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81 Cards in this Set

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decrease eyelid tone

vitreous shrinks

floaters, flashers, blurred vision

floaters are usually


flashers require



loss of ability to focus on close objects

dry eye syndrome tears

viscous, burning, scratchiness, stringy mucus

dry eye from

arthritis, post menopause, meds

dry eye tx

humidifier, wrap around sunglasses, OTC tear replacement


chronic eyelid inflammation

blepharitis care

wash eyes, topical antibiotics, replace eye make up q 3-6 months


inability of aqueous humor to leave the eye

glaucoma major cause of


glaucoma pressure

increases on optic nerve

common glaucoma

open angle

rare glaucoma

angle closure

glaucoma risk factors

60+yo, fam hx of glaucoma, black, myopia, DM, HTN, migraines

open angle glaucoma develops


glaucoma tx

lower IOP

main med for glaucoma

beta blocker

angle closure aka

acute glaucoma

acute glaucoma requires

immediate attention

acute glaucoma considered

medical emergency

acute glaucoma tx


acute glaucoma s/s

severe eye pain, clouded or blurred vision

what can be a cause of cataracts

cumulative sun damage

cataracts s/s


cataract tx

surgery (#1) or contact lenses or glasses

cataract post op

avoid heavy lifting and bending

macular degernation two types

wet and dry

dry macular deg

most common

macular deg almost exclusively in


wet macular deg

rapid, severe, abn vessels with hemorrhage

wet macular deg tx

laser or photodynamic therapy

dry macular deg

gradual loss of vision breakdown

macular deg s/s

difficulty with tasks needing close vision, dec color vision, printed words appear blurred

macular deg nurse should encourage

pt to do rehab for vision

pt should use what to check vision and how often

ambler's grid, daily

DM retinopathy can lead to


DM retinopathy is the

development of tiny vessels in eye causing eye edema

DM retinopathy eye exam

q 6 months

retinal detachment

flashes of light followed by floaters, curtain over eyes

emergency tx of retinal detachment

bedrest, eye patches, surgery

bed rest for retinal detachment

to dec IOP

assess visual acuity using what

snellen chart

blindness in OA increases


hearing loss is

abnormal and should be investigated

cerumen impaction is

reversible and common cause of conductive hearing loss

hearing loss can cause


cerumen impaction can cause


cerumen tx

remove impaction

cerumen impaction - otoscopic exam

can see wax blocking canal

cerumen removal

manually by MD or NP or irrigation

soften cerumen impaction with


do not use a

Q-tip to remove cerumen

hearing loss in OA is

never normal

conductive hearing loss

interrupted sound transmission

sensorineural hearing loss

sounds interpreted incorrectly

presbycusis is which hearing loss


most common type of hearing loss in OA


presbycusis is

loss of ability to discriminate among sibilant consosants

presbycusis is usually


presbycusis loss of

high pitched and conversational tones

aural rehab

auditory training, lip reading, speech training, assistive listening devices (stethoscope, microphones), hearing aids

menieres disease s/s

vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss

menieres disease is

increased pressure in labyrinth of inner ear

menieres disease tx

anti vertiginous drugs

anti vertiginous drugs ie

meclizine (antivert)

meclizine affect

anticholinergic affect

menieres disease - things to help remove excess ear fluid

diuretics, low sodium diet

menieres disease do surgery to

prevent further hearing loss

preventing injuries with vertigo

move slowly, lie down and hold head still if occurs when walking

what tastes are most severely affected

sweet and salt

smell cahnges

dec sensitive and dec odor recognition


dry mouth

xerostomia caused by

disease, conditions, meds

disease cause of xerostomia

alzheimers, depression, sjorens

conditions cause of xerostomia

mouth breathing, radiation of head/neck/mouth

meds cause of xerostomia

sedatives, diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants

xerostomia can result in

inc resp infection, impaired nutrition, aspiration, impaired communication, periodontal disease

xerostomia s/s

dry cracked lips and tongue, thin oral mucosa, thick white coating on tongue, dec saliva

xerostomia management

keep oral mucosa intact, good oral hygiene, inc fluids, avoid stimulates that dehydrate, teach measures to inc saliva, regular dental checks