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82 Cards in this Set

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November Revolution
attempt to get communists in power in germany like bolsheviks, spd refuse to work with communists, freikorps quell uprising
spartacist uprising
50,000 communists in berlin january 1919
kapp putsch
overthrowing of weimar, berlin, failed when the population doesnt want to cooperate with the illegitimate government
red army in the ruhr
defeated freikorps, biggest armerd workers uprising in germany, communist and spd
beer hall putsch
hitler attempts to start uprising, leaves to settle something and comes back to revolution fiizzled
political assasinations
36 officials killed by nationalist terrorists
Rappalo Treaty
Germany and russia renounce all territorial and financial claims against the other following treaty of brest-litovsk and ww1
Locarno Pact
guarantees boundaries of belgium france and germany , allies leave rhineland
Briand Kellog PAct 1926
US germany france dont use war as a way to fix problems
1924 ddawes plan
small repartions to allies , return ruhr, bank
1929 young plan
reduces german payments, oes into effect before great depression and has hardly any effect
laussanne conference 1932
reduces repartions sets idea that germany not really going to pay, cancel war debts until all debts are paid to the US
paramilitary groups, murder wlather rathenau, ernst rohm
german for steel helmets
spd defend paramilitary demoracy against internal subversion and extremism
red front
paramilitary commmunists
ferederich ebert
spd, 1st president of germany
Philip Scheidmann
SPD proclaims german republic and second chancellor of weimar republic
Walter Rathenau
German indulstrialist, foreign minister in weimar, assassinated 1922
Matthias Erzeberger
Centre party, assainanated by organization council
Ernst Thalmann
Head of KPD arrested by gestapo 1933 held in solitary confinement
gustav stramann
german peoples party poliitican chancellor in 1923, foreign minsiter
paul von hindenburg
names hitler president
alfre hugenberg
German national peoples party DNVP, hopes to control hitler
Heinrich Bruning
Chancellor 1930-1932, tightens credit reduces payments and very unpopular
Franz Von Poppen
Chancellor under Hitler 1933-1934, vice chancellor under hitler 1933-1934
Kurt von Schliecher
last Chancellor of germany, assasinated in night of long knives
Kurt Schwitters
German painter, DADA, merz pictures
George Gros
savagely carcitural drawings of berlin in 1920s
Otto Dix
german painter and printmaker, ruthless and harshly realistic depictions of weimar/war,
water gropius
German architect, founder of Bauhaus w/ Ludwig Mise de Roher, Le Corbisoer, Oscar Niemeyer
Bruno Taut
Glass Pavillion
Kurt Tucholsky
German-Jewish JOUNRALIST, satirist, writer, many pseudonyms
Berlolt brecht
german dramatist
egon erwin kisch
czech writer in journalist--raging reporter from prague, anti nazi
Thomas Mann
German novelist highly symbolic and ironic epic novels and novellas use psychology of artist and invtellectual
alfred doblin
novelist, essayist, Berlin Alexanderplatz
Hans Fallada
writer, new objectivity, little man what about now, goose girl, every man dies alone
Fritz Lang
german boxer defeated by Joe Louis
Treaty of Versailles
very harsh on germany
Ebert-Groener Pact
Freirch Ebert and Groner--army has freee pass in dealing with communist with promise that military could retain state within state
Stinnes Legein Agreement
unions say they will have regular production, end strikes and drive back influence of councils, employers say get 8 hour work day
Weimar Consitution
Lots of Freedoms but article 48, seats on direct proportionality of votes, factions
Reichstag Elections
all the time, very varied
currency issued to stop hyperinflation 1922-23
negative reaction to WW1, prizes nonsense, irrationality and intuition
New Objectivity
making things american, all business attitude
motion prodcution comanpy that makes artiscally outstanding and technically competent films in silent era
New Woman
Nazi seize power
shrink pulic sphere for oponents
obliterates all social/cultural plurarlism, abolish all parties
enabling act
Chancellor--the authority to enact laws without the participation of the Reichstag. The act stated that it was to last for four years unless renewed by the Reichstag, which occurred twice.
DAF German Labor front
abolish trade unions
Confessing Church
Martin Niemoller, Dietrich Bonhoeffer resisters to german nazification of church
Coordination of army
compulsory conscription from 2 years at 1936
1934 night of the long knives
eliminates the sa
1934 hindenburg dies
military personal ath to hitler
1937 hossbach memormandum
hitler commander in chief of armed forces
coordination of economy
deficit spending, military spending
Law for Restoration of Professional Civil service
nationwide boycott of jewish businesses, medical law practices
1935 nuremberg laws
things jews could do slashed
1938 night of broken glass
night jewish buisnesses destroyed
1940 foricble removal to jews housese
1941 yellow start
forced identification
1941 prohibit emigration
cant leave
1942 wannasee confference
come up w/ final solution
Ribbentrop-Molotov PAct
alliance w/ soviet union
septer 1, 1939,
invasion of poland
lightening war
1940 occupy denmark and norway
war with france and england
Eagle attack
1940 air fight for england, daily bombings london etc
Operation Barbarossa
Germany invades the USSR, mobile commandos begin killing soviet leaders, prisoners of war, roma and sinti
December 1941
germany declares war on us
1943 surrender of german troops at stalingrad
Josef Goebbel
reich minister of propaganda
Herman Gorring
president riechstag, military leader, leader of nazis
ernst rohm
SA, killed in night of long knives hitler worried he would replace him
Heinrich Himmler
most directly responisble for holocaust
Hjalmar schact
economics minister, no rule in world war two, imprisoned
Joahcim von Ribbentrp
nazi foreign minister, realtively unsuccesful