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12 Cards in this Set

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Explain min max functions.





Join text from different cells.

In new cell use formula =c3&d3

You can also add spaces commas etc. By using qoutes example &" "&.

=c3&" "&d3

It like summing two cells with numbers but you use & sign for text.

Give an example of an IF statement.


=IF(C12<100,"less than 100","Greater than or equal to 100")

Numbers and TRUE and FALSE dont need to be in quotes.

IF statement w another function

=IF(E33="YES", F31*SalesTax,0)

If cell is yes than multiply othercell by SalesTax if otherwise show 0.

Give example of named ranges and how you can create them or acces them.

Named range can be accessed from

Formulas > Name Manager

Example you can set sales=2.4%

Its basically a constant. Or a text serving as a number. SalesTax is a number and thus doesnt need quotes in a formula.

Explain =VLOOKUP(A1,B:C,2,FALSE)

A1 = search bar cell.

B:C = the whole table.

2 = the second column where the desired value is to be extracted from

FALSE= Exact match.

Its a search bar.

(#N/A) created when refernce value doesn't exist in cell. Or the lookup doesnt exist. Whats one way of fixing it


Essentially if there is no entry in C43..."" show "".

If there is nothing... indicated by "" than show "" instead of #N/A.

Define Conditional functions- "SUMIF"

Conditional functions lets you sum,avg,count, get min or max of a range based on a given condition or criteria.





H3:H14= The range you want to sum

F3:F14,F17= First range to look in for matches, F17 is the criteria

G3:G14,G17= Second range to look in for matches,G17 is the criteria for second match.

You want to sum Amount based on Fruit AND Type shown.




C3:C14=The range you need to look at

C17=value to look for apples oranges bananas....

D3:D14=range of values to sum up.