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152 Cards in this Set

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Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
peripheral blood study for GI and breast CA tumor markers, determines tumore burden, monitors progress and treatment , chronic smokers also have
follows course of cancer
Antacid def. and uses
neutralizes gastric acidity and decreases rate of emptying, heartburn, PUD, gerd, gastritis
Antacid nursing
multiple DI's, no meds within 1 hr. of drug
Antacid ex:
calcium carbonate (Tums), aluminum hydroxide (maalox)
H2 Antagonists
inhibits H2 receptor sites in parietal cells in stomach to decrease gastric acid secretion to allow healing
H2 Uses and S/E
Ulcers, GERD, heartburn SE headache, naseau, rash, diarrhea
H2 nursing
many drug interactions, give 1/2 hr. before meals
H2 ex:
"tidine" cimetidine, ranitidine
Proton Pump Inhibitors def.
block ATPase enzyme (final step in acid production)
Proton Pump Inhibitors use
GERD, Ulcers
Proton Pump Inhibitors S/E
headache, nauseau, abd. pain, blood, dizziness
Proton Pump Inhibitors nursing and ex:
many drug interactions, "prazole" pantoprazole, omeprazole
Mucosal Barrier Fortifier def. and uses
coats duodenal ulcer site, ulcers, mucositis
Mucosal Barrier Fortifier S/E and ex:
nauseau, GI disturbances sucralfate
Mucosal Barrier nursing
multiple drug interactions, give on empty stomach, binds with some drugs
Prokinetics/Gi stimulants def.
stimulates motility of upper Gi increase gastric emptying
prokintics uses
GERD, N, V, delayed gastric emptying
prokinetics S/E amd ex:
anxiety, fatigue, extrapyramidal reactions, metoclopramide
prokinetics nursing
do not give if obstructed, perforated or GI bleeding, have IM benadryl available for extrapyramidal reaction
Prostaglandin analogs def.
protective by increasing mucus production and bicarbonate and decrease gastric acid secretions
Prostaglandin use and S/E
ulcers, prevention of NSAID ulcers, S/E abdominal cramping, miscarriage
Prostaglandin Nursing and ex:
Anti-diarrheal/Bismuth Salts
coats mucosa and soothes bowel lining, removes irritant by absorbing from intestine
Anti-diarrheal/Bismuth Salts use and S/E
indigestion, gas pain, cramps S/E black stool and tongue
Anti-diarrheal/Bismuth Salts nursing
allergy to aspirin, DI's w/ warfin and oral antibiotic meds, radioopaque affects GI tests
Hiatal Hernia
protrusion of stomach through esophagael hiatus of diaphram
Hiatal Hernia S/S
heartburn, regurgitation, dysphagia, pain, belching
Hiatal hernia meds
antacids, ant-secretory agents, H2 blockers
Hiatal hernia nursing
HOB 4-8 in elevated, no reclining after eating, GERD diet
Hiatal hernia post-op complication
difficulty belching/vomiing, dysphagia, recurrence, bleeding and infection
GERD def. and S/S
backflow of gastric contents in esophogus S/S dyspepsia, reguritation, dysphagia, hypersalivation,
GERD tests
endoscopy w/ biopsy, barium, reflux scan, motility study
GERD surgeries
laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication,endoscopy w/ Stretta device, endoscopy w/ Enteryx, Bard EndoCinch Suturing system
GERD nursing
NPO 2-3 hrs before bed, HOB elevated 6-8 in., avoid large meals
GERD diet
low fat, smaller, more frequent meals, no spicy, no carbonation
Barrett's Esophagus
cell changes in esophagus, pre-cancer, risk factor- long standing GERD
Esophageal Cancer
squamous cell CA, Adenocarcinoma-Barrett's esophagus, poor prognosis
Esophageal Ca Meds
chemotherapy, radiation, photodynamic therapy, surgery-esohageal dilation or esophagectomy
total resection of esophagus
removal of lower esophagus
part of jejunum replaces part of esophagus
meat, milk, and milk prod. within 30 min-7 hr
Clostridial perfinens
improperly cooked meat or poultry, caned veg 8-24hr.
improperly cooked poultry, eggs, within 8hr-7 days
improperly canned or preserved veg 12-36 hr.
