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73 Cards in this Set

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Meds Used for Ulcers
H2 Receptor Blockers
Proton Inhibitors
Mucosal Protectants
Reason for ABX in treatment of Ulcers
confirmed infection H. pylori. Two or three antibiotics used together. ABX either distrupt bacteral cell wall or inhibit bacterial protein synthesis.
H2 Receptor Blocker/Cimetidine, Tagamet MOA
selectively blocks H2 receptors on parietal cell of stomach--> suppresses gastric secretion of gastric acid and reduces its H+ ion concentration.
H2 Receptor Blocker/Cimetidine, Tagamet IND
tx of gastric ulcers, 8-12 wks
tx of duodenal ulcer, 4-6 wks
prohylaxis of PUD at low doses
GERD, heartburn:
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: hypersecretion of acid
prevent aspiration pneomonitis: given before surgery, to prevent damage to lungs as a result of aspiration.
H2 Receptor Blocker/Cimetidine, Tagamet AE
antiandrogenic effects: decreased libido
GI effects
H2 Receptor Blocker/Cimetidine, Tagamet DI
warfarin, dilantin, theophylline
Proton Pump Inhibitors/Omeprazole, Prilosec MOA
suppresses acid secretion by inhibiting gastric H and K-ATPase, enzyme that generates gastric acid.
Proton Pump Inhibitors/Omeprazole, Prilosec IND
PUD, GERD: short term 4-6 wks
hypersecretory conditions-- long term
Proton Pump Inhibitors/Omeprazole, Prilosec AE
minimal short term with term: GI
long term: may inc risk of gastric cancer
Proton Pump Inhibitors/Omeprazole, Prilosec DI
atazanavir, itraconazole:
Antacids MOA
alkaline compounds, neutralize acid and enhance mucosal protection by stimulating prostaglandins.
Antacids IND
Antacids TYPES
magnesium Hydroxide: MOM
aluminum hydroxide/Amphogel
magaldrate(mg and al)/Maalox, Mylanta
calcium carbonate/Tums
sodium bicarbonate
Antacids AE
-sodium loading
Antacids DI
Antacids MOA
alkaline compounds, neutralize acid and enhance mucosal protection by stimulating prostaglandins.
Antacids MOA
alkaline compounds, neutralize acid and enhance mucosal protection by stimulating prostaglandins.
Antacids IND
Antacids IND
Antacids TYPES
magnesium Hydroxide: MOM
aluminum hydroxide/Amphogel
magaldrate(mg and al)/Maalox, Mylanta
calcium carbonate/Tums
sodium bicarbonate
Antacids TYPES
magnesium Hydroxide: MOM
aluminum hydroxide/Amphogel
magaldrate(mg and al)/Maalox, Mylanta
calcium carbonate/Tums
sodium bicarbonate
Antacids AE
-sodium loading
Antacids AE
-sodium loading
Antacids DI
Antacids DI
Mucosal Protectants/Sucralfate, Carafate MOA
protective barrier against acid and pepsin. Forms a gel that sticks to ulcer crater. Effects last fr 6hrs, take on empty stomach.
Mucosal Protectants/Sucralfate, Carafate IND
Mucosal Protectants/Sucralfate, Carafate AE
Mucosal Protectants/Sucralfate, Carafate DI
dilantin, theophylline, digoxin, warfarin
Laxatives: Uses
1. treat or prevent constipation
2. reduce painful elimintation
3. obtain stool sample for analysis
4. facilitate export of dead parasites after tx
5. empty bowel prior to tx, surgery, dx tests
6. remove ingested poisons.
7. reduce straining
Laxatives: Precautions/CIs
1.abdominal pain, nausea, cramps of unknown origin
2. fecal impaction or bowel obstruction
3. habitual tx of constipation
Laxatives: Types
-bulk forming laxatives: Metamucil,citrucel
- surfactant laxatives: ducusate sodium/Colace
-stimulant laxative: Dulcolax
-osmotic laxatives:magnesium/sodium salts
-Miscl: Lactulose, GoLTYTELY
Bulk Forming Laxative/Metamucil & Citrucel MOA
Non-digestible, non-absorbable. Swell in water to form a viscous solution that softens fecal mass and inc its bulk, inc peristalis. Effects in 1-3 days.
Bulk Forming Laxative/Metamucil & Citrucel IND
-treat constipation
- IBS, diverticulosis
- diarrhea
Bulk Forming Laxative/Metamucil & Citrucel AE
-esophageal obstructions, instestinal obstructions
Surfactant Laxatives/ducusate sodium/Colace MOA
stool softener. Alters consitency of stool by lowering surface tension, facilitates entry of water into stool. Also acts on intestinal wall to inhibit fluid absorption and stimulates secretion of water and e-lytes into intestine. Effects in 1-3 days.
