds, acromegaly, VIPoma, and carcinoid tumors
Toxicity: nausea, cramps, steatorrhea
Antacid: Aluminum hydroxide can cause what kind of problem?
1. Constipation and Hypophosphatemia
2. Proximal muscle weakness, osteodystrophy, seizures
3. Hypokalemia (all antacids)
Antacid: Magnesium hydroxide can cause what kind of problem?
Diarrhea (Mg= "Must go" to bathroom), Hyporeflexia and tension, cardiac arrest
Hypokalemia (all antacids)
Antacid: Calcium carbonate can cause what kind of problem?
Hypercalcemia resulting in rebound acid increase.
Hypokalemia (all antacids)
What monoclonal antibody can be used for Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis?
Infliximab (Ab to TNF "Inflix pain on TNF"; TNF is proinflammatory)
Infliximab has what toxicities?
Respiratory infection including the reactivation of TB.
Fever, hypotension
What drug is a combination of sulfapyridine and 5-aminosalicyclic acid (5-ASA)? What actions do the components have? What is this drug useful to treat?
What is required that restricts it's use to the colon?
Sulfa = antibacterial
ASA= anti-inflammatory
Tx: UC and Crohn's Dz
Must be activated by colonic bacteria, so is useless in the small intestines.
How does Oldansetron (granisetron, dolasetron) work?
5-HT3 antagonists; powerful central-acting antiemetics. This is good for
1. post-op vomiting
2. pt's undergoing chemo
Tox: constipation, headache
How does Metoclopramide work?
D2-R antagonist--> increases resting tone, contractility, LES tone, and motility, making it prokinetic.
Use: diabetic and post-surgery gastroparesis
What toxic effects are associated with Metoclopramide?
Increased parkinsonian effects.
Restlessness, drowsiness, fatigue, depression, nausea and diarrhea.
Drug interaction with digoxin and diabetic agents.
Contraindication: pt w/small bowel obstructrion