Escherichia coli
contaminated meat, milk prod 8 hr- 1wk
gastritis complications
dehydration, f&E imbalance, bleeding, anemia
Peptic Ulcer Disease PUD
erosion of gastric mucosa membrane with various depths resulting from the digestive action of HCI acid and pepsin
PUD casue
most by H. Pylori
PUD Esophageal cause
PUD Gastric
mucus production decreased and normal or low level acid secretion
PUD Duodenal
stomach secretes too much acid
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
gastrin secreting pancreatic tumor and lots o duodenal ulcers
Helicobacter pylori
bacterium burrows into mucosal lining,
H. Pylori med. mgmt.
antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors/H2 blockers, mucosal barrier fortifier, 2wk triple therapy ideal to eradicate
PUD Complications-Hemorrage
minimal to massive- coddee ground emesis, black tarry stool
PUD complication Perforation
severe sharp pain, rigid abd., tachycardia, dec. bowel sounds
PUD complication Obstruction
bloating, nauseau, prjectile vomiting containing old food particles
Gastric Vagotomy
resection of vagus nerve to decrease acidic secretions
Gastric pyloroplasty
enlargement of pylorus used with pyloric stenosis(narrowing of pyloric sprhincter which prevents food from entering small intestine)
Gastric antrectomy
removal of antrum
Gastric Billroth 1
gastroduodenostomy, removal of antrum and connect to duodenum
Gastric Billroth 2
removal of antrum and duodenum and connect to jejunum, astrojenostomy
Total Gastrectomy
connect esophagus to jejunum
Dumping Syndrome
food enters jejunum to rapidly, after meal problems
Gastric Surgeries-Nurse Mngt
assess vomit, NGT drainage-type and amt., check abd. Dsg., emergency measures for severe GI bleed
Gastric cancer type
most adenocarcinomas
Castric Ca cause
H. pylori, crappy diet, previous subtotal gastrectomy,
Gastric Ca tests
upper GI series with double contrast or barium, EGD, ultrasound, CEA, CA 19-9, CA 50
calculate BMI
(weight lbs/height in in. squared)*703
Morbid Obesity
2x ideal, BMI >40 or >100 over ideal
Gallstone causes:
decrease in bile acid synthesis and increase cholesterol synthesis in liver extra chol forms stones
inflammation of gallbladder
cholecystitis cause
calculous (stones obstruct bile outflow while it remains in GB), acalculous ( alteration in f&E in GB after surgery or trauma)
GB prob S/S
epigastric distress, midsternal pain in RUQ which radiates to back or R shoulder, N, V, jaundice, fever
infection of bladder
infection of renal pelvis,
Most comon UTI pathogen
E. Coli
Acute Pylonephritis
infection of functional tissue of kidney
BUN and Creatinine
shows glomular filtration rate increase can indicate decrease kidney function (upper uti)
Unrinalysis W/ UTI
presence of nitrates, WBC's, and leukocyte esterase
Posiive bacteria culture
greater than 100,000
intravaneous pyloregram, series of xrays taken after dye injected
for recurrent UTI, id's abnormalities that cause UTI
How often should bladder be emptied?
2-3 hrs.
Adequate fluid intake?
2-3L/day (15 ml/lb/day)
stone formation
stone in urinary tract
stone in kidney
why get stones
chemicals and other elements of urine become concentrated and form crystals
normal urine pH?