Surfactant Laxatives/ducusate sodium/Colace IND
constipation, prevent straining
Surfactant Laxatives/ducusate sodium/Colace AE
minimal, take with a full glass of water
Stimulant Laxatives/ Dulcolax MOA
stimulate motiltity, inc water and e-lytes within intestinal lumen. Effects in 2-12 hrs.
Stimulant Laxatives/ Dulcolax IND
Stimulant Laxatives/ Dulcolax
high misuse potential
Osmotic Laxatives: magnesium salts/ MOM
sodium salts/ sodium phosphate MOA
pull water into intestinal lumen by osmotic action. They inc and soften fecal mass which stimulates peristalsis.
Osmotic Laxatives: magnesium salts/ MOM
sodium salts/ sodium phosphate IND
low doses: constipation
high doses: empty bowel
Osmotic Laxatives: magnesium salts/ MOM
sodium salts/ sodium phosphate AE
water loss/dehydration
magnesium salts CI in renal px
sodium salts CI in HTN, CHF
Miscellaneous Laxatives: Types
-Polyethylen Glycol-Electrolyte Solutions/GoLYTELY
Lactulose MOA
semi-synthetic disaccharide. Metabolized to lactic, formic and acetic acid by bacteria in colon causing a mild osmotic action. Effects are in 1-3 days.
Lactulose IND
-hepatic encephalopathy
Lactulose AE
cramping, flatulence
Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solutions/GoLYTELY MOA
bowel cleansing solution, consists of e-lytes and polyethylene glycol, an osmotic agent. Large volume-4L
Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solutions/GoLYTELY IND
bowel cleaning for dx procedures
Anti-Diarrheal Agents: Types
Non-Specific Antidiarrheal Agents:
- loperamide/Imodium
Lomotil/Imodium MOA
activates opiod receptors in GI tract and dec intestinal motility. Slows intestinal transit time so allows more time for fluid and e-lytes to be absorbed.
Lomotil/Imodium IND
reduce volume of discharge from ileostomy
Lomotil/Imodium AE
none at normal doses.
Antiemitcs: Use/MOA
suppress n/v. Vomiting is triggered by different stimuli:
1. direct-acting stimuli: signals from cerebral cortex and sensory organs
2. indirect-acting stimuli: activate chemoreceptors trigger zone.
Antiemitcs: Types
Ondansetron/Zofran MOA
serotonin receptor antagonist. Blocks seratonin receptors in chemoreceptor trigger zone and afferent vagal neurons in upper GI tract.
Ondansetron/Zofran IND
acute n/v caused by chemotherap, radiation, anesthesia
n/v not responsive to other meds
Ondansetron/Zofran AE
HA, diarrhea, dizziness
Prochlorperazine/Compazine MOA
dopamine antagonist, blocks dopamine receptors in chemoreceptor trigger zone to suppress vomiting.
Prochlorperazine/Compazine IND
n/v associated with surgery, chemotherapy
Prochlorperazine/Compazine AE
extrapyramidal rxns
anticholinergic effects
Metaclopramide/Reglan MOA
prokinetic drug, inc tone and motility of GI tract. suppresses emesis by blocking receptors for dopamine and seratonin in chemoreceptor trigger zone.
Prochlorperazine/Compazine IND
n/v: post-op chemo, surgery
Prochlorperazine/Compazine AE
sedation, diarrhea
extrapyramidal rxns
Prochlorperazine/Compazine IND
n/v associated with surgery, chemotherapy
Prochlorperazine/Compazine AE
extrapyramidal rxns
anticholinergic effects
Metaclopramide/Reglan MOA
prokinetic drug, inc tone and motility of GI tract. suppresses emesis by blocking receptors for dopamine and seratonin in chemoreceptor trigger zone.
Metaclopramide/Reglan IND
n/v: post-op chemo
GERD, gastroparesis, tube feedings: speeds up gastric emptying
Metaclopramide/Reglan AE
sedation, diarrhea
extrapyramidal rxns
Dronabinol/Marinol MOA
THC, principal psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Unknown mechanism
Dronabinol/Marinol IND
n/v for chemo pts
increase appetite with AIDS pts
Dronabinol/Marinol AE
subjective feelings identical to smoking marijuana--dissociation, dysphoria
hypotension, tachycardia