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23 Cards in this Set

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what are three things that characterized IBS?
ab pain/discomfort
normal testing
change in bowle habits
what are the rome III criteria for IBS:
recurrne ab pain or bloating/fullness that happens at least 3 times per month for three months plus two or more of the following:
relief by defecation
change in stoll frequency
change in stool appearnce
ab pain with constipation or diarreha or alternating consistency of stooL
;clinical pattern for IBS
Ibs is more common in which sex?
Is IBS genetic?
no but famial clusters
follwoing an acute infection illness fever vom aching go away byt abnormal stools linger and come and go.
whar is the name from where the ENS and ANS that modulate the gut connect?
Brain gut axis
what three things contribut to pathogenesis of IBS?
altered perception in brain
altered motility
visceral hypersensitivity
how is motiility abnormal in ibs?
decreased frequency of slow waves and/or
incereased spike potentials in response to meal
what is visceral hypersensitivity?
it relates ot the post infectious state;
the pain threshold in ENS may be reset post infection, so normal motility can be painful.
test with ballon butt hole test
intestines are more sensitive to stretch
how do you dx IBS?
fullf ill rome II crit, exclude other dx
does IBS predispose pt to cancer, serious ds, short lifespan?
no bc its a functional disease
in diverticular disease, are all three layers of colon involved?
no often they are pseudodiverticula bc muscularis is spared
where do you find diverticular disease?
between mesnteric and anti mesenteric tenia in colon, normally where the vasa recta prenetrates the muscel to supply mucosa
how gets diverticular disease in america?
old people, in their sigmoid colon (where pressure is greatest)
what factors contribute to DD?
less fiber: greater risk
increase intestin pressure
elastin deposition (which incre w/age)
collagen (less compliant)
what is DD asssociated with?
NSAid use
decre physical activity
what are the symptoms of DD?
no symp, but compliations can occure (diverticulitis)
LLQ pain, fever, eleveate WBC, diarrhea or constipation, urinary symptoms
tx: bowel rest, abx not nsaids,
urinary symp bc sigmoid sits on bladder
what is the most common complication of diverticulitis?
ab pain
spiking fever
abscess formaoitn
tx iv abx, pecutanesou drainage,
what is the most common fistula formation in diverticulitis?
colovesical fistula more common in men
what causes obstruction in DD?
repeat inflammaiton can cause muscular hypertrophy of intestinal wall
tx: ressection
what causes hemorrhage in DD?
rupture of vasa recta
due to diverticula stretching out the bv, can also occur in right colon
bleeding from arteries: causes bright red stool