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30 Cards in this Set

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What were the main problems of the WR?

Proportional representaction, article 48

Hierarchy of the WR





Voting age for men and women in the WR


What was article 48

Allowed President to go to dictatorship in emergency

Impact of TOV


Loss of land

Loss of trust

Loss of army

What is LAMB





What was the NP programme

To appeal to specific groups at meetings whilst appealing to everyone, often meaning they would be contradiction to what they have said before.

What was the SA

Hitler private army made from ex soldiers.

Why did the Munich Putsch fail

Acknowledge of planning, trust and surrendered police.

What was the depression caused by?

The wall Street crash.

What did the depression include?

Unemployment, bankruptcy, trading and economic collapse.

What happens on the 3rd December 1932?

Von Schlelcher appointed Chancellot

What was Hindenburgs view on Hitler?

Despised him and ied many times to prevent his rise to power, eventually allowing his rise to Chancellor with the attempt ofor controlling him.

What we're the main causes for the Nazi Party rise?



Party Programme

Situational problems

30th January

Hitler appointed Chancellor

27th February and it's causes

Riechstag fire, leads to imprisonment of Communist leaders

Enabling Actually 1933

Removed the Reichstag

What was the night of the long knives?

Killing of over 100 leaders of the SA in Munich due to potential rivalry and to reassure the army.

When was the night of the long knives?

29th June 1934

What terror tactics were used?

Gestapo, Hitler youth

What happened to women?

Loss of jobs, back to home, no voting or parliament work.

What were the 3 k's for women




How were Jews treated up to 1939

Destruction of business, removal from public areas, loss of jobs, no luxuries

What was the gestapo?

Listened to and informed of anti nazi talks and references.

What happened to the church?

Followed nazi views, priests excilled, symbols replaced.

What job opportunities became mainly avaliable?

Motorway building, compulsory army work

What happened to people at the start of the war?

Mostly calm, no conscription, little fear

What was Hitlers main flaw in the war movement?

Splitting resources to fight Britain and SU

What youth groups was made to combat Hitler?

Edelwilles pirates

White Rose group

What famous assassination attempt was target at Hitler?

July bomb plot