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50 Cards in this Set

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Data derived by the rock record shows that our species has been present for less than __% of Earth's history
As consequence of the tectonic system, ocean crust is:
Always being recycled, and relatively thick and light
The outer portion of the mantle characterized by convection of plastic material is the:
Bedrock exposed locally in the Rockford Area is:
Compared to the continental crust, ocean crust differs in terms of:
Density, Chemistry, thickness, and response to tectonic stresses
Continental Drift was originally rejected because:
No plausible mechanism was offered
Which of the following would have formed last in this area?
A.Glacial Till
B.Glacial outwash
C. Rock River Valley
D. Dolstone Bedrock
C. Rock River Valley
The term used for all the outer realtively rigid portion of the Earth below us is the the:
Which mineral class constitutes both ores and rock formers?
What lies immediately under the Penguin Driving range on Riverside Blvd?
Contaminated groundwater, a superfund site, porous river sands, and carcinogenic chemicals
Sustainability is a goal many pople hope for in the future. In short, what are we trying to achieve?
E. All of the above
Magma rises to the surface because it has____ than surrounding rock.
Lower Density
The landmarks consistantly marking the locations where ocean crust is sinking back into the Earth's interior are____.
What sorts of geologic hazards are concentrated at rifts, trenches, and trasform or strike-slip faults?
Earthquakes, volcanism, and floods
An example of a continent currently being rifted apart is:
mostly solidifies on rock upon cooling
The operation of the Earth's tectonic system is primarily sustained by:
Radioactive decay and heat in the mantle
In what region of the Erth's interior is the magnetic field generated?
Outer Core
What erm describes sinking ocean lithosphere trenches?
Reconstruction of the world before dinosaurs shows a supercontinent known as:
The asthenosphere is:
E. All of teh above
Chunks of rock carries into this area within ice are called:
Bed Load
The outer core is:
When the material that now makes up local dolostones originall was deposited, this area was:
Ashallow sea
Continental crust:
Drifts through the lithosphere
Which of these terms has the strongest scientific support in terms of rigorous testing?
A. Idea
B. Hypothesis
C Guestimate
D. Theory
What function does a water tower provide?
Maintains water pressure
The author of the text suggests that the single greatest environmental concern is:
Most geological hazards are exaplainable as products of the:
Tectonic System
The process of new crust emplacement at rifts adds___ to the edges of tectonic plates:
Ocean crust, basalt, rocks.minerals, and lithosphere
Given the geological records preseved in this area, what can we say happened here during the Mesozoic Era, the time of the dinosaurs?
We really can't say
What part of the earth has the greatest density?
The Core
Which type of local sedimnet was deposited as a result of glactiation?
Which property listed below is likely least diagnostic of a particular mineral?
A. Color
C. Crystal Form
D. Cleavage
E. Optical
Where plates collide, we recognize this as a ___ boundary?
Where would one find the greatst ocean depths?
All silicate minerals contain in their atomic structure _____ or polyatmic ions?
The most common ore minerals on Earth are:
Silicates and carbons?
Some environmental geologists are particularyl concerned with:
Groundwater, meeting our energy needs, exploitation of ore minerals, and geological hazards
The onterconnectedness of Earth systems implies that on the grand scale the Earth can be thought of as _____.
A single System
The book describes average residence time as _____.
The amount of time required for the full stock of a material to cycle trhough a system
If input exceeds output, then the amount or stock of the material in question:
Eath's human population is growing at an:
Exponential Rate
The approximate age of the Earth is:
4.6 Billions Years
All are geological hazards in this list except:
b. Earthquakes
d. landslides
A. Hurricanes
The Earth's core is made primarily of:
Fe (Iron)
The principle of uniformity or actualism states we can understand how rocks formed in teh past bby:
Obersving how modern equivelants form
All minerals are by definition:
What makes till so distinctive compared with other sediments?
Lack of sorting
Development of modern plate tectonics began with the Theory of _____ initially proposed by Alfred Wegener
Continental drift