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38 Cards in this Set

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Potsdam Conference
1945 USA, Britain, USSR. De-Nazified, Demilitarized, and De-Mocratized. German Polish border lost to poland.
KPD merged with SPD to form Socialist GDR party. Socialist Unity Party
Nuremberg Trials
1945-46. Held by the allies to prosecute leadership. Goring, Speer
Policy to get rid of Nazi's out of government positions. Much stronger in the East. West integrated in society.
USA, Britain, USSR, France. Reparations went to each power within their zone.
Head of the USSR. Part of the group that
Marshall Plan
1947 Reconstruction plan, designed by Geroge Marshall. Had to sign a document saying i'm not a communist. Truman doctrine country had to be democratic.
European Union
Founded 1957 as the European Economic Community (EEC). Created Treaty of Rome.
Berlin Air-Lift
Dropped food into Berlin. 1948-1949.
Federal Republic of Germany
West Germany. 1949. Konrar Adenauer was the first chancellor. Embraced western philosophies of government and market.
German Democratic Republic
1949 founded in response to the FRG. Eastern culture very socialist but not communist. Walter Ulbricht was first powerful man, he was General Secretary. Satellite of the USSR. Recieved a lot of money from Wester Countries, Like the toll 1 for 1 exchange. Classless society but there were privileged elites. Stasi. Limited travel.
Berlin Wall
1961 wall separating east and West Berlin. Checkpoint Charlie
1970's Spun up by FRG Willy Brandt. Normalization of relations between FRG and GDR.
Konrad Adenauer
First Chancellor of the FRG. “Economic Miracle”.
“Economic Miracle”
1950s Boom period, went from having nothing in post war Germany to a Booming Economy. Helped by Marshall Plan. Went from no jobs to having shortage of people. Rapid Industrial growth.
1955 North Atlantic Treaty Organization. West Germany
Warsaw Pact
1955 Cold war treaty response to the NATO creation. East Germany
Free Democratic Party. West Germany. Sided with the CDU, conservative party.
Willy Brandt
Ostpolitik. Chancellor of FRG 1969. Foreign policy success.
Erich Honecker
Replaced Ulbricht in the 70's...71-89.
Helmut Schmidt
Chancellor when FRG was growing in power. 74-82.
Helmut Kohl
82-98 chancellor. Oversaw Unification. Mentored Merkel.
“The German Question”
How should Germany be constituted, where should it's borders be, what role should they play in Europe, what should they be trusted with?
USSR leader. Introduced Glasnost "coming together" wanted to be transparent in the USSR with the people. Lossen oppressive ties to the satellite states.
“5 per cent rule”
Ensured stability in western germany. If you don't get 5 percent of the vote you don't get to be a party
Capital of Western Germany
After 1961 FRG agreement with Turkey to allow Turks to work in the Country and live there. Became issue after the work was over they were not leaving. Ended in 1973.
Gastapo of GDR. Official Secret police of GDR. Forced to disband in the Unified Germany
Revolution of 1989
Overthrew communist states. Started in Poland. 14 countries spawned out of it.
Iron Curtain
Came from speech of Churchill, to represent the border of East and West Europe.
Checkpoint Charlie
Most infamous checkpoint to cross from East to West Berlin.
Gerhard Schroeder
Chancellor from 98-05. Phase out Nuclear power. Chancellor during 9/11.
Angela Merkel
Current Chancellor. Shut down 22 Nuclear power plants. Most powerful european leader. Grew up in East Germany.
Form of Currency for the European Union.
Paul Celan
Poet. Went to a labor camp. Wrote Death Fugue. Killed Himself
Wolfgang Borchert
Was in the Army. Walked home after the war was over. Didn't get much better. Rats do sleep at nicht.
German citizenship laws
You must have lived there 8 years. Allowed dual citizenship. Compared Blood laws from the past.
“We are one people”
Phrase used after unification, representing one country.