4.6-8.0 avg. 6-7
Calcium Oxalate
ph>6, most common, decrease dietary oxelates and increase acidic foods, smal get trapped in ureters
Calcium Phosphate
cause mixed stones, alkaline urine, hyperparathyroidism, increase diet acidic foods
Uric Acid
men especially jewish men, gout, acidic pH, make more alkaline avoid purine rich foods
genetic defect in renal absorbtion of cystine, acidic urine, hydrate, maintian alkaline urine ( k citrate), lmit animal protein,
associated with UTI, alkaline urine, infectious stone, acidyfing foods and antibiotics
xray of kidneys ureters and bladder, may detect stones greater than 2 mm
Gastric Bypass
R&M, small compartment(new stomach upper), free end of small intestine connected to pouch
Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
M&R, remove part of stomach, sew to bottom of small intestine
vertical banded gastroplasty
window cut in stomach, staples to espohagus, band around outside of window, slower emptying
Circumgastric banding
wrap band around upper stomch
Gastric sleeve
R, cut stomach superior to inferior, no rerouting
fat surgically cut out
tummy tuck
endolumenal surgery
M sleeve lines intestine, prevents absorbtion, throuh mouth, no incision
Diet after bariatric
3 meals large in protein and fiber, 2 protein snacks, meal size <1 cup, h20 90 min after meal to 15 min before,
presence of gallstones
gallladder inflammation
cholelithiasis & cholecystitis diagnostics
Ultrasound RUQ, Upper GI series, oral cholecystogram, HIDA scan,
cholelithiasis & cholecystitis TREATMENT
DISSOLVE STONES, stone removal by instrumentation, lithotripsy ( procedure for eliminationg calculus), ultrasound
medicine that dissolves cholesterol gallstones
Typical urinary cancer
benign prostate hyperplasia
Prostate exam
men at 50 or 45 if family hx,
prostate specific antigen
0.2-4.0 normal, elevated associated with prostate cancer
5 alpha reductase inhibitor action
decreases prostate size by preventing testosterone conversion to DHT
5 alpha reductase inhibitor ex:
Proscar, Avodart, and Duagen
Alpha adrenergic receptor blocker
relax smooth muscle in prostate and bladder to improve flow, "zosin"
prostate cancer type
androgen dependent adenocarcinoma
Prostate cancer diagnostic
PSA 4-10, elevated PAP, do transurethral ultrasound
How often screened prostate?
Watchful wait prostate cancer??
life expectancy less than 10 yrs., another comorbid disease, low grade, low stage tumor
prostate cancer treatment
prostate cancer surgery S/E
incontinence, ED, bowel dysfunction
nerve responsible for erection
pudendal nerve
Radical Prostectomy post op care
High DVT risk, high infection risk if peroneal approach, anti-diarrheal may be given to prevent BM, control pain and bladder spasms
Prostate Cryosurgery
freeze cancer cells, transureathral ultrasound probe inserted containing liquid nitrogen
Gastric perforation S/S
sharp, severe pain, abd. hard, comfort in side laying knee-chest position
Gastric Obstruction S/S
dull pain, acute naseau, vomiting, and distension
Gastric hemorrhage S/S
vomiting blood, hemoptysis, coffe ground, black tarry stools
Appendicitis Patho
obstruction of appendix, increased pressure, decreased venous drainage, thrombosis, edema, and bacterial invasion of bowel wall
Where is appendix
RL quadrant
Chron's def.
develops in any part of GI tract, most common is ileum, all thickness of bowel wall
IV nutrition
When use TPN
10% body weight deficit, can't take oral fluids or food 7 days after surgery, major infection
TPN Admin
Central line if dextrose greater than D20, if less can admisinster peripheral called PPN
Ulcerative Collitis Surgery
Total Proctocolectomy with ileostomy
colon and rectum remove, anus closed, terminal ileum brought out and ileostomy formed
Ulcerative Collitis Surgery
Koch's Pouch
resivoir mad from loop of ileum, pt. empties at intervals
Ulcerative Collitis Surgery
Ileoanal reservoir or J pouch
temporary ileoanal reservoir created in anal canal and forms ileostomy, after healing ileostomy is reversed
UTI diagnostics
H&P, urinalysis presence of nitrates, WBC's, & Leukocytes, If suspect obstruction IVP, CT, or ultrasound, Cystoscopy for recurrent
"sulfa" & "tri"
Urinary antiseptics
similar to antibiotics, Macrodantin
UTI treatment uncomplicated
3 days
UTI treatment complicated
7-10 days
Recurrent UTI treatment
prophylactic or suppressive antibiotics daily 6-7 months for recurrent or reinfect within 2 weeks