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42 Cards in this Set

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Major normal flora of mouth?



(ALL are Gram+ except B and F-N-V)
Most common chronic disease In kids?
dental carries
Define dental caries
tooth decay - affects enamel
Define Gingivitis
Inflamm of gingivae, = squamous mucosa in between and around teeth
Define Periodontitis
Inflamm of structures that support teeth, including periodontal ligs, alveolar bone and cementum. If untreated, will lead to tooth loss
Mechanism of dental caries?
Bact. convert sugars to acids that erode the enamel. Repeated erosions result in caries (demineralization of enamel)
What bacteria cause caries?
The "streps"

Strep. mutans = MAJOR ONE

strep. sanguis
strep. salivarius
strep. mitis
What causes gingivitis?
inc. numbers of normal flora grow in gingival crevice and produce toxins that cause inflamm.

Accumulation of dental plaque between gums and teeth causes inflamm of gums and thickening of gingival margins resulting in tooth loss
Whats the major cause of tooth loss?
periodontal disease
Cause of periodontitis?
Inflamm of periodontal lig and alveolar bone
T/F: there is a close assoc. between periodontal disease and systemic disease
Whats the main etiologic agent that causes Periodontal disease?
Porphrymonas gingivalis (note this is not easy to remember as you'd think it would cause gingivitis but it causes PERIODONTITIS)

(AN INCREASE in organisms causes gingivitis, strep. mutans causes caries)
A pt. presents with periodontal disease. The organism that causes this predisposes the pt to what other illnesses?
Periodontitis = caused by Porphyromonas gingivalis =

risk factor for:
coronary heart disease,
pulm. infections
pre-term, low birth weight infants
Infective endocarditis
Pulm and brain abcesses
Pt. presents with periodontitis. What other diseases might this pt have?
Periodontitis = caused by Porphyromonas gingivalis which is a component of:

Crohn's disease
Syndromes assoc. with PMN defects (Chediak-Higashi syndrome, agranulocytosis and cyclic neutropenia)
T/F: Periodontitis can lead to bacteremia

This can then lead to cardiovascular disease
Infections of teeth and gingivae can spread and cause what?
Osteomyelitis of Jaw
Aspiration Pneumonia
What are the immune defenses in the oral cavity?
Innate = normal flora, antimicrobials in saliva (defensins)

Adaptive = Secretory IgA, Lymphoid tissues (Waldeyer's Ring)
The lymphoid tissue that guards the entrance of the GI and respiratory tract is made of what organs?
Adenoid tonsil, palatine tonsil, lingual tonsil
You scrape a white exudate from a child's mouth. Its candidiasis (via candida albicans). What will it look like under microscope?
Gram Positive budding yeast
T/F: Candida albicans is part of our normal flora
TRUE in 50% of pple
Whats the most common fungal infection in oral cavity
Candida albicans (candidiasis)

AKA pseudomembranous candidiasis
In what pts will we see candidiasis?
immunocompromised or immunosuppressed
What factors predispose pts to diseases of oral cavity?
AIDS, immunodeficiencies
Immunosuppressive therapy
Broad-spectrum Abx
Oral or inhaled corticosteroids
Bone marrow or organ transplantation
Pts that wear dentures
Where in GI do we start to see Anaerobes and Coliforms?
Large intestine
What bact. predominates in small intestine?
Gram Positive (gram positives also predominate in oral cavity normal flora)
When does colonization of neonatal gut beign?
right after birth
T/F: babies born via C-section are exposed to microbes in hospital and hospital workers while babies born vaginally are exposed to bact. in vagina and intestinal flora and these contribute to their gut colonization
Gastric pH has what effect on bact?
kills most of it...acid-tolerant organisms survive to colonize intestine
What are some factors that can compromise the GI Tract?
Ingestion of toxins/micro-organisms
Obstructions in fluid flow
What BENEFICIAL effects do GI flora do?
limit colonization by pathogens
take up space, utilize nutrients and produce inhibitors
Enhance our ability to get energy from foods
synthesize various vitamins and growth factors
Help metabolize chol. and bile acids
How does normal flora affect immune system?
stimulate development/maturation of systemic and mucosal immune systems

Stimulate proliferation of Ab-producing tissue and differentiation of T cells
T/F: Comensal (ie normal) flora help to shape immune system
What are the innate defenses of the GI tract?
Flow of Fluid
What are the adaptive defenses of the GI Tract?
Abs (SIgA and IgG)
Dendritic cells
Peyer's patches with M cells
Intraepithelial Lymphocytes
T/F: There is a link between normal flora and obesity
T/F: the GI is a common source of infection in other sites
T/F: The GI can be a source of carcinogens
TRUE = greatest during stasis (ie not moving)
Mechanism of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
An abberrant immune response is generated to the normal flora
Whats the difference between pre-biotic and pro-biotic?
Pro = alive = LIVE ORGANISMS that when given give host a beneficial effect

Pre-biotic = Non-digestable food ingredients that facilitate changes in composition of intestinal flora with benefits for host (ex = oligosacchardies in milk = inulin, galactose, fructose, lactulose)
What are two examples of pro-biotics?

Effects of Pro-biotics?
Inc. weight on infants
Dec. Diarrhea (acute episodes)
Prevent Abx-assoc. diarrhea
Tx clostridium difficile assoc. diarrhea
Alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance
Beneficial preventive effects against necrotizing enterocolitis
Define fecal microbiota transplant
= transplant fecal material from donor to host

= to restore gut function and improve health