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29 Cards in this Set

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what is YGGDRASIl
the great ash tree that connects the 9 worlds. forms scaffold.
what is MJOLLNIR
thor's sword
what was Freysa's necklace
what is Asgard
seat of the Aesir
what is the norse alphabet called
what is the dolmen
prehistoric monument created from 2 stones
what is given as a sign of promise
what is the first charm
novogorod which is an arrow
what does animistic mean
everything in universe is alive
what does pathemistic mean
everythign in universe is devine
what does shamamistic mean
seers can access other worlds
what is valhalla
located in Asgaard home of fallen warriors in norse mythology
kenning and senna
rhetorical devices forms of cirrulocation
what are volva
woman warriors who lead seidrs
what is a skald
ancient germanic community poet/storyteller
what is the norse pantheon
community of the gods
rune stones primary use?
used to memorialize on large stones...GRAVe stones
whats the runic alphabet
what group still believes in the norse religion
first thing that happened in creation of the world..whered it take place
reaction betwn hean dfire of MUSPELL and ice and cold from NIFLHEIm... GINNUGAGAP
whats the name of odins 8 legged horse
what is the Younger Prose Edda
By Snorri Styrlyson used Norse religious stories to illustrate rhetorical poets and writed 1200
what is the elder prose edda
by saemund 1250 CE sung by scalds comprised of 23 lays from before VIKING era
what coudl woman do
refuse marraiges, have economic equality in relationships lacking amale
in balders dreams what occurs
he takes step that dream doesnt come true FREEDA can see into the future
when did hte migration era occur
4th -6th century reached peak in 9th esp. in germany
the future can be_______ but can be ______

which god didnt require human sacrafice
men and woman are created from what
two trees ODIN gave them spirit of life Vili gave them understanding and power Ve gave them cothing