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25 Cards in this Set

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when will a pt have a deficiency of pancreatic amylase?
chronic pancreatitis
pancreatic tumor
what does virus diarhea look like?
watery bc they effect sb
what can cause acidic stools
lactose intolerance; anything with undigested carbs bc bacteria ferment carbs into FA, H2 and CO2
who presents with lactose intolerance?
older children and adults
asians and africans
what is the most common congential disacchariedase deficinency?
pt has diarrhea from birth, fail to thrive, dehydration
congenital disacch def
what is the treatment for congen dissach def?
replacement enzyme drops with meals
what leads to a secondary disaccharide def?
villous damage:
viral gastroenteritis
celiac disease
tropical sprue
what can rotavirus do?
cause flatterning of villi-- loss of lactase (at tip)

can become secondarily lactose intolerant
what can cause insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes?
Resection (Whipples)
Chronic panceatitis
what can cause the duodenum to be acidic and therefore inactivate pancreatic enzymes?
gastrectomy- removal of pylorus with tumor
what condition results in the inability to form chylormicrons?
abetalipoproteinemia bc the MTTP gene is missing
What are some fininding in abetalipopro.....?
presents in early infancy
low or absent VLDL and chylomircron levels
fatty, greasy duodenum
acanthocytes: scalloped RBCs
Fat in enterocytes
what does retroperitoneal fibrosis cause?
fat malabsorption bc lacteals are dilated and stagnant bc lymph is backed up bc fibrosis impedes as lacteal system drains down the back
what is the presentation of primary enterokinase deficincy?
diarrhea and fail to thrive from birth
better over time
what does enterokinase do?
catalyzed trypsinogen to trypsin conversion
what are the symptoms of celiac disease?
increasesd intestinal perm
inflamatory response that leads to villious damage

how can you screen for celiac disease?
look for antibodies to tTG
what is a painful itchy symmetric vessical rash associated with?
celiac disease (thats dematiti herpetiformis)
what is the clinical presentation of celiac disease
skinny malnourished big belly poor growth atrophied vili
dermititis herpetiformis
how do you Dx whipple's disease?
you look for PAS pos particles in a biopsy of duodenum; since the lacteals are dilated and villi are blunted they will stain
what are some symptoms of whipples?

who gets it?
wt loss, diarrhea, arthralgia, lymphadenopathy, ab pain, fever

white older/middle age male
how does giardia lamblia cause steatorrhea?
this flagellated protozoa colonizes the SI leading to villous blunting by sticking to the lining of the SI
how is giardia transmitted?
person to person
what is a complication of necrotizing enterocollitis?
if premature infant has mutliple cases, a large portion of the SI must be removed leading to small bowel syndrome (malabsorption)