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31 Cards in this Set

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Defensive factors in the battle of PUD
mucus, bicarb, blood flow, prostaglandins
Aggressive factors in the battle of PUD
#1H. pylor, #2 NSAIDS, Acid, pepsin, Smoking
how do prostaglandins help against PUD?
increase mucus production and bicarb, they vasodilate, and suppress gastric acid secretion
How do NSAIDS cause PUD?
by inhibiting protaglandins
5 types of drugs to treat PUD
antibiotics, antisecretory, muscoul protectants, ASA that enhance mucous, antacids
what needs to be added to antibiotics for treating pylori?
what is the preferred for NSAID PUD prophylaxis
PPI- omeprazole
treatment for NSAID PUD
weird way to test for pylori
breath test for ammonia
pH of stomach
pH perferences of pepsin and what most pH raising drugs shoot for?
pepsin activity 4x at 2 and deactivates at 5
diet modifications for PUD
several small meals, - no ulcer diet
antibiotic protocol for killing pylori
use 2 or 3 w/ PPI for 4 days
N+V common, 12 pills, expensive= noncompliance
1st choice for treating gastric ulcers
how do H2 work?
suppressing secretion of gastric acid
H2s end in -____
why is cimetidine no the protocal drug for H2
stomach cancer, drug interactions and expense, fewer SE, less potent, cause antiandrogenic
cool things with ranitidine
eat with food, not enter cns,
who is at risk for taking H2?
liver and kidney disease
precautions with H2 and antacid interaction
at least 1 hour apart. antacids decrease absorption of H2
H2s end in -____
why is cimetidine no the protocal drug for H2
stomach cancer, drug interactions and expense, fewer SE, less potent, cause antiandrogenic
cool things with ranitidine
eat with food, not enter cns,
who is at risk for taking H2?
liver and kidney disease
precautions with H2 and antacid interaction
at least 1 hour apart. antacids decrease absorption of H2
pH preferences of pepsin and what should most pH raising drugs shoot for?
pepsin activity 4x at 2 and deactivates at 5
diet modifications for PUD
several small meals, - no ulcer diet
antibiotic protocol for killing pylori
use 2 or 3 w/ PPI for 4 days
N+V common, 12 pills, expensive= noncompliance
1st choice for treating gastric ulcers
how do H2 work?
suppressing secretion of gastric acid
what is the H2 prototype?
ranitidine or zantac